Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) Assets (259 in total)

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La Charge (1870), number 18, Satirique en Couleurs, 1870_8_13: La France - Republicain - A dominant Marianne - Marianne - Illustration by Alfred Le Petro (1841-1909)
La Charge (1870), number 18, Satirique en Couleurs, 1870_8_13: La France - Republicain - A dominant Marianne - Marianne - Illustration by Alfred Le Petro (1841-1909)

ICA4853191: La Charge (1870), number 18, Satirique en Couleurs, 1870_8_13: La France - Republicain - A dominant Marianne - Marianne - Illustration by Alfred Le Petro (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Alfred The Little (1841-1909) in The Drolatic Life of the Saints - Drawers, Self Portrait - Saints - The Little Alfred
Illustration of Alfred The Little (1841-1909) in The Drolatic Life of the Saints - Drawers, Self Portrait - Saints - The Little Alfred

ICA4842394: Illustration of Alfred The Little (1841-1909) in The Drolatic Life of the Saints - Drawers, Self Portrait - Saints - The Little Alfred, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

La Charge (1870), number 2, Satirical in Colors, 1870_4_21: The Master's Eye - Republican - Gambetta Leon - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909)
La Charge (1870), number 2, Satirical in Colors, 1870_4_21: The Master's Eye - Republican - Gambetta Leon - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909)

ICA4853028: La Charge (1870), number 2, Satirical in Colors, 1870_4_21: The Master's Eye - Republican - Gambetta Leon - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

La Charge (1870), number 12, Satirique en Couleurs, 1870_7_2: Franscisque Sarcey - Republican - Sarcey Francisque
La Charge (1870), number 12, Satirique en Couleurs, 1870_7_2: Franscisque Sarcey - Republican - Sarcey Francisque

ICA4853087: La Charge (1870), number 12, Satirique en Couleurs, 1870_7_2: Franscisque Sarcey - Republican - Sarcey Francisque, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Election race of July 2, 1871, with Leon Gambetta (1838-1882) and Louis Faidherbe (1818-1889) in the lead. in “” L'Eclipse”” by Alfred Le petit, July 30, 1871, Paris.
Election race of July 2, 1871, with Leon Gambetta (1838-1882) and Louis Faidherbe (1818-1889) in the lead. in “” L'Eclipse”” by Alfred Le petit, July 30, 1871, Paris.

LSE4319045: Election race of July 2, 1871, with Leon Gambetta (1838-1882) and Louis Faidherbe (1818-1889) in the lead. in “” L'Eclipse”” by Alfred Le petit, July 30, 1871, Paris., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon III (1808-1873), illustration of the emperor exile in Chislehurst, Great Britain, 1871 (engraving)
Napoleon III (1808-1873), illustration of the emperor exile in Chislehurst, Great Britain, 1871 (engraving)

LSE4319074: Napoleon III (1808-1873), illustration of the emperor exile in Chislehurst, Great Britain, 1871 (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

The new phryne, according to a painting by Gerome, Phryne would be the Republique unveiled. in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, September 3, 1871, Paris.
The new phryne, according to a painting by Gerome, Phryne would be the Republique unveiled. in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, September 3, 1871, Paris.

LSE4319079: The new phryne, according to a painting by Gerome, Phryne would be the Republique unveiled. in “” L'Eclipse”” by A. Le petit, September 3, 1871, Paris., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon on the dispute between Turkey and England over Egypt -  in ' Le Grelot' of 06/08/1892
Cartoon on the dispute between Turkey and England over Egypt -  in ' Le Grelot' of 06/08/1892

LSE4098725: Cartoon on the dispute between Turkey and England over Egypt - in ' Le Grelot' of 06/08/1892, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

The last thought of Garibaldi. Caricature in Le bell, 18/06/1882.
The last thought of Garibaldi. Caricature in Le bell, 18/06/1882.

LSE4109764: The last thought of Garibaldi. Caricature in Le bell, 18/06/1882., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

La Potato: Cartoon on Dorian - ill. from 20/01/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”
La Potato: Cartoon on Dorian - ill. from 20/01/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”

XEE4410040: La Potato: Cartoon on Dorian - ill. from 20/01/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

L'Hydrangea: Cartoon on Edmond About (1828 - 1885) - ill. of 19/01/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”
L'Hydrangea: Cartoon on Edmond About (1828 - 1885) - ill. of 19/01/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”

XEE4410044: L'Hydrangea: Cartoon on Edmond About (1828 - 1885) - ill. of 19/01/1871 in ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Le Boxis: Cartoon on Dupanloup - ill. from 21/02/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day'
Le Boxis: Cartoon on Dupanloup - ill. from 21/02/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day'

