XEE4124317: Zoological chart (ornithology): the cabbage (cabbage of the towers or corvus monedula) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124334: Zoological chart (ornithology): female cress of the Caribbean islands (American crecerella or falco sparverius) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124364: Zoological chart (ornithology): the small Asian eagle (sacre or haliastur indus) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124369: Zoological board (ornithology): front: small bustard or small male cane and back: female small cane (canepetiere bustard or tetrax tetrax). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124278: Zoological chart (ornithology): female blackbird (black blackbird or turdus merula). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124322: Zoological chart (ornithology): grey grieche (grey shrike or lanius excubitor) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124336: Zoological chart (ornithology): the falcon comes out or falcon out (pelerine falcon or falco peregrinus) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124365: Zoological chart (ornithology): the large vulture (monk vulture or aegipius monachus) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124169: Zoological chart (ornithology): The hocco or stone (Hocco a stone or pauxi pauxi). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124260: Zoological chart (ornithology): the bergeronnette itself and the spring bergeronnette (spring bergeronnette or motacilla flava) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124274: Zoological chart (ornithology): the starling or sansonet (starling or sturnus vulgaris) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124370: Zoological chart (ornithology): marouette (spot marouette or porzana porzana). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124382: Zoological chart (ornithology): Albatros (howler albatros or diomedea exulans). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124383: Zoological chart (ornithology): from top to bottom: the marsh lark (pipit rousseline or anthus campestris) and the cujelier (pipit farlouse or anthus pratensis) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124395: Zoological chart (ornithology): The male grey bergeronnet (Motacilla alba) on a branch and the female spring shepherd (Motacilla flava). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124405: Zoological board (ornithology): the nutcracker (fly nut or nucifraga caryocatacts) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124421: Zoological chart (ornithology): Caienne's rale (stain rale or pardirallus maculatus). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124432: Zoological chart (ornithology): the grey maubeche (purple beak or calidris maritima). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124450: Zoological chart (ornithology): male and female heron (heron ash or ardea cinerea). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124489: Zoological board (ornithology): the double scoter (brown scoter or melanitta fusca). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124149: Zoological chart (ornithology): Female gelinotte (wood gelinotte or bonasia bonasia). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124196: Zoological chart (ornithology): The nonan or capuchone pigeon (dwarf pigeon or columba livia). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124225: Zoological chart (ornithology): From top to bottom: serin du Roussillon (serin Cini or serinus serinus) on a branch, the serin de provence (venturon montagnard or serinus citrinella) and other serin de provence. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124265: Zoological chart (ornithology): the shoreline swallow of the fez kingdom (Riparia riparia) on a branch and the African swallow (rustic swallow or Hirundo rustica). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124285: Zoological chart (ornithology): the starling of lousiana (pretsturnella or sturnella magna) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124335: Zoological chart (ornithology): the hobreau (hawk hawk or falco subbuteo) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images