ZUM4869424: Aug. 08, 1953 - Greek earthquake disaster latest pictures - Six days after the first shocks, Argostoli, capitol of the Greek earthquake island of Cephalonia, is still burning. Latest figures are that 1,000 people have been killed, 4,000 injured and 10,000 made homeless / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4869724: Nov 29, 1943 - Tehran, Iran - Historical encounter between General Secretary of the Communist Party JOSEPH STALIN, the U.S. President FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT and U.K. Prime Minister Sir WINSTON CHURCHILL during the Teheran Conference. The Tehran Conference (codenamed Eureka) was a strategy meeting held between Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill from November 28 to December 1, 1943. It was held in the Soviet Embassy in Tehran, Iran and was the first of the World War II conferences held between all of the 'Big Three' Allied leaders (the Soviet Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom). During the Conference, the three leaders coordinated their military strategy against Germany and Japan and made a number of important decisions concerning the post World War II era. The most notable achievements of the Conference focused on the next phases of the war against the Axis powers in Europe and Asia. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin engaged in discussions concerning the terms under which the British and Americans finally committed to launching Operation Overlord, an invasion of northern France, to be executed by May of 1944. (Credit Image: / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4869773: Aug. 08, 1953 - Preparing For Opening Of Young Contemporaries Art Exhibition: Photo Shows 21-year-old Miss Valerie Thornton of Guildford,. Surrey admires” Man Shooring Sheep” sculpture by Ralph Brown R.B.A. who comes from London - seen during preparations at R.B.A. Galleries Suffolk Street for the opening of the young Contemporaries Art Exhibition. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4869799: Aug. 08, 1953 - South Sea Idyll - at Wembley.: Olgia Nord, the skating star of “” Chu Chin Chow on Ice””, now running at Wembley - relaxes on an easy chair by the side of the lake behind the Empire Pool - as, still wearing her skates, she is fanned by Jennifer Russell, who plays the part of a Alave Girl in the show- during an today, in today's Hot Weather. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4870020: Aug. 08, 1953 - 92-years old woman candidate for the German federal Assembly. 92-years old writer Mathilde Planck who is now living ins. ~ ~ ~ ~ gsburg home for old people will stand for the All-German people party in Eudwigsburg electoral district. Two years ago the old woman got the service cross of the federal republic / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4870456: Aug. 08, 1953 - Marathon Tennis at Wimbledon. Patty and Drobny play for 4½ hours. 25.6.53 - Budge Patty of U.S.A. and J. Drobny (Egypt), were involve in a marathon match at Wimbledon today playing for more than 4½. Drobny was the eventual winner after five sets 8-6, 16-18, 3-6, 8-6 and 12-10. Keystone Photo Shows: Budge Patty sits on his racquet as he wipes his face with a towel, watched by J. Drobny, who partakes of a welcome refresher - during their match at Wimbledon today. H/Keystone / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4870860: Dec 12, 1950 - New York, New York, U.S. - 99th Street shops, Third Avenue, elevated rail-road. 9th Street was a local station on the demolished IRT Third Avenue Line in New York City. The station was originally built by the Manhattan Railway Company on December 30, 1878, and later had two levels. The lower level serving local trains was built first, and had two tracks and two side platforms. The upper level, built as part of the Dual Contracts had one track that bypassed the station and served express trains. The next stop to the north was 106th Street. The next stop to the south was 89th Street. The station closed on May 12, 1955. (Credit Image: / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4870948: Aug. 08, 1953 - The Greek Earthquake Disaster whole Town Slide into Sea.: More tremors rocked the Greek islands in the Ionian Sea today as British warships arrived to help in rescue operations. A” Dunkirk” evacuation went into operation to take survivors to the mainland / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4871122: Aug. 08, 1953 - Italian Government.: President Einaudi has asked Vice-Premier Attilio Piccioni to try to solve the Italian Cabinet crisis brought about by Signor de Gasperi's defeated in Parliament last Tuesday. He has accepted and is expected to be his Foreign Minister / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4871288: Jun 11, 1952 - New York, New York, U.S. - The 34th President of the United States, DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (1890-1969) was a five-star general in the United States Army as well as served two terms as President. PICTURED: June 11, 1952; New York City, New York, U.S. - Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, left, and JOHN FOSTER DULLES, former Republican adviser to the State Department, pause during a walk on Morningside Heights in New York City, for a chat on a park bench. Earlier they met behind closed doors for more than an hour. Dulles told reporters asking if he favored Eisenhower for the Republican Presidential nomination, “” I am working to get unity in the Republican party on foreign policy (Credit Image: / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4872071: Tue 02, 1953 - Piccolo Theater of Milan performs in Paris: Marcello Moretti (left) as Harlequin and Contarello (next to him), two main character of Goldini's commedia Del Arte” Harlequin serves two masters” staged by the Piccolo theater of Milan at Marigny Theater, Paris. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4872115: Aug. 08, 1953 - Thousands from East Berlin line up for free food from the West; In spite of the many threats from the authorities in the Eastern Sector - many thousands of people from the East Zone lined up for hours at the various town halls in the city to receive the free food parcels distributed by the American authorities / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4872154: Aug. 08, 1953 - Train Comes Off The Rails At 60 M.P.H. 366 Passengers Escape: An express engine lies on its side, with two coaches still attached. Father back the rest of the coaches loan against a bank which kept them from overturning. This was the 9.28 am. Bradford-Bristol express, with 366 passengers aboard. At Kingsbury, Staffs, travelling between 60 and 70 m.p.h. it was derailed - but only two people had to go to hospital. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4872164: Tue 03, 1953 - A Czechoslovak airliner switched from its official route during the night and lended at the American air base at Frankfurt with 29 people aboard, some of whom are seeking political refuge. The pilot, the navigator and four passengers are seeking asylum. The other in the airplane were not told of the escape plan until it was put into effect. The airliner, an American - designed c-47 carried screw of four and 25 passengers. It was flying from Prague to Brno, inside Czechoslovakia when the pilot made a dash for the U.S zone in Germany. The airplane is now in the oustodyy of the American Air Force / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4872208: Tue 03, 1953 - New design in interior decoration. British Railways worker - at Chester. To get away form normal wallpaper and the ordinary forms of wall decoration - Mr. Ernest Clayton a British Railway worker of Chester has decorated his sitting room with unique design of wall painting / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4872236: Tue 03, 1953 - Embroidering with peacock-feathers - is a trade which already died out. It had, however, its flowering-time about 100 years ago during the time of Andreas Hofer. The harness maker Karl Stecker of Gmund on the Tegernsee Lake brought this trade to new life. The feathers of the peacock which are about 70 to 80 centimeters long are split and artistical embroideries are made with innumerable stitches on belts, shoes and braces. Formerly these peacock-feather embroideries were proudly worn by the people of the Alpine regions and the wealthier farmer was the more magnificent the leathers had to be embroidered with. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4872276: Aug. 08, 1953 - 10 Killed And 60 Injured In Train Crash At Manchester: Ten people were killed and more than 60 injured when two trains collided head-on yesterday on the Irk Valley Viaduct, about a mile from Victoria Station, Manchester, The engine and two coaches of a steam train and three coaches of an electric train were derailed. A steel coach of the electric train tore a 30-ft. gap in the wall of the viaduct and plaunged 80-ft into the river. It landed on its side and some passengers were thrown into the water. Many were trapped in the wreckage / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4872310: Tue 03, 1953 - Students demonstrate in Athens over the Cyprus question: A rowdy demonstration took place in Athens recently over the old question of Cyprus. It was originally organised by the students Committee for Cypriot Struggle as a protest against the United Nations Assembly refusal to enter the Cypriot question on the agends. The demonstration started very quietly in the Athens University Square. After a few fiery speeches the situation got out of hand when some students said to be communists suggested going to the various embassies. When police tried to stop them the communist students started throwing stones and sticks. The fire brigade turned up and stopped the riot by using their hoses. Twenty three students and forty five policemen were injured. General view showing a section of the mass meeting of students with their banners which read: Cyprus back to Mother Greece Mother's rags are better than step mother's velvet Greeks know how Freedom is acquired and Turkish Friends we are not living in Abdul Hemid's time. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4872312: Aug. 08, 1953 - Thousands From East Berlin Line Up For Free Food From The West.. In spite of the many threats from the authorities in the Eastern Sector - many thousands of people from the East Zone lined up for hours at the various Town Halls in the city to receive the free food parcels - distributed by the American Authorities / Bridgeman Images