ELD4946729: Installation of heating, running water and lighting in Parisian apartments: A lamp with moderator, B candelabre with candles, C suspension with gas D lamp, F wood fire heating, G fireplace with coke grill, H American stove, I kitchen stove J float water tank with coal filter K tap sink L fontaine a cuisine (Different types of heating system, running water and modern lighting in Parisian apartments) Engraving from “The Needs of Life” by Rengade 1887 Private collection, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4946845: Different types of pears: A duchesse d'angouleme B Louise Bonne d'avranches C dean of Merode D josephine de Mechelines E Bachelier F bon chretien d'hiver G Epargne (different kinds of pears in a fruit garden) Engraving from “The needs of life” by Rengade, 1887 Private collection, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4946902: A butcher's shop, the butcher and the various pieces of meat, 1 half-muef and its pieces: A panty B Slice with small bone C piece round D gite with walnut E tail tail F Aloyau and fillet G Vertebral column H sides covered and flat sides I Flank J Chest K paleron L necklace M front gite 2 Leg 3 Sheep Shoulder (The butcher and the various pieces of beef and mutton) Engraving from “The Needs of Life” by Rengade, 1887 Private collection, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4947032: Cheesemeerie traditionnelle francaise: A cantal B gruyere C motte de beurre D fromage de hollande E roquefort F brie G chester H fromage de gex I neufchatel J maroiles K mont-d'or L camembert N eggs (French traditional cheese shop) Engraving from “Les besoins de la vie” by Rengade, 1887 Collection privee, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4948223: Representation of the attitude of a hysteric woman at the cataleptic period and attitude of crucifixion (woman with hysteria crisis during cataleptic period and attitude of crucifixion) Engraving from “” La nature et l'homme””” by Rengade 1881 Private collection, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4950793: View of the mascaret of the Seine to Caudebec-en-Caux (Caudebec en Caux) in the Seine Maritime, Normandie (the Tidal bore of Seine river a Caudebec en Caux, Normandy) Engraving from “” La nature et l'homme”” by Rengade 1881 Private collection, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images