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Patriots on Carlo Alberto Square, Aosta, Valle D'Aosta, Italy, 1920-30 (b/w photo)
Patriots on Carlo Alberto Square, Aosta, Valle D'Aosta, Italy, 1920-30 (b/w photo)

UIT6185561: Patriots on Carlo Alberto Square, Aosta, Valle D'Aosta, Italy, 1920-30 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Aosta Surroundings, Valle D'Aosta, Italy, 1900-10 (b/w photo)
Aosta Surroundings, Valle D'Aosta, Italy, 1900-10 (b/w photo)

UIT6185580: Aosta Surroundings, Valle D'Aosta, Italy, 1900-10 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Uliveto Terme, Vicopisano, Tuscany, Italy, 1925 (b/w photo)
Uliveto Terme, Vicopisano, Tuscany, Italy, 1925 (b/w photo)

UIT6185154: Uliveto Terme, Vicopisano, Tuscany, Italy, 1925 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Great Mosque, Kairouan, Tunisia, Africa, 1910 (b/w photo)
Great Mosque, Kairouan, Tunisia, Africa, 1910 (b/w photo)

UIT6185160: Great Mosque, Kairouan, Tunisia, Africa, 1910 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Course of Giulio Cesare, Night, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1910 (b/w photo)
Course of Giulio Cesare, Night, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1910 (b/w photo)

UIT6185169: Course of Giulio Cesare, Night, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1910 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Balon Market, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1910-20 (b/w photo)
Balon Market, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1910-20 (b/w photo)

UIT6185175: Balon Market, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1910-20 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Colony, Statue of Benito Mussolini, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1930 (b/w photo)
Colony, Statue of Benito Mussolini, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1930 (b/w photo)

UIT6185291: Colony, Statue of Benito Mussolini, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1930 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Colony, Statue of Benito Mussolini, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1930 (b/w photo)
Colony, Statue of Benito Mussolini, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1930 (b/w photo)

UIT6185295: Colony, Statue of Benito Mussolini, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1930 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

City Hall, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1920-30 (b/w photo)
City Hall, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1920-30 (b/w photo)

UIT6185228: City Hall, Turin, Piemonte, Italy, 1920-30 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Right nave, Cabinet of the Sacred Beams of the raft on which I arrive from the sea in Monopoli the Holy Image of the Madonna, Basilica of the Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Right nave, Cabinet of the Sacred Beams of the raft on which I arrive from the sea in Monopoli the Holy Image of the Madonna, Basilica of the Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071463: Right nave, Cabinet of the Sacred Beams of the raft on which I arrive from the sea in Monopoli the Holy Image of the Madonna, Basilica of the Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Sacrament chapel, right transept, cathedral, monopoly, bari, italy (photo)
Sacrament chapel, right transept, cathedral, monopoly, bari, italy (photo)

