TEC4724031: L'Esplanade deLes Invalides, Paris 75007. Architecture of Liberal Bruand and Jules Hardouin Mansart realized between 1671 and 1676. Louis XIV founded by an edit of 24 May 1670 the first French hospital to receive soldiers who had become disabled. He immediately received more than 5,000 residents. Today the hotel houses the armee museums, a library and many administrative services. The Esplanade des Invalides was traced in 1704 in front of the Hotel des Invalides. / Bridgeman Images
TEC4724097: Saint-Louis des Invalides (Saint Louis des Invalides), Paris 75007. Architecture by Jules Hardouin Mansart and Liberal Bruant, 1670-1708. One of the masterpieces of 18th century French architecture made by Jules Hardoin-Mansart on the plans of Liberal Bruant. Saint-Louis des Invalides, the church of soldiers with a long nave decoree of flags taken from the enemy. It was in this church that Berlioz created his Requiem there. / Bridgeman Images
MME4725890: Venice Lido, Venice Film Festival 1992. Italian director Mario Martone, in competition with the movie “” Morte di un matematico napoletano”” (Death of a Neapolitan Mathematician)/Lido di Venezia, Mostra del Cinema di Venezia 1992. He registered Mario Martone, in concorso con il film “” Morte di un matematico napoletano”” - / Bridgeman Images
TEC4727166: The Musee Carnavalet, 23 rue de Sevigne, Paris 75003. Architect: Nicolas Dupuis in 1548-1560 and rehabilitated in 1660 by Francois Mansart. Dedicated to the history of Paris, this grand museum has occupied two adjoining hotels since 1991: Hotel Carnavalet, one of the most beautiful hotels of the Parisian Renaissance and Hotel Le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau, built in the 18th century. In 1660, Francois Mansart was commissioned to expand and modernize it. In the foreground is the Victory Court with French gardens. Photograph 1992. / Bridgeman Images
TEC4727179: The Musee Carnavalet, 23 rue de Sevigne, Paris 75003. Architect: Nicolas Dupuis in 1548-1560 and rehabilitated in 1660 by Francois Mansart. Dedicated to the history of Paris, this grand museum has occupied two adjoining hotels since 1991: Hotel Carnavalet, one of the most beautiful hotels of the Parisian Renaissance and Hotel Le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau, built in the 18th century. In 1660, Francois Mansart was commissioned to expand and modernize it. In the foreground is the Victory Court with French gardens. Photograph 1992. / Bridgeman Images