Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) Assets (259 in total)

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Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 11, 1881 - Marianne, Emile de Girardin (ne Delamothe)
Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 11, 1881 - Marianne, Emile de Girardin (ne Delamothe)

ICA4859616: Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 11, 1881 - Marianne, Emile de Girardin (ne Delamothe), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “” Les Contemporains””, number 12, 1881 - Illustration by Alfred Le Petite (1841-1909): Elections, Opportunisme, Municipality of Paris 1871 - Trinquet Alexis (1835-1982) - Urn
Cover of “” Les Contemporains””, number 12, 1881 - Illustration by Alfred Le Petite (1841-1909): Elections, Opportunisme, Municipality of Paris 1871 - Trinquet Alexis (1835-1982) - Urn

ICA4859653: Cover of “” Les Contemporains””, number 12, 1881 - Illustration by Alfred Le Petite (1841-1909): Elections, Opportunisme, Municipality of Paris 1871 - Trinquet Alexis (1835-1982) - Urn, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “” Les Contemporains””, number 14, circa 1881 - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909): Republican Republique, Medical, Medicine, Sculpture Statue - Clemenceau George, Marianne, Esculape
Cover of “” Les Contemporains””, number 14, circa 1881 - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909): Republican Republique, Medical, Medicine, Sculpture Statue - Clemenceau George, Marianne, Esculape

ICA4859674: Cover of “” Les Contemporains””, number 14, circa 1881 - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909): Republican Republique, Medical, Medicine, Sculpture Statue - Clemenceau George, Marianne, Esculape, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 13, 1881
Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 13, 1881

ICA4859690: Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 13, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 36, 1881_8_11 - Press/Medias, Le Figaro (newspaper) - Emmanuel-Arthur Bucheron, dit Saint-Genest (Saint Genest) (1834-1902), Journalist Journalism
Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 36, 1881_8_11 - Press/Medias, Le Figaro (newspaper) - Emmanuel-Arthur Bucheron, dit Saint-Genest (Saint Genest) (1834-1902), Journalist Journalism

ICA4859963: Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 36, 1881_8_11 - Press/Medias, Le Figaro (newspaper) - Emmanuel-Arthur Bucheron, dit Saint-Genest (Saint Genest) (1834-1902), Journalist Journalism, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 21, 1881
Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 21, 1881

ICA4859861: Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 21, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration in Le Charivari, 1873-2-24 - Duval Raoul (1807-1893)
Illustration in Le Charivari, 1873-2-24 - Duval Raoul (1807-1893)

ICA4870802: Illustration in Le Charivari, 1873-2-24 - Duval Raoul (1807-1893), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1872-11-18 - Moulin a paroles - Republicain Republique, Mouins a vent - Gambetta Leon, Don Quixote, Changarnier Nicolas (1793-1877)
Illustration of Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1872-11-18 - Moulin a paroles - Republicain Republique, Mouins a vent - Gambetta Leon, Don Quixote, Changarnier Nicolas (1793-1877)

ICA4871817: Illustration of Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1872-11-18 - Moulin a paroles - Republicain Republique, Mouins a vent - Gambetta Leon, Don Quixote, Changarnier Nicolas (1793-1877), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Le Grelot, number 735, Satirical en Colours, 1885_5_10: MY TABLE REFUSES AT THE SALON - Anticlericalism - Lust, Confessional - Cures - Illustration by Alfred Le Petitle (1841-1909)
Le Grelot, number 735, Satirical en Colours, 1885_5_10: MY TABLE REFUSES AT THE SALON - Anticlericalism - Lust, Confessional - Cures - Illustration by Alfred Le Petitle (1841-1909)

ICA4919363: Le Grelot, number 735, Satirical en Colours, 1885_5_10: MY TABLE REFUSES AT THE SALON - Anticlericalism - Lust, Confessional - Cures - Illustration by Alfred Le Petitle (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 39, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_1_7: La boutique a thirteen - President of the Republic, Toys - Marianne, Napoleon III, Hippolyte de Villemessant (1810-1879), Prince Imperial, Marianne Commune, Duc d'Aumale (Henri d'Orleans, 1827-1897), Peire, Comte de Paris (Philippe Orleans 1838-1894), Coq, Guignol, Plon-Plon Jerome Bonaparte (1822-1891), Communard - Illustration by Alfred Le Petro (1841-1909)
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 39, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_1_7: La boutique a thirteen - President of the Republic, Toys - Marianne, Napoleon III, Hippolyte de Villemessant (1810-1879), Prince Imperial, Marianne Commune, Duc d'Aumale (Henri d'Orleans, 1827-1897), Peire, Comte de Paris (Philippe Orleans 1838-1894), Coq, Guignol, Plon-Plon Jerome Bonaparte (1822-1891), Communard - Illustration by Alfred Le Petro (1841-1909)

