ZUM4906698: Jan. 01, 1954 - Good advices for her make up; Yesterday night the famous film actress Hildegard Knef visited Helene Rubinetein, the owner of the greatest make up company, in the hotel Frankfurterhof in Franfurt to get new advice from her. Mrs. Helene Rubinstein arrived for a longer visit in Germany to visit her salons / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4906762: Jan. 01, 1954 - The Tough Man And The Boy Eddie Constantine, crooner and screen actor, who impersonates Lemmy Caution or a 'Bad Boy' indifferently, is a” Tough” in the film” Les Truands” in the making in a Paris studio. Playing opposite him is an eight year old boy Pascal Alexandre. O.P.S: - Eddie Constantine with his youthful partner have a great time together / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4899495: Dec. 12, 1953 - Another Savoy” Battle”; A battle begins at the Savoy. But it's nothing to do with hotel shares. Spectacled Mr. Hugh Wontner, Savoy Hotel chairman, watches his wife tackle a giant iced cake. He gave a tea party yesterday for 80 students who are training to be hoteliers / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4899982: Dec. 12, 1953 - 400 Killed in Greek Earthquakes: At least 400 people were killed and hundreds injured in three days of earthquakes in the Greek island of Cophalonia. Yesterday was the worst yet. Towns and villages were wrecked and many thousands made homeless. In the neighbouring island of Ithakis / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4900113: Dec. 12, 1953 - The Two Richest Brides In The World... He Married One - Now To Marry The Other... Porforio Rubirosa the handsome Dominican diplomat who was once married to tobacco heiress Doris Duke is now to marry Woolworth heiress Barbara Hutton. Both Doris Duke and Barbara Hutton have been described as “The richest girl in the world”. The announcement of the forthcoming marriage was made by Zsa Zsa Gabor smother of the glamorous women in Rubirosa's life. Zsa said that her own romance with him was over - and that he was to marry Barbara Hutton in New York on Wednesday / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4900237: Dec. 12, 1953 - Unites State Naval Chief Visits King IBN Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia: Vice Admiral Jerauld Wright USN - Commander in Chief of United States Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, inspect guards of honour at the Winter Palace, Jidda Saudi Arabia... The Admiral Aziz of Saudi Arabia during tour of Mediterranean and Middle East / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4900288: Dec. 12, 1953 - Author of Best” Real Story” rewarded M.Georges Duhamel, the famous French Novelist, hands a? 200 cheque to Mr Etienne Cattin as a reward for his book “Trains in Distress”. The Book was selected as the best of the” Real Life” stories of the year by the Jury of” Grand Prix True” / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4900352: May 08, 1974 - The Socialist leader Francois Mitterrand, the Left's candidate in the second round of the presidential election, who is running against Giscard D'Estaing, was a guest on France-Inter's radio show “Breakfast”. Francois Mitterrand (right) is pictured eating breakfast with the radio station's director, Jacques Sallebert / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4900394: Dec. 12, 1953 - At the Ganges... the first white lady met the greats Jogi of India, Swami Sivananda. Mrs. Charlotte Walinski Heller from Nuremberg is a good mediating woman and already since many months she has a spiritual contact with Sivananadsa who had been unknown to her and she had been able to accept the far spiritual religious injunctions coming from the interpretation well known Jogi. By his invitation Mrs. Walinski started on Nov 30th to the India were she had been welcomed by the great Jogi by the words “my mind is your mind and your Ming is my mind”. On strip through India and later through all the world Mrs. Walinski should be prepared for her further tasks / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4900713: Dec. 12, 1953 - Big Three at Bermuda ~ ~ ~ nner: This original picture, just received was taken during the private dinner given by the Bermuda Governor, SIR ALEXANDER HOOD, at Government House, Bermuda. (L to R): Sir Alexander Hood, Sir Winston Churchill, President Eisenhower and M.Joseph Daniel, the French Premier / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4900719: Dec. 12, 1953 - The” Big Three” Prepare For Meeting... Conference In Bermuda: Arrangements are going ahead for the proposed meeting for the” Big Three” which is to be held in Bermuda on December 4th. The conference was originally planned for the beginning of July but had to be put off. It will be attended by the Prime Minister SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL; PRESIDENT EISENHOWER and M. Laniel the French Prime Minister- together with the Foreign Ministers of the three counties. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4900853: Dec. 12, 1953 - Gordon Hazell Beats Italy's Wiidmar Milandri On K.O. At Harringay: Photo Shows Widmar Millandri Italian middleweight champion goes during his fight with Britain's Gordon Hazell at Harringay Arena, London, last evening... Hazell won a Knock-out in the fifth round / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4901089: Dec. 12, 1953 - Giant Bridge Seen On The Moon. Discovery By Astronomer: Astronomers have spotted a huge bridge on the moon which looks” like an engineering job”. Dr. H. Percy Wilkins, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, said on the B. B2C's radio newsreel last night that the bridge is 20 miles long and 5,000 feet high, and spans a gulf between royal mountain ranges 6,000 ft. and 10,000 feet high. But there do not appear to be men on the moon after all.” The bridge, is, of course, not man made” - said Dr. Wilkins after the broadcast. Though the span is 20 miles the arch is probably only two miles across. The explanation? “A meteorite might have crashed through a molten-lava barrier and as the barrier solidified an arch was left” he said / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4899269: Dec. 12, 1953 - Shelley Winter Arrives In Paris En Route To Riviera: The famous American star Shelley winter as she landed at Orly airfield today. Shelley winter who costarred with Alan Ladd in play girl” is on her way to riviera an to Gen ~ a where she will star in an Italian American film” Mambo ' / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4899492: mother Teresa (Theresa) - Apr. 04, 1973 - ~ 34,000 Award for mother Teresa: Mother Teresa, whose work among the Homeless Millions of India, was Honoured at London's Guildhall last night when the Duke of Edinburgh presented the with a ~ 34,000 prize -The First annual Templeton Foundation Prize for Progress in Religion which was inaugurated last year by an American Business man. Mother Teresa says the money will help her work as head of the order of Missi onarics of Charity. Picture Shows: Prince Philip seen congratulation Mother Teresa after he had presented her with the ~ 34,000 Prize at the City's Guildhall last night / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4899501: mother Teresa (Theresa) - Apr. 04, 1973 - 34,000 award for mother Teresa: Mother Teresa, whose work among the Homeless Millions of India, was Honoured at London's Guildhall last night, when the Duke of Edinburgh presented her with a £34,000 prize- The first annual Templeton Foundation Prize for progress in Religion which was inaugurated last year by an American business man. Mother Teresa says the money will help her work as head of the Order of Missionaries of Charity / Bridgeman Images