MME4753284: Philharmonic Theater in Verona, October 24, 1999. Italian composer Marco Tutino (first from the left) poses during the rehearsal of his work “” Dylan Dog - Choreographic Action for Actor, Soprano, Clarinetist, Dancers and Orchestra”” with soprano Madelyn Renee Monti and dancer Jeffrey Kazin/Teatro Filarmonico di Verona, 24 October 1999. Il compositore Marco Tutino posa durante le prove della sua opera “” Dylan Dog - Azione coreografica per attore, soprano, clarinettista, danzatori e orchestra”” with il soprano Madelyn Renee Monti e il ballerino Jeffrey Kazin - / Bridgeman Images
MME4753307: Philharmonic Theater in Verona, October 24, 1999. Italian composer Marco Tutino (first from the left) poses during the rehearsal of his work “” Dylan Dog - Choreographic Action for Actor, Soprano, Clarinetist, Dancers and Orchestra”” with dancer Evgeni Kourtsev, soprano Madelyn Renee Monti, dancers Jeffrey Kazin and Lorella Doni/Teatro Filarmonico di Ona, 24 ottobre 1999. Il compositore Marco Tutino posa durante le prove della sua opera “” Dylan Dog - Azione coreografica per attore, soprano, clarinettista, danzatori e orchestra”” with il ballerino Evgenij Kourtsev, il soprano Madelyn Renee Monti, i ballerini Jeffrey Kazin e Kazin e Lorella Doni - / Bridgeman Images
MME4753326: Philharmonic Theater in Verona, October 24, 1999. Italian composer Marco Tutino poses during the rehearsal of his work “” Dylan Dog - Choreographic Action for Actor, Soprano, Clarinetist, Dancers and Orchestra”/Teatro Fuilarmonico di Verona, 24 October 1999. Il compositore Marco Tutino posa durante le prove della sua opera “” Dylan Dog - Azione coreografica per attore, soprano, clarinettista, danzatori e orchestra”” - / Bridgeman Images