MPX5139083: Young performers were given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to entertain the crowds with a pop superstar. Students from Stagecoach groups across Teesside were among those who rocked the stage with Robbie Williams during his Swings Both Ways tour at the Metro Radio Arena in Newcastle on Sunday and Monday. Kids, from Stagecoach groups including Yarm, Guisborough and Middlesbrough, accompanied the Take That star for his performance of High Hopes - a song made popular by Frank Sinatra in the early 1960s. Pictured Matthew Clarke 10 from Stockton a member of Stage Coach in Yarm who performed on stage with Robbie Williams in Newcastle, 24/06/2014 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5139100: A chance encounter on the Metro has re-united a former soldier with his cherished military medal. Ian Parker served in the British Army in the 1970s but sold his service medal in 1989, a decision he had regretted for over twenty years. But now he has the medal back and in pride of place in his home thanks to the detective work of his colleague. Former Solider Ian Parker (pictured left) lost his service medal. Colleague and medal collector Jon Whitehouse (pictured right) managed to find and return the lost medal after a chance conversation over their medal interests, July 2014 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5139106: A chance encounter on the Metro has re-united a former soldier with his cherished military medal. Ian Parker served in the British Army in the 1970s but sold his service medal in 1989, a decision he had regretted for over twenty years. But now he has the medal back and in pride of place in his home thanks to the detective work of his colleague. Former Solider Ian Parker (pictured left) lost his service medal. Colleague and medal collector Jon Whitehouse (pictured right) managed to find and return the lost medal after a chance conversation over their medal interests, July 2014 (photo) / Bridgeman Images