ZUM4908516: Oct. 10, 1980 - Michael Rocard to Stand in the French Presidential Election: Michael Rocard is to stand as a Socialist candidate in next year's presidential election in France. Against President Giscard D'estaing. In a poll it showed 56 per cent of those asked felt it was right for him to put in his claim before M. Mitterand the Socialist Party / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4908518: Jan. 16, 1954 - The station of Dallas, Verarlberg, destroyed by avalanche: By an avalanche of dry snow the station of Dallas, Veralberg had been almost destroyed. A train, which stood before the station had been rent off and the 120 tons machine and the 40 ton heavy wagon thrown down to the valley (our picture). Ten men died here the” white death” / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4908621: Jan. 18, 1954 - 18-1-54 Famous “” Lover of the Silent Screen”” arrives. Ramon Navarro in London - Ramon Navarro, known as the great lover of the silent screen, arrived in London this afternoon to “” meet””” a few of his old friends. Keystone Photo Shows: Ramon Navarro, seen in London at the Savoy this evening / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4908974: Jan. 21, 1954 - Santa Cristina Gela - Palermo (Sicily): Charles V. Carollo expelled from the United States of America after 43 years of permanent life over there recently returned to his native country. Charles V. Carollo immigrated to the States when he was only three and his recent expulsion was based on the reason that he was the head of a gangsters band / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4909248: Jan. 25, 1954 - Opening of the” Big Four” conference in Berlin. Seated around the table.: The Foreign Ministers of Britain United States & France and Soviet Russia opened their conference at the Allied Control Authority Building in the American Sector of Berlin this afternoon. Main task of today's meeting was to agree on an agenda for the talks / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4903182: Dec. 29, 1953 -” Teachers For Peace” Conference Opens. Reading Letters From Delegates Not Allowed To Attend: The two day conference of” Teachers for Peace” opened this afternoon at Holborn Hall. Many delegates who were to have attended - were refused permission to enter the country - at the orders of the Home Secretary - Sir David Maxwell Fyfe. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4903311: Dec. 31, 1953 - POPE MAKES CHRISTMAS BROADCASTING: The Pope, in his annual Christmas broadcast from the Vatican, declared that the time seemed to him mature for the idea of European which to become reality. He also spoke of the “grave spiritual danger” of excessive reliance on technological progress and the “technological spirit” to the neglect of other values. Keystone Photo Shows: - The scene in the Vatican as the Pope makes his annual Christmas broadcast to the world / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4903367: Jan. 01, 1954 - The Indo-China War Continues... Prisoners Squat.. Keystone Photo Shows: - Prisoners parked into a small courtyard - squat after being searched for hidden weapons.. Some of them carry rice sneakers in which hand grenades are often hidden.. Picture just received from India-China where the long drawn out war continues / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4903605: Jan. 01, 1954 - Miss Sweden to model French fashion in Middle East: May Louise Flodin, Alias Miss Sweden (and also miss world 1952) -second from right to left- photographed with four other english mannequins prior to boarding the plane this morning. Miss Flodin who is a model will model English fashion in the near and the Middle East. At right is lucky, the famous model who came to see her friends off / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4903630: Jan. 01, 1954 - Preparing to drop envelopes into the sea admiralty take part in oil Pollution research: As a contribution to the campaign against the pollution of the beaches by oil residue jettisoned by ships, 10,000 plastic envelopes are to be dropped by aircraft of Coastal Command over a radius of approx 500 miles from the Bay of Biscay to a point half way between the hebrides and Iceland. The envelopes are expected to drift ashore in time and the finders are asked to complete the enclosed cards and send them to the National Institute of Oceanography, nr. Godalming, Surrey. Each card carries an award of 2/6d, and is printed in eight different languages. The cards are numbered and the date and position at which each was dropped will be recorded. It will thus be possible to work out the approx speed and directions of the currents which will give a lead as to the direction taken by oil dropped from ships at various points. Instructions on the cards are printed in eight different languages. 2,000 are to be sent out in early Spring Autumn and Winter while 4,000 will be dropped in Early Summer / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4903718: Jan. 01, 1954 - The British actress and her Italian Prince couple to marry in Rome: Miss Dawn Addams the 24 year old British actress announced recently the she was going to marry 42 year old Prince Vittorio Massimo a wealth Italian Nobleman. She said that the wedding would probably be in Rome during the Summer. The couple were to be seen in London this afternoon / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4903907: Jun. 06, 1976 - The French President makes a historic address to both houses of parliament - President Giscard d'Estaing of France, who is currently on a State visit to Britain, today addressed both House of Parliament. The speech was delivered to peers and MPs in the Royal Gallery of the House of Lords / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4903935: Jan. 01, 1954 - Chinese Prime Minister Leaves for Rangoon... Receives Bouquet... Keystone Photo Shows: Mr. Chou En Lai the Chinese Prime Minister who has been visiting India - seen as he receives a bouquet from the daughter of a Government of India Official - when he boarded his aircraft at the I.A.F. Station, Palam, for Rangoon. Standing beside him are Mr. Nehru, the captain of the aircraft and some members of the crew / Bridgeman Images