Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) Assets (275 in total)

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Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), consults a globe at the school of Brienne at the age of 19, taken from 'Nos-Gloires Nationales' c.1920 (engraving)
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), consults a globe at the school of Brienne at the age of 19, taken from 'Nos-Gloires Nationales' c.1920 (engraving)

XEE4159391: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), consults a globe at the school of Brienne at the age of 19, taken from 'Nos-Gloires Nationales' c.1920 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

La Fontaine's fable : The Crow and the Fox (illustration)
La Fontaine's fable : The Crow and the Fox (illustration)

XRH1733430: La Fontaine's fable : The Crow and the Fox (illustration), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

illustration for the tale 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho)
illustration for the tale 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho)

XEE4182347: illustration for the tale 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Napoleon I (1769-1821) on the island of St Helena. Napoleon I on the island of Sainte Helene (Sainte-Helene) from 'Nos-Gloires-Nationales' c.1920 (engraving)
Portrait of Napoleon I (1769-1821) on the island of St Helena. Napoleon I on the island of Sainte Helene (Sainte-Helene) from 'Nos-Gloires-Nationales' c.1920 (engraving)

XEE4159387: Portrait of Napoleon I (1769-1821) on the island of St Helena. Napoleon I on the island of Sainte Helene (Sainte-Helene) from 'Nos-Gloires-Nationales' c.1920 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

First Italian campaign: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) at the Battle of the Bridge of Arcole, November 1796' taken from 'Nos-Gloires-Nationales' c.1920 (engraving)
First Italian campaign: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) at the Battle of the Bridge of Arcole, November 1796' taken from 'Nos-Gloires-Nationales' c.1920 (engraving)

XEE4159395: First Italian campaign: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) at the Battle of the Bridge of Arcole, November 1796' taken from 'Nos-Gloires-Nationales' c.1920 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

The genie appears to Aladdin, 1933 (illustration)
The genie appears to Aladdin, 1933 (illustration)

CCI1950851: The genie appears to Aladdin, 1933 (illustration), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821) returning from exile to Elba, 1920 (drawing)
Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821) returning from exile to Elba, 1920 (drawing)

ELD4862982: Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821) returning from exile to Elba, 1920 (drawing), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

illustration for the tale 'Aladdin or the wonderful lamp' in 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho)
illustration for the tale 'Aladdin or the wonderful lamp' in 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho)

XEE4182335: illustration for the tale 'Aladdin or the wonderful lamp' in 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

First World War: The Defile of Victory on Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris on 14/07/1919: French Navy soldiers admired by the crowd of Parisians - (WWI: victory parade on the Champs Elysees avenue, 14th July 1919, the marines of the French army admired by the Parisians” Illustration of Raymond de la Neziere in “” Nos-gloires- national”” 1920 Collection privee DR
First World War: The Defile of Victory on Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris on 14/07/1919: French Navy soldiers admired by the crowd of Parisians - (WWI: victory parade on the Champs Elysees avenue, 14th July 1919, the marines of the French army admired by the Parisians” Illustration of Raymond de la Neziere in “” Nos-gloires- national”” 1920 Collection privee DR

ELD4859132: First World War: The Defile of Victory on Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris on 14/07/1919: French Navy soldiers admired by the crowd of Parisians - (WWI: victory parade on the Champs Elysees avenue, 14th July 1919, the marines of the French army admired by the Parisians” Illustration of Raymond de la Neziere in “” Nos-gloires- national”” 1920 Collection privee DR, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619338: "Peau d'ane" from the fairy tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

illustration for the tale 'Aladdin or the wonderful lamp' in 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho)
illustration for the tale 'Aladdin or the wonderful lamp' in 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho)

XEE4182337: illustration for the tale 'Aladdin or the wonderful lamp' in 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821) at the Battle of Austerlitz on 2/12/1805 (Portrait of French Emperor Napoleon I at the Battle of Austerlitz, 2nd December 1805) Illustration by Raymond de Neziere in “” Nos-Gloriers-Nationales”” 1920 Private Collection
Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821) at the Battle of Austerlitz on 2/12/1805 (Portrait of French Emperor Napoleon I at the Battle of Austerlitz, 2nd December 1805) Illustration by Raymond de Neziere in “” Nos-Gloriers-Nationales”” 1920 Private Collection

ELD4862870: Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821) at the Battle of Austerlitz on 2/12/1805 (Portrait of French Emperor Napoleon I at the Battle of Austerlitz, 2nd December 1805) Illustration by Raymond de Neziere in “” Nos-Gloriers-Nationales”” 1920 Private Collection, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

illustration for the tale 'Aladdin or the wonderful lamp' in 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho)
illustration for the tale 'Aladdin or the wonderful lamp' in 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho)

