EVB3085124: Senator Harry Truman in 1934 or 1935. The Wheeler-Truman Transportation Act of 1940, was the Missouri Senator's only legislative achievement in his first term. - (BSLOC_2014_15_6): Senator Harry Truman in 1934 or 1935. The Wheeler-Truman Transportation Act of 1940, was the Missouri Senator's only legislative achievement in his first term. - (BSLOC_2014_15_6), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
EVB2937042: J. Edgar Hoover (1895-1972), as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1940. Under his leadership the FBI was established and over the next 32 years, he would hold the post, becoming so powerful that Presidents Kennedy and Johnson dared not fire him, Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images