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Poster, France, May 1968: Adherez au parti de la peur (Croix de Lorraine, gaullisme) (serigraph)
Poster, France, May 1968: Adherez au parti de la peur (Croix de Lorraine, gaullisme) (serigraph)

OUC3664153: Poster, France, May 1968: Adherez au parti de la peur (Croix de Lorraine, gaullisme) (serigraph) / Bridgeman Images

Poster, France, May 1968: Chacun regarde avec satisfaction la stabilite dans son pays (caricature Charles de Gaulle fait du trapeze)
Poster, France, May 1968: Chacun regarde avec satisfaction la stabilite dans son pays (caricature Charles de Gaulle fait du trapeze)

OUC3664164: Poster, France, May 1968: Chacun regarde avec satisfaction la stabilite dans son pays (caricature Charles de Gaulle fait du trapeze) / Bridgeman Images

Poster, France, May 1968: Caricature of Charles de Gaulle
Poster, France, May 1968: Caricature of Charles de Gaulle

OUC3663858: Poster, France, May 1968: Caricature of Charles de Gaulle / Bridgeman Images

Poster, France, May 1968: Laissez moi encore dix ans. Je reprendrai vos augmentations! (de Gaulle ) (serigraph)
Poster, France, May 1968: Laissez moi encore dix ans. Je reprendrai vos augmentations! (de Gaulle ) (serigraph)

OUC3663859: Poster, France, May 1968: Laissez moi encore dix ans. Je reprendrai vos augmentations! (de Gaulle ) (serigraph) / Bridgeman Images

Poster, France, May 1968: De Gaulle, Franco, Salazar (serigraph)
Poster, France, May 1968: De Gaulle, Franco, Salazar (serigraph)

OUC3663865: Poster, France, May 1968: De Gaulle, Franco, Salazar (serigraph) / Bridgeman Images

Poster, France, May 1968: Nous roulons parce que nous avons ete trahis (serigraph)
Poster, France, May 1968: Nous roulons parce que nous avons ete trahis (serigraph)

OUC3663934: Poster, France, May 1968: Nous roulons parce que nous avons ete trahis (serigraph) / Bridgeman Images

Poster, France, May 1968: Bonne action civique (Gaullisme, un corps allonge dans une flaque de sang, une croix de Lorraine plantee dans la poitrine, avec sous ses semelles etudiants et ouvriers)
Poster, France, May 1968: Bonne action civique (Gaullisme, un corps allonge dans une flaque de sang, une croix de Lorraine plantee dans la poitrine, avec sous ses semelles etudiants et ouvriers)

OUC3663968: Poster, France, May 1968: Bonne action civique (Gaullisme, un corps allonge dans une flaque de sang, une croix de Lorraine plantee dans la poitrine, avec sous ses semelles etudiants et ouvriers) / Bridgeman Images

Poster, France, May 1968: a bas l'imperialisme US
Poster, France, May 1968: a bas l'imperialisme US

OUC3663969: Poster, France, May 1968: a bas l'imperialisme US / Bridgeman Images

Poster, France, May 1968: Lutte des classes dans les usines Sochaux Le Mans (serigraph)
Poster, France, May 1968: Lutte des classes dans les usines Sochaux Le Mans (serigraph)

OUC3663978: Poster, France, May 1968: Lutte des classes dans les usines Sochaux Le Mans (serigraph) / Bridgeman Images

Poster, France, May 1968: En syndicalisme, la promotion ouvriere est collective (serigraph)
Poster, France, May 1968: En syndicalisme, la promotion ouvriere est collective (serigraph)

OUC3663995: Poster, France, May 1968: En syndicalisme, la promotion ouvriere est collective (serigraph) / Bridgeman Images

Poster, France, May 1968: IFOP refusez l'intoxication (Institut francais d'opinion publique, sondage) (serigraph)
Poster, France, May 1968: IFOP refusez l'intoxication (Institut francais d'opinion publique, sondage) (serigraph)

OUC3663999: Poster, France, May 1968: IFOP refusez l'intoxication (Institut francais d'opinion publique, sondage) (serigraph) / Bridgeman Images

Frederick Stock, German music conductor and composer, with students of Tuley High School, Chicago, Illinois, c.1930s (b/w photo)
Frederick Stock, German music conductor and composer, with students of Tuley High School, Chicago, Illinois, c.1930s (b/w photo)

