Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) Assets (2921 in total)
A person's life stretches ahead, like an empty street, ready for God's glorious buildings to arise (if a person does not erect fences, or hold private ambitions), 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
The souls of Purgatory keep themselves at a distance from God, for the moment, because of their shame and sorrow, 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
At the Ascension Christ, our brother, returned to the Father in triumph and opened a pathway to Heaven for us, 2001 (oil on board), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
A single prayer of true contrition pierces the heart of God (like a blade). The 'sweet wine' of God's peace and forgiveness pours out, 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
To allow oneself to be led by Christ, by His Spirit, is to be like a dancer who trusts her partner to guide her every move, 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
No evil force can undo what Christ does by His offering of His Holy Sacrifice. One who clings to the cross has hope, 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Wonderful things can happen in the life of grace, no matter how restricted our life. Every trial, if accepted, gives glory to God, 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
God guards the soul. He guards worthily the soul which receives Christ in Holy Communion. Holy Angels stand beside us, in reverent silence, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
God gives clear 'sight', sometimes, in contemplation; while one who sees only from beneath the water of earthly life has only the 'sight' of faith, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
The glorious virtues of the Most Holy Spirit pour upon and through the person who invites Him to do His work within, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
This was the reason for Christ's parting from friends at His Last Supper, for His torment and His dying - the reason was sin, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
To offer Christ's Sacrifice to the Father is like offering a treasure box, which is made more beautiful by the 'diamonds' on it, which are our repented and forgiven sins, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
We can try to act towards Christ as this priest acted towards His bishop: alert, and willing at all times to be of service, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
In the spiritual life, all who cease climbing, and choose to stay where they are, still have to complete the climb after death, if they would enter Heaven, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
After the 'doorway' of our death, Christ invites the one who loves Him to step out, and cross the abyss, confident of being carried, 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
With faith and longing we can open the 'door' of the soul from inside and allow God's light to shine within us, 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
The souls of Purgatory keep themselves at a distance from God, for the moment, because of their shame and sorrow, 2001 (oil on board), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
A malevolent wind sweeps over the earth. But by our trust in Christ we can resist it, 2001 (oil on board), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Our life should be offered to God, entirely, wholeheartedly; for His service and glory. This is what Christ did on earth, 2001 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
When we honour God and His Saints, at a shrine hallowed by the Church or relics or martyrdom or custom, the Saints 'jostle' for the joy of helping us, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Contrition is the 'key' by which our soul is unfailingly made 'open' to receive God's graces, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Christ is with His Church, during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, praying on our behalf, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Christ asks how many of us on this earth below truly love the Persons of the Holy Trinity, 2002 (oil on board), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
By the smallest evil thought or act, we might 'tilt the whole ground', causing others to fall into the darkness, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Whenever Mass is clebrated in our country, it's as if Calvary appears at the heart of England, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Christ speaks and acts through His priests, who bless and forgive 'in persona Christi capitis', 'in the person of Christ the Head', 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Those who stay closest to the suffering Christ - then and now - by patiently bearing sufferings, are His greatest friends, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
The amazing love of God for the soul is described in the Song of Songs: "His left hand under her head, he embraced her...", 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Just as Christ bore suffering as punishment for others, so it is with us, who can help other souls by our patient acceptance of suffering, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
On the feast of the Visitation, Christ appeared, wearing a golden chasuble in honour of His Holy Mother Mary, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Just as, for an earthly party, we have guests, music and light, so Heavenly guests attend the 'party' which is our novena and benediction!, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
The Holy Trinity, One God, three Persons, lives within the soul of the Christian in dazzling splendour, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
All who pray sincere prayers, during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, are praying through Christ, and with the Saints of Heaven, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Christ and Our Lady are always eager to help us. Their assistance is tender, personal and unceasing, all the way to Heaven, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
We can offer, to the Father, Christ's perfect prayer. Christ is the Word which is powerful enough to cross the abyss, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
We have a choice: to climb the mountain of holiness before we die, and go through the 'curtain' at death straight to Heaven, by God's grace, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images