MPX5095658: Ken Potter and Alan Llambias, two Croupiers, have suddenly decided to do something completely different. They are going to hitch-hike "Around the World on a Brolly". Dressed as City gentlemen and armed with bowlers and umbrellas they will be advancing the patriotic theory that the "British Spirit" is not dead. January 1975 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5095662: Leah Bell, singer and entertainer, at the club awards in a leading local night club. Leah won both the statuette for being the best female vocalist in the North East and also a silver disc from Phililps, the record company, for being the best overall entertainer for the year. 18/02/1977 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5095682: Ken Potter and Alan Llambias, two Croupiers, have suddenly decided to do something completely different. They are going to hitch-hike "Around the World on a Brolly". Dressed as City gentlemen and armed with bowlers and umbrellas they will be advancing the patriotic theory that the "British Spirit" is not dead. January 1975 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5095733: Someone will be on the receiving end from a Henry Cooper punch, and like it, as the BBC early morning programme "Morning Show" will explain to listeners throughout the world. Henry was in the sports department of Harrods in Knightsbridge, punching a fairground-type punch-ball. His top score was noted, and the first person to guess his hardest punch - up to 600lb - will be the winner of the competition and will be presented with a punch-ball by Harrods. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5095749: Medical Research: A famous medicine manufacturers are working at full blast to cope with the present flu epedemic. Their well known cough remedy which is prescribed by most doctors was becoming difficult to get, so fully trained pharmacists volunteered to help with the bottling of this medicine. These pharmacists work at the firm, Parke-Davis & Co., of Hounslow, Middlesex and are now busy putting bottle tops and labels on the medicine... a job normally done by women. 30 of their women are away with flu. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5095754: The two hunger strikers who have been fasting on the pavement at the corner of Whitehall and Downing Street since Christmas Eve, ended their vigil today as they handed in a petition to No. 10. The men collapsed and had to be carried to the door of No. 10 and after handing the petition were given treatment until transport arrived to take them away. The two men have been protesting against the Northern Ireland special powers act. Christopher Maloney is comforted by friends after collapsing outside No. 10. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5096650: World War II Women. Keeping fit to join the Wrens. These Evesham Sea Rangers all hope to join the Wrens, when their ages permit. Meanwhile they keep fit and learn something of seamanship on a boat on the river Avon at Evesham, Worcs, which they have named HMS Fortune. 30 members spend weekends aboard. August 1943 / Bridgeman Images