Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) Assets (259 in total)

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La Charge (1870), number 17, Satirique en Colours, 1870_8_6: Actuality - Republican, Germany Prussia, Game, Helmet with a tip, Physical handicap - Guillaume I - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909)
La Charge (1870), number 17, Satirique en Colours, 1870_8_6: Actuality - Republican, Germany Prussia, Game, Helmet with a tip, Physical handicap - Guillaume I - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909)

ICA4853312: La Charge (1870), number 17, Satirique en Colours, 1870_8_6: Actuality - Republican, Germany Prussia, Game, Helmet with a tip, Physical handicap - Guillaume I - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

La Charge (1870), number 15, Satirique en Couleurs, 1870_7_23: Malbroug s'en va-t-en guerre (engraving)
La Charge (1870), number 15, Satirique en Couleurs, 1870_7_23: Malbroug s'en va-t-en guerre (engraving)

ICA4853256: La Charge (1870), number 15, Satirique en Couleurs, 1870_7_23: Malbroug s'en va-t-en guerre (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1873-1-18 - D'Audiffret-Pasquier Gaston (1823-1905)
Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1873-1-18 - D'Audiffret-Pasquier Gaston (1823-1905)

ICA4871212: Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1873-1-18 - D'Audiffret-Pasquier Gaston (1823-1905), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1872-11-29 - Brittany - By Kerdrel Audren Vincent (1815-1899), Depute - Shadow/light
Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1872-11-29 - Brittany - By Kerdrel Audren Vincent (1815-1899), Depute - Shadow/light

ICA4871735: Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1872-11-29 - Brittany - By Kerdrel Audren Vincent (1815-1899), Depute - Shadow/light, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

the Cover of Le Grelot, no 43, 1872-2-4 - Commune de Paris/Guerre/Siege, Germany Prussia, Impots, Siege de Paris - Bismarck
the Cover of Le Grelot, no 43, 1872-2-4 - Commune de Paris/Guerre/Siege, Germany Prussia, Impots, Siege de Paris - Bismarck

ICA4873844: the Cover of Le Grelot, no 43, 1872-2-4 - Commune de Paris/Guerre/Siege, Germany Prussia, Impots, Siege de Paris - Bismarck, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

President of the centre-left - Laboulaye Edouard in Le Charivari, 1875 (engraving)
President of the centre-left - Laboulaye Edouard in Le Charivari, 1875 (engraving)

ICA4944802: President of the centre-left - Laboulaye Edouard in Le Charivari, 1875 (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

caricature of M Halanzier in Le Charivari, 1875 (engraving)
caricature of M Halanzier in Le Charivari, 1875 (engraving)

ICA4944825: caricature of M Halanzier in Le Charivari, 1875 (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Louis Blanc in Le Charivari, 1874 (engraving)
Louis Blanc in Le Charivari, 1874 (engraving)

ICA4945215: Louis Blanc in Le Charivari, 1874 (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Charles Garnier in Le Charivari, 1874 (engraving)
Charles Garnier in Le Charivari, 1874 (engraving)

ICA4945264: Charles Garnier in Le Charivari, 1874 (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “Le Grelot”, number 64, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_6_30: Head of nails - Republican, Draftsmen, President of the Republique, Self-portrait - Veuillot Louis (1813-1883), Le Pepetit Alfred, Hugo Victor, Napoleon III  (engraving)
Cover of “Le Grelot”, number 64, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_6_30: Head of nails - Republican, Draftsmen, President of the Republique, Self-portrait - Veuillot Louis (1813-1883), Le Pepetit Alfred, Hugo Victor, Napoleon III  (engraving)

ICA4918692: Cover of “Le Grelot”, number 64, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_6_30: Head of nails - Republican, Draftsmen, President of the Republique, Self-portrait - Veuillot Louis (1813-1883), Le Pepetit Alfred, Hugo Victor, Napoleon III (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 167, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_6_21: Today Sunday!... - Couple - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909)
Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 167, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_6_21: Today Sunday!... - Couple - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909)

ICA4918798: Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 167, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_6_21: Today Sunday!... - Couple - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Reformes en France. Reforms in France.
Reformes en France. Reforms in France.

