Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) Assets (259 in total)

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Edouard Manet, King of the Impressionists, cover illustration from 'Les Contemporains', 16th June 1881 (colour litho)
Edouard Manet, King of the Impressionists, cover illustration from 'Les Contemporains', 16th June 1881 (colour litho)

REV279782: Edouard Manet, King of the Impressionists, cover illustration from 'Les Contemporains', 16th June 1881 (colour litho), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “” Les Contemporains””, number 16, 1881 - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909): Literature, Naturalism - Zola Emile, Hugo Victor - Soleil
Cover of “” Les Contemporains””, number 16, 1881 - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909): Literature, Naturalism - Zola Emile, Hugo Victor - Soleil

ICA4859712: Cover of “” Les Contemporains””, number 16, 1881 - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909): Literature, Naturalism - Zola Emile, Hugo Victor - Soleil, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

'Le Poule au Pot', caricature of Henri Charles Ferdinand Marie Dieudonne (1820-83) Count of Chambord, from 'Le Sans-Culotte', 1879 (colour litho)
'Le Poule au Pot', caricature of Henri Charles Ferdinand Marie Dieudonne (1820-83) Count of Chambord, from 'Le Sans-Culotte', 1879 (colour litho)

XIR190346: 'Le Poule au Pot', caricature of Henri Charles Ferdinand Marie Dieudonne (1820-83) Count of Chambord, from 'Le Sans-Culotte', 1879 (colour litho), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Gustave Courbet, cover illustration from 'Le Hanneton' magazine, 13th June 1867 (colour litho)
Gustave Courbet, cover illustration from 'Le Hanneton' magazine, 13th June 1867 (colour litho)

REV279783: Gustave Courbet, cover illustration from 'Le Hanneton' magazine, 13th June 1867 (colour litho), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Band rehearsal, from the back cover of 'Le Rire', 16th April 1898 (colour litho)
Band rehearsal, from the back cover of 'Le Rire', 16th April 1898 (colour litho)

BAL366857: Band rehearsal, from the back cover of 'Le Rire', 16th April 1898 (colour litho), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Amendment Wallon - Wallon Henri (1879-1962) in Le Charivaari, 1875 (engraving)
Amendment Wallon - Wallon Henri (1879-1962) in Le Charivaari, 1875 (engraving)

ICA4944750: Amendment Wallon - Wallon Henri (1879-1962) in Le Charivaari, 1875 (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon by Ernest Renan with “” The Life of Jesus””” under the arm - in “” Le Charivari””” of 11/07/1883.
Cartoon by Ernest Renan with “” The Life of Jesus””” under the arm - in “” Le Charivari””” of 11/07/1883.

LSE4087283: Cartoon by Ernest Renan with “” The Life of Jesus””” under the arm - in “” Le Charivari””” of 11/07/1883., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Pauvre contribuable, remercie l'Empire! : caricature sur les impôts et le budget - par A. Le Petit, in 'Le Sans-Culotte', 1879
Pauvre contribuable, remercie l'Empire! : caricature sur les impôts et le budget - par A. Le Petit, in 'Le Sans-Culotte', 1879

LSE4088269: Pauvre contribuable, remercie l'Empire! : caricature sur les impôts et le budget - par A. Le Petit, in 'Le Sans-Culotte', 1879, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

La civilisation anglaise : Victoria, une bouteille de gin à la main, assise sur l'Egypte, l'Irlande, l'Inde, l'Afrique et la Chine - par Alfred Le Petit, in 'Le Grelot' du 24/09/1882
La civilisation anglaise : Victoria, une bouteille de gin à la main, assise sur l'Egypte, l'Irlande, l'Inde, l'Afrique et la Chine - par Alfred Le Petit, in 'Le Grelot' du 24/09/1882

LSE4107484: La civilisation anglaise : Victoria, une bouteille de gin à la main, assise sur l'Egypte, l'Irlande, l'Inde, l'Afrique et la Chine - par Alfred Le Petit, in 'Le Grelot' du 24/09/1882, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 15, 1881
Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 15, 1881

ICA4859736: Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 15, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

