Amelia Earhart arriving in Washington to receive medal from President Hoover, 1932 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
U.S. President Calvin Coolidge and First Lady Grace Coolidge viewing Solar Eclipse from White House Lawn, Washington DC, 1925 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt at Jackson Day Dinner. Mayflower Hotel, Jan. 8, 1938. James Farley, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, is at left. Secret Service Agents Thomas Qualters is at right, Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Federal workers in the patent office file room, where patents are kept on file for public use. Feb. 29, 1940, Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Eugene Debs leaving the White House after meeting Republican President Warren G. Harding, who commuted Debs' Espionage Act of 1917 sentence to time served. December 26, 1921, Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Secretary of War George H. Dern and Charles Lindbergh, Portrait, Washington DC, USA, 1934 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Secretary of War receives autographed balls and bats from Babe Ruth for citizens military training camps, 1929, Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Schoolboy Patrols Marching with American Flags during Annual Safety Parade, Constitution Avenue, Washington DC, USA, May 1938 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images