ELD4946563: The needs of life (emotional, nutritious, social, physical, intellectual and philosophical) to the different ages of the evolution of man and woman, representing from birth to death, through childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age) (Road of life of man and woman, and different needs (emotional, physical, intellectual, social , philosophical and nutritional) from birth to death) Engraving from The Needs of Life” by Rengade 1887 Collection privee, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4946861: Different types of apples: A reinette du canada B reinette franche C bellefleur rouge D calville rouge E calville blanc (different kinds of apples in a fruit garden) Engraving from “Les besoins de la vie” by Rengade, 1887 Collection privee, Demarle, Alphonse (1826-1896) / Bridgeman Images