FBU4242626: Representation of the newly born Achilles - Detail from the panel representing the first bath of achilles - Paphos Mosaics, Villa of Theseus, 5th Century AD - Cyprus - Representation of the new ne Achilles - Detail of the Mosaic representing the first bath of achillas - Mosaics of Paphos, House of Thesee - Fifth Century AD - UNESCO Site - Cyprus / Bridgeman Images
FBU4242631: Representation of the newly born Achilles with his nurse, Anatrophe - Detail from the panel representing the first bath of achilles - Paphos Mosaics, the villa of thesus 5th Century AD - Cyprus - Achilles nouveau ne avec sa nourrice, Anatrophe - Detail of the Mosaic representing the first bath of achillas - Paphos Mosaics, Thesee House - Ve Siecle apres JC - UNESCO Site - Cyprus / Bridgeman Images
FBU4242658: Representation of the newly born Achilles with his nurse, Anatrophe - Detail from the panel representing the first bath of achilles - Paphos Mosaics, the villa of thesus 5th Century AD - Cyprus - Achilles nouveau ne avec sa nourrice, Anatrophe - Detail of the Mosaic representing the first bath of achille - Mosaics of Paphos, House of thesee - Ve Siecle apres JC - UNESCO Site - Cyprus / Bridgeman Images
FBU4242732: Mosaic floor of the house of Aion - The bath of Dionysos - Moment at wich baby Dionysos seated in the lap of Hermes, is about to be handed over to Trophy, his futur tutor, and to the nymphs of Mount Nysa - Paphos Mosaics, House of Aion, 3rd Century AD - Cyprus - Bain de Dionysos - Hermes sur le point de donner le petit Dionysos au silene Eus and Nymphs of Mount Nysa - Mosaics of Paphos, House of Aion - 3rd Century after JC - UNESCO Site - Cyprus - Paphos Mosaics, House of Aion, 3rd Century AD - Cyprus - Mosaics of Paphos, House of Aion - 3rd Century after JC - UNSCO Site - Cyprus / Bridgeman Images
FBU4242749: Detail from the panel depicting a solemn procession of the young Dionysos through the world - A half naked maenad leading the group and one of the two centaurs driving Dionysos cart - Paphos Mosaics, House of Aion, 3rd Century AD - Cyprus - Detail of the Mosaic showing the cortege of young Dionysos back from India - A menade opens the procession in front of one of the two centaurs firing the tank of Dionysus - Paphos Mosaics, Aion House - 3rd Century after JC - UNSCO Site - Cyprus / Bridgeman Images
FBU4242906: Detail of the Panel representing the story of Pyramos and Thisbe immortalised by Ovid - Pyramos is represented in the attitude of a river deity - Paphos mosaics, House of Dionysos - Cyprus - Detail of the Mosaic representing the tragic history of Pyramus and Thisbe in Babylon, after the Metamorphoses of Ovid - Pyramus appears here in the traditional attitude of a god-river - Paphos Mosaics, Aion House - End II century after JC - UNSECO Site - Cyprus / Bridgeman Images
FBU4243126: Theseus and the Minotaur - Representation of the mythical duel between Theseus and the Minotaur in the Labyrinth on Crete - Paphos Mosaics, The villa of Theseus, Cyprus - Thesee and Minautaur - Representation of the duel between Thesee and the Minotaur in the Labyrinth of Crete - Mosaics of Paphos, Villa of Theseus, Theseus, Theseus, Theseus, Thesee and the Theseus - UNESCO Site of Thesee and the Thesee and the Thes / Bridgeman Images
FBU4243340: Floor decorated with a polychrome geometric pattern With the head of a silenus - Paphos mosaics, House of Dionysos - End of the 2nd Century AD - Cyprus - Floor decoration of geometric panels with symmetric motifs with the head of a silene - Mosaics of Paphos, House of Dionysos - End of the II sciecle ap JC - UNESCO Site, Cyprus / Bridgeman Images
FBU4243383: Tomb of the kings, Funeral chamber and loculi in tomb 1, An early Ptolemaic necropolis in a Hellenistic Doric style, dating from 300 BC, The necropolis was continuously used as a burial area during the Hellenistic and Roman periods (3rd century BC-beginning of 4th century AD) Paphos, Cyprus - Tomb of the Kings, III century Av J-C 3rd century AD, Necropole Ptolemaic Hellenistic style - Doric, Place that served as a cemetery during the Hellenistic and Roman periods and place of refuge for the first Christians during the persecutions, UNESCO site, Paphos, Cyprus, / Bridgeman Images
FBU4243421: General view of the tombs of the kings, Early Ptolemaic necropolis in a Hellenistic Doric style, dating from 300 BC, The necropolis was continuously used as a burial area during the Hellenistic and Roman periods (3rd century BC-beginning of 4th century AD) Paphos, Cyprus - General view of the Necropolis called “Tombs of the Kings”, Necropole Ptolemaique de Hellenistic style - Doric, Place that served as a cemetery during the Hellenistic and Roman periods and place of refuge for the first Christian during the persecutions, UNESCO site, 3rd century BC - 3rd century AD, Paphos, Cyprus, / Bridgeman Images
FBU4243429: Ptolemaic tomb in the egyptian style, Tombs of the kings, Early Ptolemaic necropolis dating from 300 BC, The necropolis was continuously used as a burial area during the Hellenistic and Roman periods (3rd century BC-beginning of 4th century AD) Paphos, Cyprus - Egyptian style ptolemaic tomb, Tombs of the Kings, tomb N* 8, Necropole Ptolemaique, Location having served as a cemetery during the Hellenistic and Roman periods and place of refuge for the first Christians during the persecutions, UNESCO site, 3rd century BC - 3rd century AD, Paphos, Cyprus / Bridgeman Images