Mayan Assets (636 in total)

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Temple of the Jaguar (Temple 1) Late Classic Period c.600-900 (photo)
Temple of the Jaguar (Temple 1) Late Classic Period c.600-900 (photo)

XIR226516: Temple of the Jaguar (Temple 1) Late Classic Period c.600-900 (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Incense Burner, from Copan, Honduras, Central America, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (terracotta)
Incense Burner, from Copan, Honduras, Central America, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (terracotta)

JPC252804: Incense Burner, from Copan, Honduras, Central America, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (terracotta), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Incense burner from Amatitlan, Guatemala, Central America (terracotta)
Incense burner from Amatitlan, Guatemala, Central America (terracotta)

JPC252808: Incense burner from Amatitlan, Guatemala, Central America (terracotta), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Architectural Mask, Campeche, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (stucco)
Architectural Mask, Campeche, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (stucco)

JPC252825: Architectural Mask, Campeche, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (stucco), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Funerary Mask, Comalcalco, Tabasco, Mexico (stucco)
Funerary Mask, Comalcalco, Tabasco, Mexico (stucco)

JPC252827: Funerary Mask, Comalcalco, Tabasco, Mexico (stucco), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Back of Altar U from Copan, Late Classic Period (795 AD) (stone)
Back of Altar U from Copan, Late Classic Period (795 AD) (stone)

JPC252610: Back of Altar U from Copan, Late Classic Period (795 AD) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Lintel 3 from Piedras Negras, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone)
Lintel 3 from Piedras Negras, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone)

JPC252615: Lintel 3 from Piedras Negras, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Lintel 1 from Itzimte, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone)
Lintel 1 from Itzimte, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone)

JPC252618: Lintel 1 from Itzimte, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Temple of The Seven Dolls, Early Post Classic Period (photo)
Temple of The Seven Dolls, Early Post Classic Period (photo)

JPC252619: Temple of The Seven Dolls, Early Post Classic Period (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Back of Temple IV, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (photo)
Back of Temple IV, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (photo)

JPC252626: Back of Temple IV, Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Deity figure, Honduras (jade & cinnabar)
Deity figure, Honduras (jade & cinnabar)

XBP356008: Deity figure, Honduras (jade & cinnabar), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Figurine, from Campeche, Jaina style, Late Classic (pottery)
Figurine, from Campeche, Jaina style, Late Classic (pottery)

XBP351816: Figurine, from Campeche, Jaina style, Late Classic (pottery), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Mosaic mask representing an old man, from the Ruz tomb under the Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque, Chipas (jade)
Mosaic mask representing an old man, from the Ruz tomb under the Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque, Chipas (jade)

XBP351818: Mosaic mask representing an old man, from the Ruz tomb under the Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque, Chipas (jade), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Incense burner representing a mythological bird with a human head, found in a cave near Purulha, department of Baja Vera Paz, Post Classic Maya (pottery)
Incense burner representing a mythological bird with a human head, found in a cave near Purulha, department of Baja Vera Paz, Post Classic Maya (pottery)

XBP351821: Incense burner representing a mythological bird with a human head, found in a cave near Purulha, department of Baja Vera Paz, Post Classic Maya (pottery), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Relief from Palenque (carved stone)
Relief from Palenque (carved stone)

STF276100: Relief from Palenque (carved stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

The Great Palace and Observatory Tower (stone)
The Great Palace and Observatory Tower (stone)

STF276104: The Great Palace and Observatory Tower (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Stucco relief from the Great Palace (stone)
Stucco relief from the Great Palace (stone)

STF276107: Stucco relief from the Great Palace (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

View of the Temple of the Count (photo)
View of the Temple of the Count (photo)

STF276112: View of the Temple of the Count (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Seibal, Stela 13, Ultimate Classic Period, 849 AD (stone)
Seibal, Stela 13, Ultimate Classic Period, 849 AD (stone)

JPC310211: Seibal, Stela 13, Ultimate Classic Period, 849 AD (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Male head, from Kabah, Yucatan, Late Classic Period (stone)
Male head, from Kabah, Yucatan, Late Classic Period (stone)

