MPX5098785: The wreckage of a fully-laden passenger Viscount aeroplane after it had overshot the runway at Rochford Airport and ended tail up on the railway line which runs alongside the airport. Firemen and emergency services clear the way for passengers to exit the plane. October 1960 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5098795: The wreckage of a fully-laden passenger Viscount aeroplane after it had overshot the runway at Rochford Airport and ended tail up on the railway line which runs alongside the airport. Firemen and emergency services clear the way for passengers to exit the plane. October 1960 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5089259: Pictures of Control desk for the Four Allied Powers show American, English and French Controllers in their places. The Russian Controller refuses to sit with the others and so this picture was taken of the back of the Control desk where he can be seen, furthest away wearing a Sam Brownes belt. His name is Senior Lieutenant Komarov. July 1948 / Bridgeman Images