CHH3898964: Frederick Stock, German music conductor and composer, with students of Tuley High School, Chicago, Illinois, c.1930s (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Frederick Stock, German music conductor and composer, Chicago, Illinois, c.1930s (b/w photo)
Frederick Stock, German music conductor and composer, Chicago, Illinois, c.1930s (b/w photo)

CHH3898966: Frederick Stock, German music conductor and composer, Chicago, Illinois, c.1930s (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Frederick Stock, second musical director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, posing for painter Leopold Seyffert, renowned portrait artist, in a room in Chicago, Illinois, 1928 (b/w photo)
Frederick Stock, second musical director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, posing for painter Leopold Seyffert, renowned portrait artist, in a room in Chicago, Illinois, 1928 (b/w photo)

CHH3900058: Frederick Stock, second musical director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, posing for painter Leopold Seyffert, renowned portrait artist, in a room in Chicago, Illinois, 1928 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Promotional photo for Love Happy by David Miller, 1949 (photo)
Promotional photo for Love Happy by David Miller, 1949 (photo)

DIL4053614: Promotional photo for Love Happy by David Miller, 1949 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Gary Cooper And Audrey Hepburn
Gary Cooper And Audrey Hepburn

DIL4053624: Gary Cooper And Audrey Hepburn / Bridgeman Images

Gary Cooper And Audrey Hepburn
Gary Cooper And Audrey Hepburn

DIL4053626: Gary Cooper And Audrey Hepburn / Bridgeman Images

Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn

DIL4053627: Audrey Hepburn / Bridgeman Images

Gary Cooper And Audrey Hepburn
Gary Cooper And Audrey Hepburn

DIL4053630: Gary Cooper And Audrey Hepburn / Bridgeman Images

Elizabeth Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor

DIL4053637: Elizabeth Taylor / Bridgeman Images

Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley

DIL4053653: Elvis Presley / Bridgeman Images

August 1956:  Photo Of Elvis Presley And Debra Paget During The Filming Of
August 1956:  Photo Of Elvis Presley And Debra Paget During The Filming Of

DIL4053656: August 1956: Photo Of Elvis Presley And Debra Paget During The Filming Of "Love Me Tender" In Los Angeles, Ca. / Bridgeman Images

Richard Egan, Debra Paget And Elvis Presley.
Richard Egan, Debra Paget And Elvis Presley.

DIL4053661: Richard Egan, Debra Paget And Elvis Presley. / Bridgeman Images

Elvis Presley And Debra Pget.
Elvis Presley And Debra Pget.

DIL4053663: Elvis Presley And Debra Pget. / Bridgeman Images

Promotional photo for Love Nest by Joseph Newman, 1951 (photo)
Promotional photo for Love Nest by Joseph Newman, 1951 (photo)

DIL4053676: Promotional photo for Love Nest by Joseph Newman, 1951 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Promotional photo for Love Nest by Joseph Newman, 1951 (photo)
Promotional photo for Love Nest by Joseph Newman, 1951 (photo)

DIL4053680: Promotional photo for Love Nest by Joseph Newman, 1951 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Gena Rowlands
Gena Rowlands

DIL4053698: Gena Rowlands / Bridgeman Images

Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley

DIL4053715: Elvis Presley / Bridgeman Images

Elvis Presley on the set of Loving you, 1957 (photo)
Elvis Presley on the set of Loving you, 1957 (photo)

DIL4053719: Elvis Presley on the set of Loving you, 1957 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

On The Set, Lizabeth Scott With Dolores Hart And Elvis Presley.
On The Set, Lizabeth Scott With Dolores Hart And Elvis Presley.

DIL4053720: On The Set, Lizabeth Scott With Dolores Hart And Elvis Presley. / Bridgeman Images

Kirk Douglas
Kirk Douglas

DIL4053725: Kirk Douglas / Bridgeman Images

Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth

DIL4053738: Rita Hayworth / Bridgeman Images

Orson Welles And Rita Hayworth, The Lady From Shanghai, 1948 (film still)
Orson Welles And Rita Hayworth, The Lady From Shanghai, 1948 (film still)

DIL4053742: Orson Welles And Rita Hayworth, The Lady From Shanghai, 1948 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth

DIL4053745: Rita Hayworth / Bridgeman Images

Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth

DIL4053747: Rita Hayworth / Bridgeman Images

Orson Welles And Rita Hayworth, The Lady From Shanghai, 1948 (film still)
Orson Welles And Rita Hayworth, The Lady From Shanghai, 1948 (film still)

DIL4053749: Orson Welles And Rita Hayworth, The Lady From Shanghai, 1948 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

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