ICA4923168: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 39, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_1_7: La boutique a thirteen - President of the Republic, Toys - Marianne, Napoleon III, Hippolyte de Villemessant (1810-1879), Prince Imperial, Marianne Commune, Duc d'Aumale (Henri d'Orleans, 1827-1897), Peire, Comte de Paris (Philippe Orleans 1838-1894), Coq, Guignol, Plon-Plon Jerome Bonaparte (1822-1891), Communard - Illustration by Alfred Le Petro (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 81, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_10_27: Un equilibriste - Republicain, President of the Republique - Reaction - Thiers Adolphe, Bonapartiste, Legitimist, Orleaniste, Republicain
Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 81, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_10_27: Un equilibriste - Republicain, President of the Republique - Reaction - Thiers Adolphe, Bonapartiste, Legitimist, Orleaniste, Republicain

ICA4923291: Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 81, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_10_27: Un equilibriste - Republicain, President of the Republique - Reaction - Thiers Adolphe, Bonapartiste, Legitimist, Orleaniste, Republicain, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 93, Satirique en Couleurs, 1873_1_16: Un mariage de reason - Republicain, President of the Republic, Hat, Size - Thiers Adolphe, Marianne
Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 93, Satirique en Couleurs, 1873_1_16: Un mariage de reason - Republicain, President of the Republic, Hat, Size - Thiers Adolphe, Marianne

ICA4923342: Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 93, Satirique en Couleurs, 1873_1_16: Un mariage de reason - Republicain, President of the Republic, Hat, Size - Thiers Adolphe, Marianne, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 50, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_3_24: Actualite - Republican, President of the Republic - New Testament - Jesus, Marianne, Napoleon III, Philippe VII (Philippe d'Orleans, 1838-1894), Peire, Orleaniste
Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 50, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_3_24: Actualite - Republican, President of the Republic - New Testament - Jesus, Marianne, Napoleon III, Philippe VII (Philippe d'Orleans, 1838-1894), Peire, Orleaniste

ICA4918579: Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 50, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_3_24: Actualite - Republican, President of the Republic - New Testament - Jesus, Marianne, Napoleon III, Philippe VII (Philippe d'Orleans, 1838-1894), Peire, Orleaniste, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 40, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_1_14: The temptation - Anticlericalism, Republican, President of the Republic - reactionaries - Thiers Adolphe, Marianne, Bat, Henri V Comte de Chambord (Henri d'Artois, 1820-1883), Bonapartiste, Legitimist, Orleaniste, Moleaniste - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909)
Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 40, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_1_14: The temptation - Anticlericalism, Republican, President of the Republic - reactionaries - Thiers Adolphe, Marianne, Bat, Henri V Comte de Chambord (Henri d'Artois, 1820-1883), Bonapartiste, Legitimist, Orleaniste, Moleaniste - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909)

ICA4918534: Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 40, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_1_14: The temptation - Anticlericalism, Republican, President of the Republic - reactionaries - Thiers Adolphe, Marianne, Bat, Henri V Comte de Chambord (Henri d'Artois, 1820-1883), Bonapartiste, Legitimist, Orleaniste, Moleaniste - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

D'Audiffret-Pasquier Gaston in Le Charivari, 1875 (engraving)
D'Audiffret-Pasquier Gaston in Le Charivari, 1875 (engraving)

ICA4944799: D'Audiffret-Pasquier Gaston in Le Charivari, 1875 (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Charivari', 1900_10_17: The new postage stamp - Waldeck-Rousseau Pierre (1846-1904), Marianne - Change of scale, Terre
Cover of ' Le Charivari', 1900_10_17: The new postage stamp - Waldeck-Rousseau Pierre (1846-1904), Marianne - Change of scale, Terre

ICA4945046: Cover of ' Le Charivari', 1900_10_17: The new postage stamp - Waldeck-Rousseau Pierre (1846-1904), Marianne - Change of scale, Terre, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

caricature of Leon Cladel, c.1875-80 (engraving)
caricature of Leon Cladel, c.1875-80 (engraving)

CCI5675068: caricature of Leon Cladel, c.1875-80 (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Mars, 1873
Portrait of Mars, 1873

REV3471703: Portrait of Mars, 1873 , Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Five billion! , Eugene Rouher (1814-1884) before the bust of Napoleon III (1808-1873) and the loan of five billion for Prussia. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Alfred Le petit, July 9, 1871, Paris.
Five billion! , Eugene Rouher (1814-1884) before the bust of Napoleon III (1808-1873) and the loan of five billion for Prussia. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Alfred Le petit, July 9, 1871, Paris.

LSE4319027: Five billion! , Eugene Rouher (1814-1884) before the bust of Napoleon III (1808-1873) and the loan of five billion for Prussia. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Alfred Le petit, July 9, 1871, Paris., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

The snake and the file, the right-snake files his teeth on the Republic. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, August 27, 1871, Paris.
The snake and the file, the right-snake files his teeth on the Republic. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, August 27, 1871, Paris.

LSE4319077: The snake and the file, the right-snake files his teeth on the Republic. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, August 27, 1871, Paris., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

The International trial by the London General Council following the arrest of members of the International Workers' Association. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, September 24, 1871, Paris.
The International trial by the London General Council following the arrest of members of the International Workers' Association. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, September 24, 1871, Paris.

