Amelia Earhart arrives with Eleanor Roosevelt to address the members of the National Geographic Society, 1935 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Edwin H. Dressel and Nellie Tayloe Ross discuss the United States gold reserve, 1937 (b/w photo) , Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Congressman Robert L. Mouton practicing his Hog Calling on Washington Capitol Steps, 1937 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Leo A. Dawson, testifying before the Dies Un-American Committee about communism in the Federal Theatre Project, 1938 (b/w photograph), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
President Calvin Coolidge and his Wife, Grace, Exiting Automobile, Washington DC, USA, April 1927 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Amelia Earhart, Center, Portrait Shaking Hands with Man in front of Airplane, 1932 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Blind World War I Veteran Selling Newspapers on Sidewalk, Washington DC, USA, 1933 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, Portrait in Car after Easter Service, Washington DC, USA, 1935 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt Inaugurating New Series of Radio Talks, Washington DC, USA, April 30, 1940 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
Inauguration Parade for U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC, USA, March 5, 1917 (b/w photo), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images