XEE4410067: Le Boxis: Cartoon on Dupanloup - ill. from 21/02/1871 in ' Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day', Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Bellflower: caricature of Jules Grévy - ill. du 26/06/1871 (engraving)
Bellflower: caricature of Jules Grévy - ill. du 26/06/1871 (engraving)

XEE4410076: Bellflower: caricature of Jules Grévy - ill. du 26/06/1871 (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

La Pumpkin: Caricature on Ernest Picard - ill. of 14/03/1871 “Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”
La Pumpkin: Caricature on Ernest Picard - ill. of 14/03/1871 “Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”

XEE4410081: La Pumpkin: Caricature on Ernest Picard - ill. of 14/03/1871 “Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Le Thistle: caricature about P. Tirard - ill. from 30/03/1871 ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”
Le Thistle: caricature about P. Tirard - ill. from 30/03/1871 ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”

XEE4410085: Le Thistle: caricature about P. Tirard - ill. from 30/03/1871 ” Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables of the Day”, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

The Charivari, 1875_11_13 - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909): By Bornier Henri (1825-1901)
The Charivari, 1875_11_13 - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909): By Bornier Henri (1825-1901)

ICA4944855: The Charivari, 1875_11_13 - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909): By Bornier Henri (1825-1901), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 541, Satirique en N & B, 1881_8_21: Answer aux electeurs de belleville - Republicain, Opportunisme, Belleville - Republicans favorable to the Church - Gambetta Leon
Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 541, Satirique en N & B, 1881_8_21: Answer aux electeurs de belleville - Republicain, Opportunisme, Belleville - Republicans favorable to the Church - Gambetta Leon

ICA4919224: Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 541, Satirique en N & B, 1881_8_21: Answer aux electeurs de belleville - Republicain, Opportunisme, Belleville - Republicans favorable to the Church - Gambetta Leon, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “” Le Grelot””, numbero 697, Satirique en Couleurs, 1884_8_17: belgs affairs (engraving)
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, numbero 697, Satirique en Couleurs, 1884_8_17: belgs affairs (engraving)

ICA4919249: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, numbero 697, Satirique en Couleurs, 1884_8_17: belgs affairs (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 54, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_4_21: Not luck - Republican, Opportunism - Gambetta Leon, Spuller Eugene (1835-1896)
Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 54, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_4_21: Not luck - Republican, Opportunism - Gambetta Leon, Spuller Eugene (1835-1896)

ICA4918644: Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 54, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_4_21: Not luck - Republican, Opportunism - Gambetta Leon, Spuller Eugene (1835-1896), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 166, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_6_14: Don't touch it! - Republican - Marianne, Bonapartist, Legitimist, Orleanist, Republican - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909)
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 166, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_6_14: Don't touch it! - Republican - Marianne, Bonapartist, Legitimist, Orleanist, Republican - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909)

ICA4918781: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 166, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_6_14: Don't touch it! - Republican - Marianne, Bonapartist, Legitimist, Orleanist, Republican - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 175, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_8_16: Our great speakers - President of the Republic, Chamber of Deputes, Nocturne - Gambetta Leon, Thiers Adolphe
Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 175, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_8_16: Our great speakers - President of the Republic, Chamber of Deputes, Nocturne - Gambetta Leon, Thiers Adolphe

ICA4923494: Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 175, Satirique en Couleurs, 1874_8_16: Our great speakers - President of the Republic, Chamber of Deputes, Nocturne - Gambetta Leon, Thiers Adolphe, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Two Women Resting In A Landscape (oil on canvas)
Two Women Resting In A Landscape (oil on canvas)

IMA1562201: Two Women Resting In A Landscape (oil on canvas), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

'Defense de deposer des immondices le long de ce mur', caricature of Second Empire politicians, from 'La Charge', 4th September 1870 (coloured engraving)
'Defense de deposer des immondices le long de ce mur', caricature of Second Empire politicians, from 'La Charge', 4th September 1870 (coloured engraving)

XIR161366: 'Defense de deposer des immondices le long de ce mur', caricature of Second Empire politicians, from 'La Charge', 4th September 1870 (coloured engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

M. Thiers, from the cartoon series 'Fleurs, Fruits et Legumes du Jour', 1871 (colour litho)
M. Thiers, from the cartoon series 'Fleurs, Fruits et Legumes du Jour', 1871 (colour litho)

CHT370255: M. Thiers, from the cartoon series 'Fleurs, Fruits et Legumes du Jour', 1871 (colour litho), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881
Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881

ICA4836935: Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 47, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_3_3: La situation - Republicain, President of the Republic - Marianne, Napoleon III, Henri V Comte de Chambord (Henri d'Artois, 1820-1883), Saints
Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 47, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_3_3: La situation - Republicain, President of the Republic - Marianne, Napoleon III, Henri V Comte de Chambord (Henri d'Artois, 1820-1883), Saints