AIS290215: Male head, from Kabah, Yucatan, Late Classic Period (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Tripod dish, decorated with beetles, 250 to 900 AD (polychrome clay)
Tripod dish, decorated with beetles, 250 to 900 AD (polychrome clay)

LRI4688638: Tripod dish, decorated with beetles, 250 to 900 AD (polychrome clay), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Zoomorphic axe representing the head of a deer, 250 to 900 AD (sculpted stone)
Zoomorphic axe representing the head of a deer, 250 to 900 AD (sculpted stone)

LRI4688646: Zoomorphic axe representing the head of a deer, 250 to 900 AD (sculpted stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Zoomorphic axe representing the head of a deer (carved stone)
Zoomorphic axe representing the head of a deer (carved stone)

LRI4688658: Zoomorphic axe representing the head of a deer (carved stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Anthropomorphic vase in shape of the head of an old man with a tiara and earrings, 600 to 1200 AD (clay)
Anthropomorphic vase in shape of the head of an old man with a tiara and earrings, 600 to 1200 AD (clay)

LRI4688537: Anthropomorphic vase in shape of the head of an old man with a tiara and earrings, 600 to 1200 AD (clay), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Incense tripod vase, decorated with a head, 600 to 1200 AD (clay)
Incense tripod vase, decorated with a head, 600 to 1200 AD (clay)

LRI4688551: Incense tripod vase, decorated with a head, 600 to 1200 AD (clay), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Cup, decorated with geometric figures, 250 to 900 AD (polychrome clay)
Cup, decorated with geometric figures, 250 to 900 AD (polychrome clay)

LRI4688579: Cup, decorated with geometric figures, 250 to 900 AD (polychrome clay), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Zoomorphic jar depicting a bird, 600 to 1200 AD (terracotta)
Zoomorphic jar depicting a bird, 600 to 1200 AD (terracotta)

LRI4688601: Zoomorphic jar depicting a bird, 600 to 1200 AD (terracotta), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Tetrapod flat decorated with geometric drawings. (clay)
Tetrapod flat decorated with geometric drawings. (clay)

LRI4688615: Tetrapod flat decorated with geometric drawings. (clay), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

The temple of warriors and the pyramid of Kukulkan (or castle), in Chichen Itza (Yucatan, Mexico). Precolombian architecture, Mayan art post classic (12th th).
The temple of warriors and the pyramid of Kukulkan (or castle), in Chichen Itza (Yucatan, Mexico). Precolombian architecture, Mayan art post classic (12th th).

IBE5359625: The temple of warriors and the pyramid of Kukulkan (or castle), in Chichen Itza (Yucatan, Mexico). Precolombian architecture, Mayan art post classic (12th th)., Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Mask on a pyramid, 200 BC (stone)
Mask on a pyramid, 200 BC (stone)

JPC352275: Mask on a pyramid, 200 BC (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Side view of zoomorphic stone P, Late Classic period (600-900 AD) (stone)
Side view of zoomorphic stone P, Late Classic period (600-900 AD) (stone)

JPC352283: Side view of zoomorphic stone P, Late Classic period (600-900 AD) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Cylindrical vessel, found in Yucatan, Mexico, c.550-950 (ceramic)
Cylindrical vessel, found in Yucatan, Mexico, c.550-950 (ceramic)

TBM342129: Cylindrical vessel, found in Yucatan, Mexico, c.550-950 (ceramic), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Low relief of a ball game player, the ball, and the glyphs giving a description, late Classic Period (700-900 AD) (stone)
Low relief of a ball game player, the ball, and the glyphs giving a description, late Classic Period (700-900 AD) (stone)

JPC452460: Low relief of a ball game player, the ball, and the glyphs giving a description, late Classic Period (700-900 AD) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Anthropomophic head, probably a censer, c.1000-1500 (limestone)
Anthropomophic head, probably a censer, c.1000-1500 (limestone)

XIR434130: Anthropomophic head, probably a censer, c.1000-1500 (limestone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Plaque, Guatemala, c.600-900 (greenstone)
Plaque, Guatemala, c.600-900 (greenstone)

LWE410576: Plaque, Guatemala, c.600-900 (greenstone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Cylinder vessel, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)
Cylinder vessel, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)

LWE410587: Cylinder vessel, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

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