Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800)

Creator details

Martinet, Francois Nicolas (1731-1800)

Assets (236 in total)

Parrot, from 'Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux' by Georges de Buffon (1707-88) published 1777 (coloured engraving)
Zoological chart (ornithology): from bottom to top: The serin hupe (serin des canaries or serinus canaria) and the serin des canaries on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection.
Cockerel, from 'Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux' by Georges de Buffon (1707-88) published 1777 (coloured engraving)
Zoological chart (ornithology): Dominican Cardinal Hupe (parare huppe or paroaria coronata) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection.
Pair of siskins, from 'Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux' by Georges de Buffon (1707-88) published 1777 (coloured engraving)
The Flying Machine of Jean Pierre Blanchard (1753-1809) (coloured engraving)
Zoological chart (ornithology): Aracaris, vulgly toucan (green aracari or pteroglossus viridis)
Scops Owl, from 'Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux' by Georges de Buffon (1707-88) published 1777 (coloured engraving)
Zoological chart (ornithology): from bottom to top: The pinch and its female (tree pinson or fringilla coelebs) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection.
Zoological chart (ornithology): Perou jay (green jay or cyanocorax yncas) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection.
Zoological chart (ornithology): the male French loriot (European loriot or oriolus oriolus) on a branch. Illustration in “The History of the Birds, Painted in Their Appearing and Sensitive Aspects” by Francois Nicolas Martinet (1731-1800). Private collection.
Zoological chart (ornithology): Bottom: the redhead grieche or grieche a redhead head (lanius senator) and its female (grieche ecorcheur or lanius collurio) on the upper branch

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