CCI5675078: Reformes en France. Reforms in France., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

The moral of the Jesuites “Courage! My son, on top there are little boys, but gendarmes!” , May 1883 (engraving)
The moral of the Jesuites “Courage! My son, on top there are little boys, but gendarmes!” , May 1883 (engraving)

LSE4088235: The moral of the Jesuites “Courage! My son, on top there are little boys, but gendarmes!” , May 1883 (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

La vérité sur l'affaire Coco (Gambetta et ses 'poules') - Gambetta - par Alfred Le Petit, in 'Le Grelot' du 17/12/1882
La vérité sur l'affaire Coco (Gambetta et ses 'poules') - Gambetta - par Alfred Le Petit, in 'Le Grelot' du 17/12/1882

LSE4106586: La vérité sur l'affaire Coco (Gambetta et ses 'poules') - Gambetta - par Alfred Le Petit, in 'Le Grelot' du 17/12/1882, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Le Soleil (sunflower): caricature on Gambetta (1838 - 1882) - ill. from 12/01/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”
Le Soleil (sunflower): caricature on Gambetta (1838 - 1882) - ill. from 12/01/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”

XEE4410029: Le Soleil (sunflower): caricature on Gambetta (1838 - 1882) - ill. from 12/01/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Le Cactus Spineux: Cartoon on Louis Charles Delescluze (1809 - 1871) - ill. from 16/01/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”
Le Cactus Spineux: Cartoon on Louis Charles Delescluze (1809 - 1871) - ill. from 16/01/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”

XEE4410039: Le Cactus Spineux: Cartoon on Louis Charles Delescluze (1809 - 1871) - ill. from 16/01/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Le Myosotis: caricature about Clément Thomas - ill. from 03/02/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day'
Le Myosotis: caricature about Clément Thomas - ill. from 03/02/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day'

XEE4410057: Le Myosotis: caricature about Clément Thomas - ill. from 03/02/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day', Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Le Raisin: Cartoon on Henri Rochefort - ill. from 09/02/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day'
Le Raisin: Cartoon on Henri Rochefort - ill. from 09/02/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day'

XEE4410060: Le Raisin: Cartoon on Henri Rochefort - ill. from 09/02/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day', Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Le Bean rouge: caricature by Victor Schoelcher represents in the train of Peter a bean (fart) - ill. of 16/02/1871 by Alfred Le Petité, in “” Fleurs, Fruits et Vegetables du Jour””.
Le Bean rouge: caricature by Victor Schoelcher represents in the train of Peter a bean (fart) - ill. of 16/02/1871 by Alfred Le Petité, in “” Fleurs, Fruits et Vegetables du Jour””.

XEE4410062: Le Bean rouge: caricature by Victor Schoelcher represents in the train of Peter a bean (fart) - ill. of 16/02/1871 by Alfred Le Petité, in “” Fleurs, Fruits et Vegetables du Jour””., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

La Pomme: caricature on Pouyer Quertier (Pouyer-Quertier) - ill. from 28/02/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”
La Pomme: caricature on Pouyer Quertier (Pouyer-Quertier) - ill. from 28/02/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”

XEE4410073: La Pomme: caricature on Pouyer Quertier (Pouyer-Quertier) - ill. from 28/02/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

The Ivy: Cartoon on Jules Armand (Jules-Armand) Dufaure (1798-1881) in ivy surrounding a roll of paper with “Charter of 1830' written on it and a seal with the head of King Louis Philippe 1st. - ill. of 04/03/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day'
The Ivy: Cartoon on Jules Armand (Jules-Armand) Dufaure (1798-1881) in ivy surrounding a roll of paper with “Charter of 1830' written on it and a seal with the head of King Louis Philippe 1st. - ill. of 04/03/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day'

XEE4410075: The Ivy: Cartoon on Jules Armand (Jules-Armand) Dufaure (1798-1881) in ivy surrounding a roll of paper with “Charter of 1830' written on it and a seal with the head of King Louis Philippe 1st. - ill. of 04/03/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day', Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

L'Eglantine: cartoon on Victor Hugo - ill. from 22/03/1871, in “Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”
L'Eglantine: cartoon on Victor Hugo - ill. from 22/03/1871, in “Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”

XEE4410088: L'Eglantine: cartoon on Victor Hugo - ill. from 22/03/1871, in “Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Rebus, to the readers of L'Eclipse to guess the meaning. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Alfred Le petit, July 16, 1871, Paris.
Rebus, to the readers of L'Eclipse to guess the meaning. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Alfred Le petit, July 16, 1871, Paris.

LSE4319049: Rebus, to the readers of L'Eclipse to guess the meaning. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Alfred Le petit, July 16, 1871, Paris., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

General Antoine Alfred Chanzy (1823-1883), General of the French Armee. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, August 13, 1871, Paris.
General Antoine Alfred Chanzy (1823-1883), General of the French Armee. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, August 13, 1871, Paris.

