XEE4124130: Zoological chart (ornithology): The cuckoo of Mindanao (koel cuckoo or Eudynamys scolopacea) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124160: Zoological chart (ornithology): Male quail (ble quail or coturnix coturnix). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124185: Zoological chart (ornithology): from top to bottom: Sparrow and female of the sparrow of France (domestic sparrow or pass domesticus). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124227: Zoological chart (ornithology): The necked dove (pink and grey dove or streptopelia roseogrisea). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124367: Zoological chart (ornithology): the king of vultures (sarcoramph king or sarcoramphus papa). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124428: Zoological board (ornithology): knight varies (fighter varies or philomachus pugnax). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124459: Zoological board (ornithology): jacana or surgeon (jacana noir or jacana jacaa). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124515: Zoological chart (ornithology): Icelandic gerfault (gerfaut falcon or falco rusticolus). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124525: Zoological board (ornithology): the barge itself (black-tailed barge or limosa limosa). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124122: Zoological chart (ornithology): from top to bottom: The chardonneret (chardonneret elegant or carduelis carduelis) and the chardonneret of China (Tarin sad or carduelis tristis) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124136: Zoological chart (ornithology): The pheasant has a Chinese steel hupe and its female (silver pheasant or Lophura nycthemera) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124171: Zoological chart (ornithology): Tarin (alder tarin or carduelis spinus). Top left: male, right: female. Bottom: another variety. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124119: Zoological chart (ornithology): from bottom to top: male and female bouvreil (peony bouvreil or pyrrhula pyrrrhula) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124123: Zoological chart (ornithology): Calao de Malabar (Anthracoceros coronatus) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124133: Zoological chart (ornithology): The rooster (domestic rooster or gallus gallus). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124144: Zoological chart (ornithology): The pheasant of China and its female (golden pheasant and chrysolophus) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124150: Zoological chart (ornithology): Hoazin (hoazin huppe or opisthocomus hoazin). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124170: Zoological chart (ornithology): The peacock (blue peacock or pavo cristatus). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124215: Zoological chart (ornithology): The chicken (domestic hen or gallus gallus) and its egg. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124223: Zoological chart (ornithology): from top to bottom: The male torcol and its female (Torcol Fourmilier or Jynx torquilla). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124249: Zoological chart (ornithology). From top to bottom: roitelet (triple bandage or regulus ignicapilla), troglodyte (cute troglodyte or troglodyte) and roitelet of hottentots (ruby crown) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124250: Zoological chart (ornithology): fig trees. From bottom to top: the hoopoe (california gobemoucheron or polioptila california), the orange of the guian (orangee warbler or protonotaria citrea) and the black head of Caienne (tropical gobemoucheron or polioptila plumea) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124271: Zoological chart (ornithology): the duke or grand duke (grand duke or bubo bubo) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124457: Zoological chart (ornithology): American spatula (pink spatula or platalea ajaja). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124158: Zoological chart (ornithology): La gelinotte de France male (gelinotte des bois or bonasia bonasia). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124186: Zoological chart (ornithology): The gray partridge of France, male (gray partridge or partridge). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124192: Zoological chart (ornithology): Brazilian parakeet (red-forehead conure or aratinga canicularis) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124261: Zoological chart (ornithology). Top: Madagascar schel (chitrec malagasy or terpsiphone mutata). Low year: King of the fly gob (gobemouche or fly gob) of Caienne (Flycatcher crowns or onychorhynchus coronatus). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4124425: Zoological chart (ornithology): the beak or cul-blanc (white butt, culblanc knight or Tringa ochropus). Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection., Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800) / Bridgeman Images