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Assets (636 in total)

Anthropomorphic vase, Petén, Guatemala (earthenware)
Head of the Mayan corn god, Oaxaca, c.500 AD (earthenware)
Palenque, Incense Burner, Late Classic Period 600-900 AD (terracotta)
Mushroom, depicting a stylized snake,  2000 BC to AD 250 (basalt sculpture)
View of Tikal Temple 1, Late Classic Period 600-900 AD (photo)
Figure from a vessel top in the form of a cocoa deity, 600-900 AD (slipped & painted earthenware)
Funerary mask from Tikal, Peten, Guatemala, Early Classic Period (c.200-600 AD) (jade, mother of pearl & pyrite) (see also 238269)
View of Temple of the 1000 Columns with the Pyramid of Kuculcan (photo)
Ceremonial Ballplayer, Isle of Jaina, c.600 (clay)
Calendar (stone)
Embracing Couple (terracotta with pigments)
Chac-Mool, from Chichen-Itza, Yucatan, c.987-1185 BC (limestone) (b/w photo)

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