LSE4319060: General Antoine Alfred Chanzy (1823-1883), General of the French Armee. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, August 13, 1871, Paris., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

The tip of the ear and the tip of the tail, between Adolphe Thiers in fox - Republique and Philippe d'Orleans in Hare-monarchy. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, September 17, 1871, Paris.
The tip of the ear and the tip of the tail, between Adolphe Thiers in fox - Republique and Philippe d'Orleans in Hare-monarchy. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, September 17, 1871, Paris.

LSE4319100: The tip of the ear and the tip of the tail, between Adolphe Thiers in fox - Republique and Philippe d'Orleans in Hare-monarchy. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, September 17, 1871, Paris., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 151, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_3_1: Tartuffe. They're throwing the stone at me and they're all doing like me! - Anticlericalism - Clerical hypocrisy - Cures - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909)
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 151, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_3_1: Tartuffe. They're throwing the stone at me and they're all doing like me! - Anticlericalism - Clerical hypocrisy - Cures - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909)

ICA4923470: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 151, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_3_1: Tartuffe. They're throwing the stone at me and they're all doing like me! - Anticlericalism - Clerical hypocrisy - Cures - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 189, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_11_22: Deux Robert-Macaire - Republicain - Robert-Macaire, Bonapartiste - Illustration by Alfred Le Petite (1841-1909)
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 189, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_11_22: Deux Robert-Macaire - Republicain - Robert-Macaire, Bonapartiste - Illustration by Alfred Le Petite (1841-1909)

ICA4923522: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 189, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_11_22: Deux Robert-Macaire - Republicain - Robert-Macaire, Bonapartiste - Illustration by Alfred Le Petite (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' The Grelot', number 706, Satirical en Colours, 1884_10_19: The Alliance of Ferry and Bismarck - Germany Prussia - Ferry Jules, Bismarck, Dog, Horse Horses
Cover of ' The Grelot', number 706, Satirical en Colours, 1884_10_19: The Alliance of Ferry and Bismarck - Germany Prussia - Ferry Jules, Bismarck, Dog, Horse Horses

ICA4919276: Cover of ' The Grelot', number 706, Satirical en Colours, 1884_10_19: The Alliance of Ferry and Bismarck - Germany Prussia - Ferry Jules, Bismarck, Dog, Horse Horses, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Grelot', numbero 718, Satirique en Colours, 1884_12_21: A CURE Taken at the trap - Anticlericalism - Lust - Cures
Cover of ' Le Grelot', numbero 718, Satirique en Colours, 1884_12_21: A CURE Taken at the trap - Anticlericalism - Lust - Cures

ICA4919302: Cover of ' Le Grelot', numbero 718, Satirique en Colours, 1884_12_21: A CURE Taken at the trap - Anticlericalism - Lust - Cures, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of 'Le Grelot', number 721, Satirique en Couleurs, 1885_2_1
Cover of 'Le Grelot', number 721, Satirique en Couleurs, 1885_2_1

ICA4919323: Cover of 'Le Grelot', number 721, Satirique en Couleurs, 1885_2_1, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 70, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_8_11: Fourteen times covered (engraving)
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 70, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_8_11: Fourteen times covered (engraving)

ICA4923241: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 70, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_8_11: Fourteen times covered (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 77, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_9_29: Gardening & Politics - Republican - Marianne, Royaute/Monarchy, Soleil
Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 77, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_9_29: Gardening & Politics - Republican - Marianne, Royaute/Monarchy, Soleil

ICA4923262: Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 77, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_9_29: Gardening & Politics - Republican - Marianne, Royaute/Monarchy, Soleil, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 118, Satirique en Couleurs, 1873_7_13: Un depeche - Anticlericalism - Moines
Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 118, Satirique en Couleurs, 1873_7_13: Un depeche - Anticlericalism - Moines

ICA4923409: Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 118, Satirique en Couleurs, 1873_7_13: Un depeche - Anticlericalism - Moines, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “Le Grelot”, Satirique en Couleurs, 1881_1_30: La mere (Louise) Michel (engraving)
Cover of “Le Grelot”, Satirique en Couleurs, 1881_1_30: La mere (Louise) Michel (engraving)

ICA4928533: Cover of “Le Grelot”, Satirique en Couleurs, 1881_1_30: La mere (Louise) Michel (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881
Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881

ICA4836681: Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration in Gros-Jean and his parish, 1881
Illustration in Gros-Jean and his parish, 1881

ICA4836746: Illustration in Gros-Jean and his parish, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

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