A liberating angel: Alfred Naquet, 1879 (satirical drawing)
A liberating angel: Alfred Naquet, 1879 (satirical drawing)

ICA4868548: A liberating angel: Alfred Naquet, 1879 (satirical drawing), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 42, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_1_28: Les deux Republics - Republicain - A Marianne dominant - Marianne
Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 42, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_1_28: Les deux Republics - Republicain - A Marianne dominant - Marianne

ICA4923174: Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 42, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_1_28: Les deux Republics - Republicain - A Marianne dominant - Marianne, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Marianne et l'Action Francaise. Marianne and the Action Francaise.
Marianne et l'Action Francaise. Marianne and the Action Francaise.

CCI5675070: Marianne et l'Action Francaise. Marianne and the Action Francaise., Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Le Petard, number 40, Satirique en Couleurs, 1878_3_24: The vigilante - Republican, President of the Republic - Failure of reac - Hugo Victor, Napoleon III - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909)
Le Petard, number 40, Satirique en Couleurs, 1878_3_24: The vigilante - Republican, President of the Republic - Failure of reac - Hugo Victor, Napoleon III - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909)

ICA4851942: Le Petard, number 40, Satirique en Couleurs, 1878_3_24: The vigilante - Republican, President of the Republic - Failure of reac - Hugo Victor, Napoleon III - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 84, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_11_17: Gare les bowling! - Republican, President of the Republic - Thiers Adolphe - Illustration by Alfred Le Petitle (1841-1909)
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 84, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_11_17: Gare les bowling! - Republican, President of the Republic - Thiers Adolphe - Illustration by Alfred Le Petitle (1841-1909)

ICA4923311: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 84, Satirique en Couleurs, 1872_11_17: Gare les bowling! - Republican, President of the Republic - Thiers Adolphe - Illustration by Alfred Le Petitle (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

The Fanfare, 1898 (colour litho)
The Fanfare, 1898 (colour litho)

CHT211904: The Fanfare, 1898 (colour litho), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration in Gros-Jean and his parish, 1881
Illustration in Gros-Jean and his parish, 1881

ICA4836978: Illustration in Gros-Jean and his parish, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

'ON N'ENTRE PAS',  April 22, 1872 (litho)
'ON N'ENTRE PAS',  April 22, 1872 (litho)

CHT469476: 'ON N'ENTRE PAS', April 22, 1872 (litho), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Notre Drapeau, from Le Petard, 29th September, 1878,  (coloured engraving)
Notre Drapeau, from Le Petard, 29th September, 1878,  (coloured engraving)

STC2646291: Notre Drapeau, from Le Petard, 29th September, 1878, (coloured engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Caricature by Alfred Naquet, c.1885 (engraving)
Caricature by Alfred Naquet, c.1885 (engraving)

CCI5675079: Caricature by Alfred Naquet, c.1885 (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 750, Satirique en Couleurs, 1885_8_23: Les femmes deputes - Feminisme anti, Chambre des deputes, Suffrage universel, Valenciennes, Suffragisme - Michel Louise, Hugues Clovis (1851-1907), Deraisme Maria (1828-1894), Depute, Women, Auclert Hubertine (1848-1914), Feminist, Barberose, Martane, Minck Paule (1839-1901) - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909)
Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 750, Satirique en Couleurs, 1885_8_23: Les femmes deputes - Feminisme anti, Chambre des deputes, Suffrage universel, Valenciennes, Suffragisme - Michel Louise, Hugues Clovis (1851-1907), Deraisme Maria (1828-1894), Depute, Women, Auclert Hubertine (1848-1914), Feminist, Barberose, Martane, Minck Paule (1839-1901) - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909)

ICA4919439: Cover of ' Le Grelot', number 750, Satirique en Couleurs, 1885_8_23: Les femmes deputes - Feminisme anti, Chambre des deputes, Suffrage universel, Valenciennes, Suffragisme - Michel Louise, Hugues Clovis (1851-1907), Deraisme Maria (1828-1894), Depute, Women, Auclert Hubertine (1848-1914), Feminist, Barberose, Martane, Minck Paule (1839-1901) - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 20, 1881
Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 20, 1881

