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MEP6101078: Pope Francis, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101078
Pope Francis, Holy See, 2017 (photo)
MEP6101079: Pope Francis, Italy, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101079
Pope Francis, Italy, 2017 (photo)
MEP6101091: Pope Francis, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101091
MEP6101096: Pope Francis, Italy, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101096
MEP6101104: Pope Francis and Igor Dodon, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101104
Pope Francis and Igor Dodon, Holy See, 2017 (photo)
MEP6101105: Pope Francis, Italy, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101105
MEP6101110: Pope Francis, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101110
MEP6101111: Pope Francis, Italy, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101111
MEP6101113: Pope Francis, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101113
MEP6101130: Pope Francis, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101130
MEP6101138: Christmas tree in Vatican City, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101138
Christmas tree in Vatican City, Holy See, 2017 (photo)
MEP6101146: Pope Francis, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101146
MEP6101149: Pope Francis, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101149
MEP6101153: Polish Delegation, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101153
Polish Delegation, Holy See, 2017 (photo)
MEP6101155: Ceremony for Christmas tree leaving from Poland, Poland, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101155
Ceremony for Christmas tree leaving from Poland, Poland, 2017 (photo)
MEP6101156: Pope Francis, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101156
MEP6101163: Pope Francis and Horacio Cartes, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101163
Pope Francis and Horacio Cartes, Holy See, 2017 (photo)
MEP6101164: Pope Francis and Leonardo Sapienza, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101164
Pope Francis and Leonardo Sapienza, Holy See, 2017 (photo)
MEP6101279: Pope Francis and Leonardo Sapienza, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101279
MEP6101282: Pope Francis, Italy, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101282
MEP6101284: Pope Francis, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101284
MEP6104301: Rowing boats lying on a beach, 1961 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6104301
Rowing boats lying on a beach, 1961 (b/w photo)
MEP6104487: Couple lying on the grass and kissing, Denmark, 1969 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6104487
Couple lying on the grass and kissing, Denmark, 1969 (b/w photo)
MEP6104522: Sergio Endrigo and Riccardo Rauchi in concert, Italy, 1959 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6104522
Sergio Endrigo and Riccardo Rauchi in concert, Italy, 1959 (b/w photo)
MEP6104599: Liza Minnelli smiling, 1960 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6104599
Liza Minnelli smiling, 1960 (b/w photo)
MEP6104628: Mao Zedong greeting by raising the arm, 1960 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6104628
Mao Zedong greeting by raising the arm, 1960 (b/w photo)
MEP6104639: Giorgio Napolitano attending a public meeting, 1970 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6104639
Giorgio Napolitano attending a public meeting, 1970 (b/w photo)
MEP6104657: Aldo Moro greeting, 1970 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6104657
Aldo Moro greeting, 1970 (b/w photo)
MEP6104722: Giorgio Napolitano talking to a man, 1970 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6104722
Giorgio Napolitano talking to a man, 1970 (b/w photo)
MEP6101340: St. Peter's Square covered by snow, Holy See, 2018 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101340
St. Peter's Square covered by snow, Holy See, 2018 (photo)
MEP6101347: Joaquin Navarro-Valls' funerals, Roma, Italy, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101347
Joaquin Navarro-Valls' funerals, Roma, Italy, 2017 (photo)
MEP6101354: Pope Francis, Rome, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101354
Pope Francis, Rome, Holy See, 2017 (photo)
MEP6101359: Pope Francis and Tony Blair, Rome, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101359
Pope Francis and Tony Blair, Rome, Holy See, 2017 (photo)
MEP6101365: Pope Francis, Roma, Holy See, 2015 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101365
Pope Francis, Roma, Holy See, 2015 (photo)
MEP6101367: Pope Francis, Rome, Holy See, 2017 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6101367
MEP6104757: Giorgio Napolitano with Gian Carlo Pajetta and Giorgio Amendola, 1970 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP6104757
Giorgio Napolitano with Gian Carlo Pajetta and Giorgio Amendola, 1970 (b/w photo)