Detail of the frieze from the facade of the West building in the Nunnery Quadrangle, Mayan classical epoch (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images
Human skulls from a Tzompantli, built 10th-12th centuries, Mayan post-classical period under Tolteken (carved stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images
Architectural detail from the Temple of the Jaguars, built 10th-12th century, Mayan post-classical period under Tolteken (carved stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images
Two-part effigy vessel or censer, El Peten, Classic period, 400-500 AD (terracotta with red, black and yellow paint), Mayan / Bridgeman Images
Low relief of a ball game player, the ball, and the glyphs giving a description, late Classic Period (700-900 AD) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images