Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) Assets (2921 in total)
By representations, in our sanctuaries, of Heavenly realities, people find it easier to pray: hearts and minds are raised to God, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
God holds in existence all things, and all people, including those who question His existence, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
In private prayer we can arise in spirit to be united with the Communion of Saints in Heaven in praise of the Father, through Christ, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
God's inner life of self-giving is mirrored by those who love Him, and who themselves reach out in love to others, 2003 (oil on board), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
A person who refuses to forgive is like someone who piles up furniture against the 'door' of his own soul. God's light can not come in. That man makes a tomb of his own soul, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
The Pope is so important that even if a large group of Bishops were to break away from him they would not undermine the essential unity of the Church or her teaching office, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
As a ship on the ocean is surrounded by water, so are we entirely surrounded and held up by God's love - whether or not we are praying, and whether or not we experience His presence, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
As a ship on the ocean is surrounded by water, so are we entirely surrounded and held up by God's love - whether or not we are praying, and whether or not we experience His presence, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Just as a child has to learn table manners and concern for others, by instruction as well as example, so a Christian needs to be taught how to pray and genuflect, and to show reverence to God, in His house of prayer, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
We fail in our duty if we never warn others of the consequences of serious sin and irreverence, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
As we travel towards Heaven, Christ is like a signal-man whom we rely on to send our messages to those waiting to meet us at our destination, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Christ sees our behaviour in church - some bad behaviour due to ignorance, some due to carelessness or lack of love for Him, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Only through Christ can we face the overwhelming purity and power of the Godhead, 2002 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Satan can use our careless or selfish thoughts to pull us down into sin and darkness, as when an enemy catches hold of someone's flapping garments, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
The Two Holy Hearts: I was shown the sinless Christ, and His Immaculate Mother, in the Radiant Light of Heaven, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
God the Father looks down in love and admiration as Christ willingly suffered to fulfill His plan to save sinners, 2003 (oil on board), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Someone who adores Christ in the Mass and longs to do His work can remain in spirit beside the Cross all day, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Life in Christ is like a constantly moving process of loving guidance from the Three Divine Persons. This draws willing souls up high, to greater sanctity. , 2003 (oil on board), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Someone who does not open his heart as he prays with another person is like a man who only glances through His doorway but does not get up to greet other people, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
At the Easter Mass, I said that I wished I had known her better. Then Our Lady was beside me, greeting me, delighting in my joy, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
As Mary travelled to Bethlehem, she was like the Son she would bear, resembling Him in humility, love, trust and obedience, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Christ offers comfort to everyone; but if we refuse to draw close to Him we cannot receive his help, 2004 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
If we refuse to follow the teachings of Christ and His Church, and lead immoral lives, we are like people who ignore a 'danger' sign and walk across a road where there is severe subsidence, 2004 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
People in television programmes are pictured 'before' and 'after', as they learn social skills, 2004 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
God is like a permanent Presence above us, reaching out all over the Earth, to touch, help, heal, calm, teach and console, 2004 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Christ loves to be with us in Holy Communion, but so few of us greet Him, love Him, or offer to serve Him, 2004 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
We should never doubt the love of Christ. He forgives all our sins and failings if we turn to him with trust and contrition., 2004 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
The angels 'guard' the Lord, Who is present in the Tabernacle in the Blessed Sacrament, 2004 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Whenever we pray in the name of Jesus, even in darkness or loneliness, we share in the life of the whole company of Heaven, 2004 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Sincere praise, offered through Jesus, in the Spirit, to the Father of light, flies swiftly to the 'heart' of Heaven, as when an arrow pierces a cloud, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Someone who refuses to repent of wrong, refuses to show contrition, or refuses to make reparation to those whom he has wronged, is in a dangerous place as if on the sloping side of the crater of a volcano, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Christ our risen Lord was Present above the altar, as if ascending from the tomb, His hands uplifted to the Father, interceding for us who believe in Him, our High Priest., 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Those who cannot be bothered to go to Mass are guilty of more than just laziness, in God's sight, 2004 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Just as it is pointless installing sewage pipes if an open sewer is allowed to remain nearby, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images
Souls are powerfully helped by the prayers we offer with and through Christ at Mass. It's as if needy souls are 'carried' by the prayer of the Church, away from danger and distress, 2003 (w/c on paper), Wang, Elizabeth (1942-2016) / Bridgeman Images