Mayan Assets (636 in total)

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Precolombian civilization: Chichen Itza in the Yucatan region, Mexico, 750-1200 AD (photo)
Precolombian civilization: Chichen Itza in the Yucatan region, Mexico, 750-1200 AD (photo)

JLJ4615685: Precolombian civilization: Chichen Itza in the Yucatan region, Mexico, 750-1200 AD (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Precolombian civilization: Chichen Itza in the Yucatan region, Mexico, 750-1200 AD (photo)
Precolombian civilization: Chichen Itza in the Yucatan region, Mexico, 750-1200 AD (photo)

JLJ4615696: Precolombian civilization: Chichen Itza in the Yucatan region, Mexico, 750-1200 AD (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Precolombian civilization: Chichen Itza in the Yucatan region, Mexico, 750-1200 AD (photo)
Precolombian civilization: Chichen Itza in the Yucatan region, Mexico, 750-1200 AD (photo)

JLJ4615701: Precolombian civilization: Chichen Itza in the Yucatan region, Mexico, 750-1200 AD (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Precolombian civilization: Palenque in Chiapas Classical Mayan period, 1st century BC-7th century AD (photo)
Precolombian civilization: Palenque in Chiapas Classical Mayan period, 1st century BC-7th century AD (photo)

JLJ4615776: Precolombian civilization: Palenque in Chiapas Classical Mayan period, 1st century BC-7th century AD (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Precolombian civilization: Palenque in Chiapas Classical Mayan period, 1st century BC-7th century AD (photo)
Precolombian civilization: Palenque in Chiapas Classical Mayan period, 1st century BC-7th century AD (photo)

JLJ4615798: Precolombian civilization: Palenque in Chiapas Classical Mayan period, 1st century BC-7th century AD (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Vessel with mythological scene, Guatemala (ceramic)
Vessel with mythological scene, Guatemala (ceramic)

XBP356006: Vessel with mythological scene, Guatemala (ceramic), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Lintel 3 from Piedras Negras, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone)
Lintel 3 from Piedras Negras, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone)

XIR428022: Lintel 3 from Piedras Negras, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Incense burner, Guatemala, c.400-650 (ceramic, iron pyrite & paint)
Incense burner, Guatemala, c.400-650 (ceramic, iron pyrite & paint)

LWE410603: Incense burner, Guatemala, c.400-650 (ceramic, iron pyrite & paint), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Incense burner, Guatemala, c.1200-1500 (ceramic, stucco & cinnabar)
Incense burner, Guatemala, c.1200-1500 (ceramic, stucco & cinnabar)

LWE410718: Incense burner, Guatemala, c.1200-1500 (ceramic, stucco & cinnabar), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Head, from the Late Classic Period, 600-900 AD (terracotta)
Head, from the Late Classic Period, 600-900 AD (terracotta)

UEA420418: Head, from the Late Classic Period, 600-900 AD (terracotta), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Battle of Cacaxtla, Late Classic period (mural)
Battle of Cacaxtla, Late Classic period (mural)

JPC310114: Battle of Cacaxtla, Late Classic period (mural), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Funerary vessel (ceramic)
Funerary vessel (ceramic)

JPC310208: Funerary vessel (ceramic), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Funerary vessel (ceramic)
Funerary vessel (ceramic)

JPC310214: Funerary vessel (ceramic), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Tubes and mask covered with cinnaber and buried beneath a temple, placed in dedication, Nakum, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (jade & cinnaber)
Tubes and mask covered with cinnaber and buried beneath a temple, placed in dedication, Nakum, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (jade & cinnaber)

JPC252814: Tubes and mask covered with cinnaber and buried beneath a temple, placed in dedication, Nakum, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (jade & cinnaber), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Architectural mask, North Acropolis, Tikal, Peten,Guatemala, Central America, Early classic Period (300-600 AD) (stone and stucco)
Architectural mask, North Acropolis, Tikal, Peten,Guatemala, Central America, Early classic Period (300-600 AD) (stone and stucco)

JPC252821: Architectural mask, North Acropolis, Tikal, Peten,Guatemala, Central America, Early classic Period (300-600 AD) (stone and stucco), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

The Inner Courtyard of the Great Palace and the Observatory Tower (stone)
The Inner Courtyard of the Great Palace and the Observatory Tower (stone)

