ELD4947199: Zoological chart; gasteropods molluscs, lungs (cyclostoma, helice of gardens and sorrow, red slug, grey slug, limnee, planorb, paludine...) (Zoological plate: gastropod molluscs such as Slug, cyclostoma, planorb, limnea) Engraving from “” L'homme et la nature”” by Rengade, 1887 Collection privee Â, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4946999: Crustaceans and molluscs; (a) Lobster b lobster c salicoque e shrimp F crayfish G snails h pelerine oysters and scallops i vineyards j hulls or clams k marine mussels l white canal oysters M marennes oysters o oysters horse foot p Portuguese oysters q ostend oysters (Crustaceaceaceaceacea Engraving from “” Les Needs of Life”” by Rengade, 1887 Collection privee, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4950887: Prehistory: the Cro-Magnon rock shelter at Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil in the vezere valley famed for its prehistoric cave systems, containing numerous cave paintings and hominid remains) Engraving from “La nature et l'homme” Rengade 1881 Private collection, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images