ZUM4933497: May 17, 1954 - Combined Services Amphibious Demonstrations: Runaground V, the annual amphibious and cliff assault demonstration staged for the benefit of the students of the Royal Navy, Army and R.A.F. Staff Colleges, is now taking place in the Solent area. Taking part are motor minesweepers, motor launches and tank landing craft of the Royal Navy, Landing and raiding craft of the Royal Marines, R.N. and R.A.F. squadrons, and strong R.M. and Army Units / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4933539: May 17, 1954 - Combined Services Amphibious Demonstration: Runaground V, the annual amphibious and cliff assaul demonstration staged for the benefit of the students of the Royal Navy, Army, and Royal Air Force Staff Colleges, is taking place in the Solent area, today, tomorrow, and Wednesday. Taking part are motor minesweepers, motor launches and tank landing craft of the Royal Navy, landing and raiding craft of the Royal Marines, R.N. and R.A.F. air squadrons, and strong R.M. and Army units / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4933789: May 24, 1954 - White-Employee Before the Federal Court. In front of the 6th punitive senate of the high federal court in Karlsruhe the spy trial began against Boris Snigowsky, a former worker at the Blank department. It is expected, that the highest officials of the office will appear as witnesses in the trial. Our picture shows the accused Boris Snigowsky before the beginning of the trial in conversation with his defense counselor. sseldorf) / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4933894: May 26, 1954 - The Horse looked Puzzled The horse of a Nice (English Riviera) Cabby looks puzzled: what is all this 'Rumpus' about? He did not know that the Cup being paraded in the streets of Riviera's Resort was the precious trophy won by the Nice team after a final bout versus Marseilles in Paris last Sunday / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4934005: May 27, 1954 - Traditional beating bounds ceremony at tower chief warder leads the procession.: Mr. Alan Griffiths the chief Warder at the Tower of London headed the traditional Beating of the Bounds ceremony at the Tower this morning. The ancient ceremony takes place every three years. Choir boys the Chapel beat the 51 boundary stones with willow wands / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4934334: Dec. 00, 0000 - W.R.A.F. Sergeant Audrey Jackson, seen wearing the Airwoman New Style uniform today. dress of the R.A.F. The new uniform have been designed by Mr. Victor Stiebel specifically for the feminine figure; the jacket is shorter, the shoulders less square and the waist more empha ~ ised. The close fitting, single breasted jacket is beltless, has four gilt R.A.F. buttons, and is out away in front with well rounded corners. The two front and back panels have piped seams. Unlike the present style, the jacket has no breast pockets, but has two pockets below the waist. The slightly flared skirt with six panels is considered more practical and becoming then the present straight skirt. The officers' uniform differs from the airwomen's in the design of the pockets and will continue to be made of blue-grey worsted serge as before. Except on ceremonial occasions when black service-pattern laced shoes are worn, the new style uniform may be worn with plain black punched calf walted court shoes. The court shoes will be an optional item of dress which may be purchased by both officers and airwoman. Officers will shortly be able to order the new design from their tailors and it is hoped that the first supplies of the new uniforms for the airwoman will be received early in 1955 / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4934675: Jun. 06, 1954 -” Miss England” Chosen in London, Young Lady from Manchester: Eighteen year old Manchester Model of Miss June Peter - won the title of” Miss England” at the Lyceum this afternoon. She is to represent the country in the contest for” Miss Europe” to be held at Vico ~ ~ ~ France, later this month / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4934685: Jun 06, 1954 - The world's “Most Glamorous Grandmother” in London. Marlene Dietrich at the Dorchester: Photo shows Marlene Dietrich - often described as the” Most Glamorous Grandmother in the world” - seen on her arrival at the Dorchester Hotel, London this afternoon. She is to appear in Cabaret at the Cafe de Paris / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4934903: Jun 06, 1954 - The Germans below up general marginal's statue new statue unveiled by president city. The new stature of general Margin which the president of the republic unveiled in front of the church Saint Francois Xavier this morning the pd status was blown up by the Germans during the occupation / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4935130: Jun 06, 1954 - The Duke Calls For 'Three Cheers' - For His Sister-in-Law: Phot Shows The Duke of Edinburgh calls for' Three Cheers' - for his sister-in-law Princess Margaret - after the latter has presented him with the trophy when his team won - during the Polo Contest to Cowdray Park yesterday / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4935462: Jun. 06, 1954 - N. Schmittlein Succeeds M.Jacquet as Secretary for Associated States (Indo-China). M.Raymond Schmittlein, M.P., Photographed at his Paris home this morning. He succeeds M.Marc Jacquet as State Secretary for the Associated States (Indo-China). Jacquet tendered his resignation to Prime Minister Joseph Laniel following the publication of an article on India-China in the Weekly express / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4935861: Jun. 06, 1954 - Ex European boxing champion Hein ten Hoff is affectionately greeted by his wife Franziska after he flew into the Hamburg airport from America on Sunday. His flight had been delaying five hours because of the weather and Franziska waited with a beating hea / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4936528: Jun. 06, 1954 - Royals Attend Abbey Wedding: The wedding took place today at Westminster Abbey, between Miss Frances Roche, 18-year old daughter of Lord and Lady Fermoy and Viscount Althor. 30, and equerry to the Queen. H.M. The Queen attended Photo shows The bride and groom leaving after the ceremony / Bridgeman Images