Titanic Disaster, 1912: Portrait of Frederick Fleet, who was the first to see the iceberg on the night of the sinking. Photography, Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
John Pierpont Morgan with his son and daughter attending the Money Trust Investigation (sepia photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
President Calvin Coolidge Andrew Mellon and Herbert Hoover in 1928. Herbert Hoover was elected President in Nov. 1928 and Mellon served as Hoover's Treasury Secretary until Feb. 1932, Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Nellie Tayloe Ross and Edward Bruce inspect designs for new Jefferson nickel, 1938 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Joseph Kennedy, Chairman of U.S. Maritime Commission, before Congressional Committee, Washington DC, 1937 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Four Marching Boy Scouts during National Jamboree with Washington Memorial in Background, Washington DC, USA, 1937 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Harry S. Truman, U.S. Senator from Missouri, Portrait at Desk, Washington DC, USA, 1935 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
FDR Presidency. US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivering his first inaugural address, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1933, Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) 28th american president from 1913 to 1921, here at Paris peace conference in february 1919, Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Huey P. Long, U.S. Senator from Louisiana, Portrait at Microphone, Washington DC, USA, 1935 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt Visiting Children's Hospital, Washington DC, USA, January 1939 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images