MME4749242: Venice Lido, Venice Film Festival 1984. Italian comedians Ciccio Ingrassia and Franco Franchi, starring in the movie out of competion “” Kaos”” directed by the Taviani brothers/Lido di Venezia, Mostra del Cinema di Venezia 1984. Gli attori comici Ciccio Ingrassia e Franco Franchi, protagonisti del film fuori concorso “” Kaos”” dei fratelli Taviani - / Bridgeman Images
MME4748021: Rome, Pius XII Auditorium (concert hall of the Santa Cecilia Academy Orchestra), 1995. Italian conductor Daniele Gatti performing a rehearsal/Roma, Auditorium Pio XII (sede dei concerti dell'Orchestra dell'Accademia nazionale di Santa Cecilia), 1995. Il direttore d'orchestra Daniele Gatti mentre conducts a prova- / Bridgeman Images
LBY4725452: The Great Wall of China is close to Pekin. Construction of the Great Wall began in the 9th and 8th century BC, and continued for more than 2,000 years. If all its constructions and trunks spread across the vast region of North and Central China were combined, the Great Wall would extend over 50,000 km (100,000 li). Indeed, historical records show that since the Fighting Kingdoms, more than 20 feodal states and imperial dynasties have begun building defense walls. Photography 25/10/07 / Bridgeman Images
LBY4725499: The Great Wall of China is close to Pekin. Construction of the Great Wall began in the 9th and 8th century BC, and continued for more than 2,000 years. If all its constructions and trunks spread across the vast region of North and Central China were combined, the Great Wall would extend over 50,000 km (100,000 li). Indeed, historical records show that since the Fighting Kingdoms, more than 20 feodal states and imperial dynasties have begun building defense walls. Photography 25/10/07 / Bridgeman Images
LBY4725504: The Forbidden City in Pekin, China. Architecture made between 1407-1420. Photography 28/10/07. The Prohibited Cite extends over 72 hectares in the heart of Pekin. From 1420 to 1911 it was the main residence of twenty four emperors of the Ming and Qing. It is the largest and best preserved architectural ensemble of ancient palaces in the world. / Bridgeman Images
LBY4725588: The Forbidden City in Pekin, China. Decorative pattern depicting a dragon. Architecture made between 1407-1420. Photography 28/10/07. The Prohibited Cite extends over 72 hectares in the heart of Pekin. From 1420 to 1911 it was the main residence of twenty four emperors of the Ming and Qing. It is the largest and best preserved architectural ensemble of ancient palaces in the world. / Bridgeman Images
LBY4725593: The Forbidden City in Pekin, China. Architecture made between 1407-1420. Photography 28/10/07. The Prohibited Cite extends over 72 hectares in the heart of Pekin. From 1420 to 1911 it was the main residence of twenty four emperors of the Ming and Qing. It is the largest and best preserved architectural ensemble of ancient palaces in the world. / Bridgeman Images
LBY4725649: The Forbidden City in Pekin, China. Architecture made between 1407-1420. Photography 28/10/07. The Prohibited Cite extends over 72 hectares in the heart of Pekin. From 1420 to 1911 it was the main residence of twenty four emperors of the Ming and Qing. It is the largest and best preserved architectural ensemble of ancient palaces in the world. / Bridgeman Images
MME4723740: English journalist Marcelle Padovani, foreign correspondent for the Nouvel Observateur magazine in Italy - In 1991 she was author, with judge Giovanni Falcone, of the book “” Cose di Cosa nostra”” about Sicilian mafia/La giornalista francese Marcelle Padovani, corrispondente del Nouvel Observateur in Italia - Nel 1991 ha scritto, insieme a, insieme a Giovanni Falcone a libro sulla mafia “” Cose di Cosa nostra”” - / Bridgeman Images
MME4723766: English journalist Marcelle Padovani, foreign correspondent for the Nouvel Observateur magazine in Italy - In 1991 she was author, with judge Giovanni Falcone, of the book “” Cose di Cosa nostra”” about Sicilian mafia/La giornalista francese Marcelle Padovani, corrispondente del Nouvel Observateur in Italia - Nel 1991 ha scritto, insieme a, insieme a Giovanni Falcone a libro sulla mafia “” Cose di Cosa nostra”” - / Bridgeman Images
MME4723780: English journalist Marcelle Padovani, foreign correspondent for the Nouvel Observateur magazine in Italy - In 1991 she was author, with judge Giovanni Falcone, of the book “” Cose di Cosa nostra”” about Sicilian mafia/La giornalista francese Marcelle Padovani, corrispondente del Nouvel Observateur in Italia - Nel 1991 ha scritto, insieme a, insieme a Giovanni Falcone a libro sulla mafia “” Cose di Cosa nostra”” - / Bridgeman Images