Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) Assets (188 in total)
The Toilet of the Child - The Normal Life & Health by J. Rengade. Drawing by A. Demarle 1881, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images
Les beats du coeur (Vie normale & la vie normale de J. Rengade) - Control du coeur par un sphygmographer a transmission. Drawing A. Demarle 1881, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images
First steps of the child (J. Rengade's normal life & health) - Strength development. Drawing A. Demarle 1881, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images
Mushrooms Basidiospores: Natural Creation and Living Beings (De Jules Rengade). Drawing by A. Demarle. 1885, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images
Evolution of animals has metamorphoses: Fig I the Tenia Fig II the bombyx of the murier Fig III The frog. Natural Creation and Living Beings (by Jules Rengade). Drawing by A. Demarle. 1885, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images
Compared embryos of 4 vertebrae 5 living beings): From left to right: pig, hen, rabbit, man. Drawing A. Demarle. 1885, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images