Mayan Assets (636 in total)

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Statuette placed in dedication down the Hieroglyphic Stairway, Copan, Late Classic Period (600-900) (jade)
Statuette placed in dedication down the Hieroglyphic Stairway, Copan, Late Classic Period (600-900) (jade)

JPC310169: Statuette placed in dedication down the Hieroglyphic Stairway, Copan, Late Classic Period (600-900) (jade), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Copan Stela H (stone)
Copan Stela H (stone)

JPC310187: Copan Stela H (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Copan Venus Sculpture (stone)
Copan Venus Sculpture (stone)

JPC310196: Copan Venus Sculpture (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Detail of the frieze from the facade of the West building in the Nunnery Quadrangle, Mayan classical epoch (stone)
Detail of the frieze from the facade of the West building in the Nunnery Quadrangle, Mayan classical epoch (stone)

STF276938: Detail of the frieze from the facade of the West building in the Nunnery Quadrangle, Mayan classical epoch (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Detail of the facade of the Governor's Palace, Mayan classical epoch (photo)
Detail of the facade of the Governor's Palace, Mayan classical epoch (photo)

STF276944: Detail of the facade of the Governor's Palace, Mayan classical epoch (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Entrance in the southern building of the Nunnery Quadrangle, Mayan classical epoch (photo)
Entrance in the southern building of the Nunnery Quadrangle, Mayan classical epoch (photo)

STF276952: Entrance in the southern building of the Nunnery Quadrangle, Mayan classical epoch (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Human skulls from a Tzompantli, built 10th-12th centuries, Mayan post-classical period under Tolteken (carved stone)
Human skulls from a Tzompantli, built 10th-12th centuries, Mayan post-classical period under Tolteken (carved stone)

STF271550: Human skulls from a Tzompantli, built 10th-12th centuries, Mayan post-classical period under Tolteken (carved stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Architectural detail from the Temple of the Jaguars, built 10th-12th century, Mayan post-classical period under Tolteken (carved stone)
Architectural detail from the Temple of the Jaguars, built 10th-12th century, Mayan post-classical period under Tolteken (carved stone)

STF271551: Architectural detail from the Temple of the Jaguars, built 10th-12th century, Mayan post-classical period under Tolteken (carved stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Interior of the nunnery (photo)
Interior of the nunnery (photo)

STF271578: Interior of the nunnery (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Caracol Observatory (photo)
Caracol Observatory (photo)

STF271582: Caracol Observatory (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Detail of the facade of the Temple of Masks, Mayan classical epoch (carved stone)
Detail of the facade of the Temple of Masks, Mayan classical epoch (carved stone)

STF277735: Detail of the facade of the Temple of Masks, Mayan classical epoch (carved stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Temple of the avalanching god, Mayan post classical period (photo)
Temple of the avalanching god, Mayan post classical period (photo)

STF277745: Temple of the avalanching god, Mayan post classical period (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Buildings, Mayan classical period (photo)
Buildings, Mayan classical period (photo)

STF277763: Buildings, Mayan classical period (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Step Pyramid, Mayan classical period (photo)
Step Pyramid, Mayan classical period (photo)

STF277764: Step Pyramid, Mayan classical period (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Structure I with three large towers, Mayan classical period (photo)
Structure I with three large towers, Mayan classical period (photo)

STF277767: Structure I with three large towers, Mayan classical period (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

'Palm', Mayan post-classical period (carved stone)
'Palm', Mayan post-classical period (carved stone)

STF272068: 'Palm', Mayan post-classical period (carved stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Model of a Nayarit hut, Mayan classical period (ceramic)
Model of a Nayarit hut, Mayan classical period (ceramic)

STF272071: Model of a Nayarit hut, Mayan classical period (ceramic), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Nayarit model hut with figures, Mayan classical period (ceramic)
Nayarit model hut with figures, Mayan classical period (ceramic)

STF272073: Nayarit model hut with figures, Mayan classical period (ceramic), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Mask on a pyramid, 200 BC (stone)
Mask on a pyramid, 200 BC (stone)

