Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) Assets (2921 in total)
The soul full of God's grace was represented by a soft-sloping beach, washed by the warm sea, 2004 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Unjust rulers are those who fail to protect the weak, pass unjust laws, tolerate corruption, refuse to give up luxuries whilst their people starve, and stop legitimate protests., 2004 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
A person who is trapped in immorality, to satisfy his appetites, is like a man living deep in the earth, in a small cellar with a trap-door, 2004 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Truly, God has revealed what He is 'like': so loving and humble that He was willing to let His creatures mock and kill Him, rather than abandon His mission to save us from sin, 2004 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images