STF276106: The Inner Courtyard of the Great Palace and the Observatory Tower (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Relief showing the submission of tribal leaders, from the Great Palace (limestone)
Relief showing the submission of tribal leaders, from the Great Palace (limestone)

STF276108: Relief showing the submission of tribal leaders, from the Great Palace (limestone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Relief showing the submission of a tribal leader, from the Great Palace (limestone)
Relief showing the submission of a tribal leader, from the Great Palace (limestone)

STF276109: Relief showing the submission of a tribal leader, from the Great Palace (limestone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Carving detail from the East Building of the Nunnery Quadrangle, Late Classic Maya, c.700-900 AD (photo)
Carving detail from the East Building of the Nunnery Quadrangle, Late Classic Maya, c.700-900 AD (photo)

HJA235276: Carving detail from the East Building of the Nunnery Quadrangle, Late Classic Maya, c.700-900 AD (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

The House of the Birds with The Pyramid of the Magician behind, Late Classic Maya, c.700-900 AD (photo)
The House of the Birds with The Pyramid of the Magician behind, Late Classic Maya, c.700-900 AD (photo)

HJA235279: The House of the Birds with The Pyramid of the Magician behind, Late Classic Maya, c.700-900 AD (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Mayan hut (photo)
Mayan hut (photo)

HJA235288: Mayan hut (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Stone carving (stone)
Stone carving (stone)

HJA235296: Stone carving (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Platform of the Tigers and Eagles (photo)
Platform of the Tigers and Eagles (photo)

XBP231844: Platform of the Tigers and Eagles (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Nunnery and annex (photo)
Nunnery and annex (photo)

XBP231846: Nunnery and annex (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Mayan seated priest, Isle of Jaina, c.600 (ceramic & polychrome)
Mayan seated priest, Isle of Jaina, c.600 (ceramic & polychrome)

XBP231871: Mayan seated priest, Isle of Jaina, c.600 (ceramic & polychrome), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Plaque depicting a King with courtiers (jade)
Plaque depicting a King with courtiers (jade)

XBP232301: Plaque depicting a King with courtiers (jade), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Top of the tower of the Palace, Late Classic Maya Period (photo)
Top of the tower of the Palace, Late Classic Maya Period (photo)

JPC230660: Top of the tower of the Palace, Late Classic Maya Period (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Standing masculine figure, from the cemetery on the Isle of Jaina, Campeche State, 7th-10th century (polychrome terracotta)
Standing masculine figure, from the cemetery on the Isle of Jaina, Campeche State, 7th-10th century (polychrome terracotta)

XIR211924: Standing masculine figure, from the cemetery on the Isle of Jaina, Campeche State, 7th-10th century (polychrome terracotta), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Lintel, number 32 (stone)
Lintel, number 32 (stone)

XJL187614: Lintel, number 32 (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Stone found at Oxkintok, 500-800 (stone)
Stone found at Oxkintok, 500-800 (stone)

XJL187622: Stone found at Oxkintok, 500-800 (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Pot, 800-1200 (ceramic)
Pot, 800-1200 (ceramic)

XJL187633: Pot, 800-1200 (ceramic), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

'The Queen of Uxmal', temple carving, 987-1185 (sandstone) (b/w photo)
'The Queen of Uxmal', temple carving, 987-1185 (sandstone) (b/w photo)

XIR182406: 'The Queen of Uxmal', temple carving, 987-1185 (sandstone) (b/w photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

View of the ceremonial centre with Palenque Palace in the background, Maya (photo)
View of the ceremonial centre with Palenque Palace in the background, Maya (photo)

MEX97306: View of the ceremonial centre with Palenque Palace in the background, Maya (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Lintel 24 from Yaxchilan, Chiapas, Mexico, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone)
Lintel 24 from Yaxchilan, Chiapas, Mexico, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone)

JPC252602: Lintel 24 from Yaxchilan, Chiapas, Mexico, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Lintel 27 from Tonina, Chiapas, Mexico, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone)
Lintel 27 from Tonina, Chiapas, Mexico, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone)

JPC252607: Lintel 27 from Tonina, Chiapas, Mexico, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Stele 3 from Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone)
Stele 3 from Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone)

JPC252617: Stele 3 from Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

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