MPX5140038: Prefabricated Ports. Two Prefabricated Ports each as big as Gibraltar were manufactured in Britain in sections, towed across the channel, and set down off the coast of Normandy. The use of the prefabricated ports greatly simplified the problem of supplying the Allied Armies in France. Pictured, pier giving exit to Arremanches. October 1944 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5140045: Operation Pluto (pipe-lines under the ocean). First pictures. One of the greatest supply stories of the war is now being told for the first time. It is the story of Operation Pluto (from the initial letters of Pipe-Lines Under the Ocean). It tells of the laying by unique methods of an oil pipe-line system under the English Channel by which the military operation of the Allied Armies in Europe were nourished. This system was devised by the Petroleum Warfare Department and its success owes much to the Prime Minister's interest. (These photographs tie up with the Ministry of Fuel and Power Press Conference of 22nd May 1945). Pictured, A CONUN (HMS Conundrum) being moved into position for winding on the steep pipe. The enormous size of the CONUN is shown by the figure of the sailor standing alongside. CONUNs were towed by the Royal Navy across the Channel to lay continuous lengths of steep pipe 67 miles long. May 1945 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5140062: The chocolate room of candy-maker supreme, Willy Wonka, may go down in screen history as not only one of the most impressive studio sets ever constructed but perhaps the tastiest too. The immense candy room setting has been constructed on the largest sound stage at Bavaria Studios, Munich, where David L. Wolper's production of 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' is now being filmed. The Oompa-Loompas are pictured on set. 8th October 1970 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images