LSE4319091: The International trial by the London General Council following the arrest of members of the International Workers' Association. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, September 24, 1871, Paris., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

L'eclipse politique, swings on a thread between censorship and surety. in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le Petiter, October 1, 1871, Paris.
L'eclipse politique, swings on a thread between censorship and surety. in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le Petiter, October 1, 1871, Paris.

LSE4319114: L'eclipse politique, swings on a thread between censorship and surety. in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le Petiter, October 1, 1871, Paris., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Failure and mat, the Dame-Republique, the Tour-Paris, the Cavalier-Duc of Aumale (1822-1897), the Fou-Rouher (1814-1884) have failed King Louis-Philippe d'Orleans (1838-1894). Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, October 15, 1871, Paris.
Failure and mat, the Dame-Republique, the Tour-Paris, the Cavalier-Duc of Aumale (1822-1897), the Fou-Rouher (1814-1884) have failed King Louis-Philippe d'Orleans (1838-1894). Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, October 15, 1871, Paris.

LSE4319122: Failure and mat, the Dame-Republique, the Tour-Paris, the Cavalier-Duc of Aumale (1822-1897), the Fou-Rouher (1814-1884) have failed King Louis-Philippe d'Orleans (1838-1894). Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, October 15, 1871, Paris., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Clement Duvernois (1836-1879), a French politician, tried to clean up Francois Achille Bazaine (Francois-Achille, 1811-1888), commander of the Armee of the Rhine during the War of 1870. in “” L'Eclipse” by Alfred Le petit, October 22, 1871, Paris.
Clement Duvernois (1836-1879), a French politician, tried to clean up Francois Achille Bazaine (Francois-Achille, 1811-1888), commander of the Armee of the Rhine during the War of 1870. in “” L'Eclipse” by Alfred Le petit, October 22, 1871, Paris.

LSE4319228: Clement Duvernois (1836-1879), a French politician, tried to clean up Francois Achille Bazaine (Francois-Achille, 1811-1888), commander of the Armee of the Rhine during the War of 1870. in “” L'Eclipse” by Alfred Le petit, October 22, 1871, Paris., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Thoughts: Cartoon on Louis Blanc - ill. from 04/02/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”
Thoughts: Cartoon on Louis Blanc - ill. from 04/02/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”

XEE4410055: Thoughts: Cartoon on Louis Blanc - ill. from 04/02/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

L'Immortelle: caricature about Jules Favre - ill. from 10/02/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day'
L'Immortelle: caricature about Jules Favre - ill. from 10/02/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day'

XEE4410059: L'Immortelle: caricature about Jules Favre - ill. from 10/02/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day', Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Le Laurier: Cartoon on Garibaldi - ill. from 15/02/1871 in 'Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day'
Le Laurier: Cartoon on Garibaldi - ill. from 15/02/1871 in 'Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day'

XEE4410064: Le Laurier: Cartoon on Garibaldi - ill. from 15/02/1871 in 'Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day', Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Les Cherry: caricature on MM Emmanuel and Etienne Arago - ill. of 11/03/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day'
Les Cherry: caricature on MM Emmanuel and Etienne Arago - ill. of 11/03/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day'

XEE4410071: Les Cherry: caricature on MM Emmanuel and Etienne Arago - ill. of 11/03/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day', Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

La Violette: Cartoon on Edgar Quinet - ill. from 09/03/1871 in ”Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables du Jour”
La Violette: Cartoon on Edgar Quinet - ill. from 09/03/1871 in ”Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables du Jour”

XEE4410079: La Violette: Cartoon on Edgar Quinet - ill. from 09/03/1871 in ”Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables du Jour”, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Lettuces: caricature on Joigneaux - ill. from 18/03/1871, in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables du Jour”
Lettuces: caricature on Joigneaux - ill. from 18/03/1871, in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables du Jour”

XEE4410086: Lettuces: caricature on Joigneaux - ill. from 18/03/1871, in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables du Jour”, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881
Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881

ICA4836575: Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881
Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881

ICA4836615: Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881
Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881

ICA4837019: Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration in Gros-Jean and his parish, 1881
Illustration in Gros-Jean and his parish, 1881

ICA4837083: Illustration in Gros-Jean and his parish, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

'Le Proces de l'Internationale', front cover of 'L'Eclipse' magazine, September 1871 (colour litho)
'Le Proces de l'Internationale', front cover of 'L'Eclipse' magazine, September 1871 (colour litho)

CHT271733: 'Le Proces de l'Internationale', front cover of 'L'Eclipse' magazine, September 1871 (colour litho), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

a Catholic priest waved a small figure (puppet) dressed in a red uniform (communard in federe costume), holding a rifle in his hand, a knife between his teeth and a torch. Caricature, 1872
a Catholic priest waved a small figure (puppet) dressed in a red uniform (communard in federe costume), holding a rifle in his hand, a knife between his teeth and a torch. Caricature, 1872

PCT5943084: a Catholic priest waved a small figure (puppet) dressed in a red uniform (communard in federe costume), holding a rifle in his hand, a knife between his teeth and a torch. Caricature, 1872, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

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