RTG6071505: Sacrament chapel, right transept, cathedral, monopoly, bari, italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Chapel of the Sacrament, visible the Last Supper by Francesco De Mura (1755), transept of the right, Cathedral, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Chapel of the Sacrament, visible the Last Supper by Francesco De Mura (1755), transept of the right, Cathedral, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071512: Chapel of the Sacrament, visible the Last Supper by Francesco De Mura (1755), transept of the right, Cathedral, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Wooden model for the Altar of the Chapel of the Sideboard, 18th century, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Wooden model for the Altar of the Chapel of the Sideboard, 18th century, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071534: Wooden model for the Altar of the Chapel of the Sideboard, 18th century, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Wooden model for the Altar of the Chapel of the Sideboard, 18th century, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Wooden model for the Altar of the Chapel of the Sideboard, 18th century, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071535: Wooden model for the Altar of the Chapel of the Sideboard, 18th century, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Wooden model for the Altar of the Chapel of the Sideboard, eighteenth century height about 80 cm. On this was then realized the Altar, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Wooden model for the Altar of the Chapel of the Sideboard, eighteenth century height about 80 cm. On this was then realized the Altar, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071538: Wooden model for the Altar of the Chapel of the Sideboard, eighteenth century height about 80 cm. On this was then realized the Altar, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Right aisle, Chapel of the sacrament, chief angel, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Right aisle, Chapel of the sacrament, chief angel, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071366: Right aisle, Chapel of the sacrament, chief angel, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Right nave, Chapel of the Sacrament, Altar, Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Right nave, Chapel of the Sacrament, Altar, Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071369: Right nave, Chapel of the Sacrament, Altar, Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Central nave, marble pulpit, Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Central nave, marble pulpit, Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071374: Central nave, marble pulpit, Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Left nave, marble baptistery (C. Trinchese 1749), Basilica Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Left nave, marble baptistery (C. Trinchese 1749), Basilica Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071378: Left nave, marble baptistery (C. Trinchese 1749), Basilica Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Left nave, Marble Altar of San Francesco Da Paola (late 18th century), Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Left nave, Marble Altar of San Francesco Da Paola (late 18th century), Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071387: Left nave, Marble Altar of San Francesco Da Paola (late 18th century), Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Left nave, Marble Altar of San Francesco Da Paola (late 18th century), Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Left nave, Marble Altar of San Francesco Da Paola (late 18th century), Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071388: Left nave, Marble Altar of San Francesco Da Paola (late 18th century), Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Altar of the crucifix 18th century, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Altar of the crucifix 18th century, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071395: Altar of the crucifix 18th century, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Altar of the crucifix 18th century, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Altar of the crucifix 18th century, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071397: Altar of the crucifix 18th century, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Transept on the left, Chapel of the Rosary, marble decorations by A. Gentile (1749), Basilica Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Transept on the left, Chapel of the Rosary, marble decorations by A. Gentile (1749), Basilica Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071407: Transept on the left, Chapel of the Rosary, marble decorations by A. Gentile (1749), Basilica Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Transept on the left, Chapel of the Rosary, marble decorations by A. Gentile (1749), Basilica Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Transept on the left, Chapel of the Rosary, marble decorations by A. Gentile (1749), Basilica Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071409: Transept on the left, Chapel of the Rosary, marble decorations by A. Gentile (1749), Basilica Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Transept on the left, Chapel of the Rosary, marble decorations by A. Gentile (1749), Basilica Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Transept on the left, Chapel of the Rosary, marble decorations by A. Gentile (1749), Basilica Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071413: Transept on the left, Chapel of the Rosary, marble decorations by A. Gentile (1749), Basilica Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

San Michele by G.Sanmartino 1751-1752, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
San Michele by G.Sanmartino 1751-1752, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071415: San Michele by G.Sanmartino 1751-1752, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

San Michele by G.Sanmartino 1751-1752, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
San Michele by G.Sanmartino 1751-1752, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071416: San Michele by G.Sanmartino 1751-1752, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

San Giuseppe, work by G. Sanmartino 1751-1752, Basilica of the Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
San Giuseppe, work by G. Sanmartino 1751-1752, Basilica of the Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071420: San Giuseppe, work by G. Sanmartino 1751-1752, Basilica of the Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Chapel of the Sacrament, Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Chapel of the Sacrament, Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071421: Chapel of the Sacrament, Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Central nave, marble decoration, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Central nave, marble decoration, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071424: Central nave, marble decoration, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Central nave, faux marble decoration
, Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Central nave, faux marble decoration
, Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071425: Central nave, faux marble decoration , Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Paris Bourse de Commerce (photo)
Paris Bourse de Commerce (photo)

IMO6067347: Paris Bourse de Commerce (photo) / Bridgeman Images

“Raised” Chapel of the Sideboard, Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
“Raised” Chapel of the Sideboard, Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071341: “Raised” Chapel of the Sideboard, Basilica of Our Lady of the Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Right nave, Cabinet of the Sacred Beams of the raft on which I arrive from the sea in Monopoli the Holy Image of the Madonna, Basilica of the Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Right nave, Cabinet of the Sacred Beams of the raft on which I arrive from the sea in Monopoli the Holy Image of the Madonna, Basilica of the Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071348: Right nave, Cabinet of the Sacred Beams of the raft on which I arrive from the sea in Monopoli the Holy Image of the Madonna, Basilica of the Concathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Chapel and Altar of the Immaculate, 18th century, medallion of the Paliotto, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)
Chapel and Altar of the Immaculate, 18th century, medallion of the Paliotto, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo)

RTG6071349: Chapel and Altar of the Immaculate, 18th century, medallion of the Paliotto, Basilica Co-cathedral Maria S. della Madia, Monopoli, Bari, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

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