JPC352275: Mask on a pyramid, 200 BC (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Side view of zoomorphic stone P, Late Classic period (600-900 AD) (stone)
Side view of zoomorphic stone P, Late Classic period (600-900 AD) (stone)

JPC352283: Side view of zoomorphic stone P, Late Classic period (600-900 AD) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Two-part effigy vessel or censer, El Peten, Classic period, 400-500 AD (terracotta with red, black and yellow paint)
Two-part effigy vessel or censer, El Peten, Classic period, 400-500 AD (terracotta with red, black and yellow paint)

UEA420245: Two-part effigy vessel or censer, El Peten, Classic period, 400-500 AD (terracotta with red, black and yellow paint), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Eccentric Flint from Guatemala, Late Classic Period AD600-900 (brown flint with stucco & paint)
Eccentric Flint from Guatemala, Late Classic Period AD600-900 (brown flint with stucco & paint)

UEA420299: Eccentric Flint from Guatemala, Late Classic Period AD600-900 (brown flint with stucco & paint), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Vessel lid, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)
Vessel lid, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)

LWE410649: Vessel lid, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Press mold, Guatemala, c.700-1000 (ceramic)
Press mold, Guatemala, c.700-1000 (ceramic)

LWE410688: Press mold, Guatemala, c.700-1000 (ceramic), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Anthropomophic head, probably a censer, c.1000-1500 (limestone)
Anthropomophic head, probably a censer, c.1000-1500 (limestone)

XIR434130: Anthropomophic head, probably a censer, c.1000-1500 (limestone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Bowl, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)
Bowl, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)

LWE410637: Bowl, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Plaque, Guatemala, c.600-900 (greenstone)
Plaque, Guatemala, c.600-900 (greenstone)

LWE410576: Plaque, Guatemala, c.600-900 (greenstone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Cylinder vessel, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)
Cylinder vessel, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)

LWE410587: Cylinder vessel, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Bowl, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)
Bowl, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)

LWE410595: Bowl, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Low relief of a ball game player, the ball, and the glyphs giving a description, late Classic Period (700-900 AD) (stone)
Low relief of a ball game player, the ball, and the glyphs giving a description, late Classic Period (700-900 AD) (stone)

JPC452460: Low relief of a ball game player, the ball, and the glyphs giving a description, late Classic Period (700-900 AD) (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Effigy, c.400-500 (ceramic & pigment)
Effigy, c.400-500 (ceramic & pigment)

TBM861296: Effigy, c.400-500 (ceramic & pigment), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Effigy Head Flask, 600-900 AD (ceramic)
Effigy Head Flask, 600-900 AD (ceramic)

HST1271249: Effigy Head Flask, 600-900 AD (ceramic), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Cylinder vase, Campeche, Mexico, Late Classic Period, 600-750 (earthenware)
Cylinder vase, Campeche, Mexico, Late Classic Period, 600-750 (earthenware)

BST5052478: Cylinder vase, Campeche, Mexico, Late Classic Period, 600-750 (earthenware), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Detail of Stela 14 depicting a ballplayer on a Non-Classic Maya style, Terminal Classic (stone)
Detail of Stela 14 depicting a ballplayer on a Non-Classic Maya style, Terminal Classic (stone)

JPC1066454: Detail of Stela 14 depicting a ballplayer on a Non-Classic Maya style, Terminal Classic (stone), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

A Mayan shell pectoral with the profile torso of a dignitary, c.450-650 (shell)
A Mayan shell pectoral with the profile torso of a dignitary, c.450-650 (shell)

CH1767157: A Mayan shell pectoral with the profile torso of a dignitary, c.450-650 (shell), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

Precolombian civilization: Chichen Itza in the Yucatan region, Mexico, 750-1200 AD (photo)
Precolombian civilization: Chichen Itza in the Yucatan region, Mexico, 750-1200 AD (photo)

JLJ4615666: Precolombian civilization: Chichen Itza in the Yucatan region, Mexico, 750-1200 AD (photo), Mayan / Bridgeman Images

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