XEE4182294: illustration for the tale 'Aladdin or the wonderful lamp' in 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Saint Anthony of Padua takes the child Jesus into his arms, 1932 (engraving)
Saint Anthony of Padua takes the child Jesus into his arms, 1932 (engraving)

DUV4202300: Saint Anthony of Padua takes the child Jesus into his arms, 1932 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Saint Genevieve (423-502 or 512), child., 1932 (engraving)
Saint Genevieve (423-502 or 512), child., 1932 (engraving)

DUV4202334: Saint Genevieve (423-502 or 512), child., 1932 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

The vision of Saint Hubert (656 and 658-727), 1932 (engraving)
The vision of Saint Hubert (656 and 658-727), 1932 (engraving)

DUV4202342: The vision of Saint Hubert (656 and 658-727), 1932 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Letter I: Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), in Alphabet des saints, 1932 (engraving)
Letter I: Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), in Alphabet des saints, 1932 (engraving)

DUV4202345: Letter I: Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), in Alphabet des saints, 1932 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Letter K: Saint Stanislas Kostka (1550-1568), in Alphabet des saints, 1932 (engraving)
Letter K: Saint Stanislas Kostka (1550-1568), in Alphabet des saints, 1932 (engraving)

DUV4202352: Letter K: Saint Stanislas Kostka (1550-1568), in Alphabet des saints, 1932 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Letter V: Saint Veronica Giuliani (1660-1727), in Alphabet des saints, 1932 (engraving)
Letter V: Saint Veronica Giuliani (1660-1727), in Alphabet des saints, 1932 (engraving)

DUV4202411: Letter V: Saint Veronica Giuliani (1660-1727), in Alphabet des saints, 1932 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Letter G: gramophone. Engraving in ' ABC of toys''. , 1931 (engraving)
Letter G: gramophone. Engraving in ' ABC of toys''. , 1931 (engraving)

DUV4208321: Letter G: gramophone. Engraving in ' ABC of toys''. , 1931 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Letter Y: yachts, yole, youyou. Engraving in ' ABC of toys''. , 1931 (engraving)
Letter Y: yachts, yole, youyou. Engraving in ' ABC of toys''. , 1931 (engraving)

DUV4208367: Letter Y: yachts, yole, youyou. Engraving in ' ABC of toys''. , 1931 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

L: Louis and Lucienne give food to their rabbits
L: Louis and Lucienne give food to their rabbits

DUV6345623: L: Louis and Lucienne give food to their rabbits, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

M: Marguerite eats her corn porridge
M: Marguerite eats her corn porridge

DUV6345624: M: Marguerite eats her corn porridge, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Q: Quentin is quarrelling
Q: Quentin is quarrelling

DUV6345630: Q: Quentin is quarrelling, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

V: Veronique gives the bottle to her Victorine doll next to Virginia who pushes her daughter's car Victoire
V: Veronique gives the bottle to her Victorine doll next to Virginia who pushes her daughter's car Victoire

DUV6345638: V: Veronique gives the bottle to her Victorine doll next to Virginia who pushes her daughter's car Victoire, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images


DUV6345318: Coverage, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

E F: Enthusiasm - Foch (general, marechal of France, 1851-1929)
E F: Enthusiasm - Foch (general, marechal of France, 1851-1929)

DUV6345320: E F: Enthusiasm - Foch (general, marechal of France, 1851-1929), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

S T U: Strasbourg - Drum - Uhlans
S T U: Strasbourg - Drum - Uhlans

DUV6345334: S T U: Strasbourg - Drum - Uhlans, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

V W: Winner — Wilhelm
V W: Winner — Wilhelm

DUV6345336: V W: Winner — Wilhelm, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

A: Ane Anon
A: Ane Anon

DUV6345383: A: Ane Anon, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

C D: Duck, Pig, Turkey, Turkey
C D: Duck, Pig, Turkey, Turkey

DUV6345386: C D: Duck, Pig, Turkey, Turkey, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

C: Duck, Pig
C: Duck, Pig

DUV6345388: C: Duck, Pig, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

D: Turkey, Turkey
D: Turkey, Turkey

DUV6345391: D: Turkey, Turkey, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

E: Squirrel, Elephant
E: Squirrel, Elephant

DUV6345395: E: Squirrel, Elephant, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

J: Jaguar
J: Jaguar

DUV6345407: J: Jaguar, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

M: Marabout
M: Marabout

DUV6345416: M: Marabout, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

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