Pilsudski's First Division foot legion (Vilnius Army) awaiting inspection from General Stefan Dab-Biernacki, Vilnius 1937-39 / Bridgeman Images
Vilnius, Pilsudski's First Division foot legion (Vilnius Army) at a parade for General Stefan Dab-Biernacki, Vilnius 1937-39 / Bridgeman Images
Warsaw, Poland, 1971. Militia officers at the scene of a car accident that took place on Marszalkowska street near the editorial office of 'Life of Warsaw' (Zycie Waszawy) - daily newspaper. / Bridgeman Images
Warsaw, Poland, 1978. Building site. A construction worker in Ursynow district lying on a piece of concrete constructing slab and resting. / Bridgeman Images
Bialorus, 1934. Fashion and fabrics practical lesson for older female pupils. the boys took a locksmith workshop instead. Photograph taken by Bronislaw Buniakowski. / Bridgeman Images
1974. I Secretary of KPZR, (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) Leonid Brzeniew's visit to Poland. Edward Gierek is standing next to him. / Bridgeman Images
Poland, 14.12.1976. Edward Gierek - opening of Huta Katowice with the participation of USSR Prime Minister, A. Kosygin and the Prime Minister of Poland, P. Jaroszewicz. / Bridgeman Images
Warsaw 02.06.1979. Pope John Paul II's first Pilgrimage to Poland. The Pope and Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski at the grave of the unknown soldier on Victory Square (presently Pilsudskiego Square). / Bridgeman Images
Opole, ceiling ornament, crest of the Piast dynasty, St Ann's Chapel in Holy Trinity Church. place of Piast dynasty princes' tombs. South-Western Poland Upper Silesia, Opolishe Province 2001 / Bridgeman Images
Warsaw, 01.05.1988. 1st of May demonstrations in front of Stanislaw Kostki church. Military agents attack the crowds in an effort to disperse them. / Bridgeman Images