ICA4873834: Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 47, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_3_3: La situation - Republicain, President of the Republic - Marianne, Napoleon III, Henri V Comte de Chambord (Henri d'Artois, 1820-1883), Saints, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration by Alfred Le Petity (1841-1909) for the Cover of Le Grelot, 1872-9-8 - Nocturne, Floor lamp, Politics - Rouher Eugene
Illustration by Alfred Le Petity (1841-1909) for the Cover of Le Grelot, 1872-9-8 - Nocturne, Floor lamp, Politics - Rouher Eugene

ICA4873859: Illustration by Alfred Le Petity (1841-1909) for the Cover of Le Grelot, 1872-9-8 - Nocturne, Floor lamp, Politics - Rouher Eugene, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Plusieurs Araignées dans le Plafond, from Histoire de la Troisieme Republique, Vol. I, l'Histoire Politique, pub.1933 (colour litho)
Plusieurs Araignées dans le Plafond, from Histoire de la Troisieme Republique, Vol. I, l'Histoire Politique, pub.1933 (colour litho)

STC3504406: Plusieurs Araignées dans le Plafond, from Histoire de la Troisieme Republique, Vol. I, l'Histoire Politique, pub.1933 (colour litho), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Le Spectre Rouge, from Histoire de la Troisieme Republique, Vol. I, l'Histoire Politique, pub.1933 (colour litho)
Le Spectre Rouge, from Histoire de la Troisieme Republique, Vol. I, l'Histoire Politique, pub.1933 (colour litho)

STC3504455: Le Spectre Rouge, from Histoire de la Troisieme Republique, Vol. I, l'Histoire Politique, pub.1933 (colour litho), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 119, Satirique en Colours, 1873_7_20: Le boulet - Drawers, Censorship, Self-Portrait (engraving)
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 119, Satirique en Colours, 1873_7_20: Le boulet - Drawers, Censorship, Self-Portrait (engraving)

ICA4877204: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 119, Satirique en Colours, 1873_7_20: Le boulet - Drawers, Censorship, Self-Portrait (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in La Charge (1870), No. 3, 1870 - Rochefort Henri - Ogre/Eat/Swallow
Illustration of Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in La Charge (1870), No. 3, 1870 - Rochefort Henri - Ogre/Eat/Swallow

ICA4885069: Illustration of Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in La Charge (1870), No. 3, 1870 - Rochefort Henri - Ogre/Eat/Swallow, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909) in La Charge (1870), 1870-4-14 - Easter Eggs - Easter - Rochefort Henri, Rigault Raoul, Grousset Paschal, Coq, Hydre, Milliere Jean-Baptiste, Bazire Henri - Animalisation, Egg
Illustration of Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909) in La Charge (1870), 1870-4-14 - Easter Eggs - Easter - Rochefort Henri, Rigault Raoul, Grousset Paschal, Coq, Hydre, Milliere Jean-Baptiste, Bazire Henri - Animalisation, Egg

ICA4849356: Illustration of Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909) in La Charge (1870), 1870-4-14 - Easter Eggs - Easter - Rochefort Henri, Rigault Raoul, Grousset Paschal, Coq, Hydre, Milliere Jean-Baptiste, Bazire Henri - Animalisation, Egg, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “” Le Sans-Panlotte””, number 29, Satirique en Couleurs, 1879_4_21: Une branche malade - Elections, Paris, Tree, Droites - Insects, Bonapartist, Caterilles - Illustration by Alfred Le Petitt (1841-1909)
Cover of “” Le Sans-Panlotte””, number 29, Satirique en Couleurs, 1879_4_21: Une branche malade - Elections, Paris, Tree, Droites - Insects, Bonapartist, Caterilles - Illustration by Alfred Le Petitt (1841-1909)

ICA4868567: Cover of “” Le Sans-Panlotte””, number 29, Satirique en Couleurs, 1879_4_21: Une branche malade - Elections, Paris, Tree, Droites - Insects, Bonapartist, Caterilles - Illustration by Alfred Le Petitt (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 18, 1881
Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 18, 1881

ICA4859773: Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 18, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 20, 1881_6_30
Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 20, 1881_6_30

ICA4859491: Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 20, 1881_6_30, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 39, 1881_9_7 - Theatre, Medaille, Legion d'honneur - Got Edmond (1822-1901), Actor, actress Comedian Comedian
Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 39, 1881_9_7 - Theatre, Medaille, Legion d'honneur - Got Edmond (1822-1901), Actor, actress Comedian Comedian

ICA4860095: Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 39, 1881_9_7 - Theatre, Medaille, Legion d'honneur - Got Edmond (1822-1901), Actor, actress Comedian Comedian, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

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