ICA4859841: Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 20, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 4, 1881
Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 4, 1881

ICA4859457: Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 4, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 8, 1881 - Mme Edmond Adam
Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 8, 1881 - Mme Edmond Adam

ICA4859570: Cover of ' Les Contemporains', number 8, 1881 - Mme Edmond Adam, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Cover of 'Les Contemporains', 19th century (engraving)
Cover of 'Les Contemporains', 19th century (engraving)

ICA4850584: Cover of 'Les Contemporains', 19th century (engraving), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration in Gros-Jean and his parish, 1881
Illustration in Gros-Jean and his parish, 1881

ICA4837057: Illustration in Gros-Jean and his parish, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909) in Gros-Jean et son cure, 1881 - Philosophy enlightenment le Monde - Anticlericalism, Religion Faith - Obscurantism - Owl/Owl
Illustration of Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909) in Gros-Jean et son cure, 1881 - Philosophy enlightenment le Monde - Anticlericalism, Religion Faith - Obscurantism - Owl/Owl

ICA4837102: Illustration of Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909) in Gros-Jean et son cure, 1881 - Philosophy enlightenment le Monde - Anticlericalism, Religion Faith - Obscurantism - Owl/Owl, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

La Charge (1870), number 19, Satirique en Couleurs, 1870_8_20: The school teacher - Republican, Censorship, Teaching - Marianne, Teacher Teacher, Women - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909)
La Charge (1870), number 19, Satirique en Couleurs, 1870_8_20: The school teacher - Republican, Censorship, Teaching - Marianne, Teacher Teacher, Women - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909)

ICA4853351: La Charge (1870), number 19, Satirique en Couleurs, 1870_8_20: The school teacher - Republican, Censorship, Teaching - Marianne, Teacher Teacher, Women - Illustration by Alfred Le Petité (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

La Charge (1870), number 13, 1870_7_9 - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909): Mourning Funerailles Obseques Burial - Barbes Armand
La Charge (1870), number 13, 1870_7_9 - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909): Mourning Funerailles Obseques Burial - Barbes Armand

ICA4853143: La Charge (1870), number 13, 1870_7_9 - Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909): Mourning Funerailles Obseques Burial - Barbes Armand, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Alfred Le Petitt (1841-1909) for the Coverage of La Charge (1870), No. 8, 1870-6-4 - The guardian angel of journalists - Republicain Republique, Censorship, Press/Media
Illustration of Alfred Le Petitt (1841-1909) for the Coverage of La Charge (1870), No. 8, 1870-6-4 - The guardian angel of journalists - Republicain Republique, Censorship, Press/Media

ICA4853202: Illustration of Alfred Le Petitt (1841-1909) for the Coverage of La Charge (1870), No. 8, 1870-6-4 - The guardian angel of journalists - Republicain Republique, Censorship, Press/Media, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881
Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881

ICA4836624: Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881
Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881

ICA4836702: Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881
Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881

ICA4836833: Illustration for Gros-Jean et son curé, 1881, Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

flying leaf, Satirical in Colors, circa 1878: Hunting a hundred sub piece - Silver - Devil, Cures Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909)
flying leaf, Satirical in Colors, circa 1878: Hunting a hundred sub piece - Silver - Devil, Cures Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909)

ICA4842512: flying leaf, Satirical in Colors, circa 1878: Hunting a hundred sub piece - Silver - Devil, Cures Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1873-3-5 - Ricard Louis (1839-1921)
Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1873-3-5 - Ricard Louis (1839-1921)

ICA4870642: Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1873-3-5 - Ricard Louis (1839-1921), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1872-12-18 - Politics, Fleur de lys - Legitimist Legitimism, De Larcy Roger (1805-1882)
Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1872-12-18 - Politics, Fleur de lys - Legitimist Legitimism, De Larcy Roger (1805-1882)

ICA4871564: Illustration by Alfred le Petit (1841-1909) in Le Charivari, 1872-12-18 - Politics, Fleur de lys - Legitimist Legitimism, De Larcy Roger (1805-1882), Le Petit, Alfred (1841-1909) / Bridgeman Images

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