XEE4124192: Zoological chart (ornithology): Brazilian parakeet (red-forehead conure or aratinga canicularis) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124219: Zoological chart (ornithology): The hen and its chicks (domestic hen or gallus gallus). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124236: Zoological chart (ornithology): the thrush commonly called the mauvis (mauvis thrush or turdus iliacus) on a tree strain. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124261: Zoological chart (ornithology). Top: Madagascar schel (chitrec malagasy or terpsiphone mutata). Low year: King of the fly gob (gobemouche or fly gob) of Caienne (Flycatcher crowns or onychorhynchus coronatus). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124240: Zoological chart (ornithology): the wood sparrow or the relief (Hudson sparrow or spizea arborea) and its female (relieved sparrow or petronia petronia). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124327: Zoological chart (ornithology): the male watercress (hawk hawk or falco tinnunculus) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124387: Zoological chart (ornithology): around blond (around goshawks or accipiter gentilis) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124139: Zoological chart (ornithology): The pheasant of India (goura crown or goura cristata). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124180: Zoological chart (ornithology): The peacock (blue peacock or pavo cristatus). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124222: Zoological chart (ornithology): The branched pigeon of Madagascar (Blue Founingo or alectroenas madagascariensis). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124208: Zoological chart (ornithology): Virginia hen or hens without rump (domestic hen iu gallus gallus). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124278: Zoological chart (ornithology): female blackbird (black blackbird or turdus merula). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124287: Zoological chart (ornithology): pink blackbird (reddish starling or sturnus roseus) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124317: Zoological chart (ornithology): the cabbage (cabbage of the towers or corvus monedula) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124322: Zoological chart (ornithology): grey grieche (grey shrike or lanius excubitor) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124334: Zoological chart (ornithology): female cress of the Caribbean islands (American crecerella or falco sparverius) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124336: Zoological chart (ornithology): the falcon comes out or falcon out (pelerine falcon or falco peregrinus) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124364: Zoological chart (ornithology): the small Asian eagle (sacre or haliastur indus) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124365: Zoological chart (ornithology): the large vulture (monk vulture or aegipius monachus) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124369: Zoological board (ornithology): front: small bustard or small male cane and back: female small cane (canepetiere bustard or tetrax tetrax). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124377: Zoological chart (ornithology): caienne agami (trumpet agami or psophia crepitans). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124404: Zoological chart (ornithology): the large plover or crow (oedicneme criard (Burhinus oedicnemus). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124444: Zoological chart (ornithology): nigritie's courly (ibis falcinelle or plegadis falcinellus). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124471: Zoological chart (ornithology): the male millouin (scaup or Aythia ferina). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124473: Zoological chart (ornithology): tadorne (tadorne de belon or tadorna tadorna). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124475: Zoological chart (ornithology): java teal (grey teal or anas gibberifrons). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124478: Zoological chart (ornithology): the morillon (Scaup morillon or Aythia fuligula). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124503: Zoological chart (ornithology): from top to bottom: the blackhead hawk and its female (Sylvia atricapilla) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124504: Zoological chart (ornithology): the male cormorant (Great cormorant or phalacrocorax carbo). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images