Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) Assets (931 in total)

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Egyptian antiquite: sculpture depicting the divinite Iwnit, Amenhotep (Amenophis) III, Egypt, 1403-1365 BC (sculpture)
Egyptian antiquite: sculpture depicting the divinite Iwnit, Amenhotep (Amenophis) III, Egypt, 1403-1365 BC (sculpture)

JLJ4588589: Egyptian antiquite: sculpture depicting the divinite Iwnit, Amenhotep (Amenophis) III, Egypt, 1403-1365 BC (sculpture), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: statue representing sitting Amenhotep, scribe and royal architect, son of Hapou, from the temple of Amon, Luxor, Egypt, 1403-1365 BC (stone, granite)
Egyptian antiquite: statue representing sitting Amenhotep, scribe and royal architect, son of Hapou, from the temple of Amon, Luxor, Egypt, 1403-1365 BC (stone, granite)

JLJ4588655: Egyptian antiquite: statue representing sitting Amenhotep, scribe and royal architect, son of Hapou, from the temple of Amon, Luxor, Egypt, 1403-1365 BC (stone, granite), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: view of the alley (dromos) of the criosphinx (Sphinx at the head of beliers) near the temple of Amon in Karnak, Luxor, Egypt (photo)
Egyptian antiquite: view of the alley (dromos) of the criosphinx (Sphinx at the head of beliers) near the temple of Amon in Karnak, Luxor, Egypt (photo)

JLJ4588912: Egyptian antiquite: view of the alley (dromos) of the criosphinx (Sphinx at the head of beliers) near the temple of Amon in Karnak, Luxor, Egypt (photo), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian Antiquitis: Votive and Funeral Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Deir el Bahari, 18th dynasty, Luxor Thebes: right bank of the Nile, Egypt (photo)
Egyptian Antiquitis: Votive and Funeral Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Deir el Bahari, 18th dynasty, Luxor Thebes: right bank of the Nile, Egypt (photo)

JLJ4590429: Egyptian Antiquitis: Votive and Funeral Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Deir el Bahari, 18th dynasty, Luxor Thebes: right bank of the Nile, Egypt (photo), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

View of the columns of the hypostyle room of the Temple of Amon. Karnak site in Luxor, Egypt, 1567-1320 BC (photo)
View of the columns of the hypostyle room of the Temple of Amon. Karnak site in Luxor, Egypt, 1567-1320 BC (photo)

JLJ4672562: View of the columns of the hypostyle room of the Temple of Amon. Karnak site in Luxor, Egypt, 1567-1320 BC (photo), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquity:
Egyptian antiquity:

JLJ4679231: Egyptian antiquity: "The adoration of the sun", -1365-1360 BC (stone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquitis: offering to the pharaoh. Papyrus, New Empire, 18th Dynasty (papyrus)
Egyptian antiquitis: offering to the pharaoh. Papyrus, New Empire, 18th Dynasty (papyrus)

JLJ4665925: Egyptian antiquitis: offering to the pharaoh. Papyrus, New Empire, 18th Dynasty (papyrus), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Bowl, 18th Dynasty or later (glazed faience)
Bowl, 18th Dynasty or later (glazed faience)

FSG425402: Bowl, 18th Dynasty or later (glazed faience), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Hes Vase with Cover, Thebes,  New Kingdom (faience)
Hes Vase with Cover, Thebes,  New Kingdom (faience)

TBM2597720: Hes Vase with Cover, Thebes, New Kingdom (faience), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Statue of King  Ikhenaton, 18th Dynasty
Statue of King  Ikhenaton, 18th Dynasty

XRH1702981: Statue of King Ikhenaton, 18th Dynasty, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Horse and chariot figure, possibly from Tell el-Amarma, New Kingdom, 1353-1336 BC (limestone)
Horse and chariot figure, possibly from Tell el-Amarma, New Kingdom, 1353-1336 BC (limestone)

WGL1122250: Horse and chariot figure, possibly from Tell el-Amarma, New Kingdom, 1353-1336 BC (limestone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Flask, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (alabaster inlaid with faience, limestone & glass)
Flask, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (alabaster inlaid with faience, limestone & glass)

XBP391000: Flask, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (alabaster inlaid with faience, limestone & glass), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Necklace with lunar pectoral, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (electrum, feldspar, lapis lazuli & gold beads)
Necklace with lunar pectoral, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (electrum, feldspar, lapis lazuli & gold beads)

XBP391005: Necklace with lunar pectoral, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (electrum, feldspar, lapis lazuli & gold beads), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Anubis emblem, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (gilded & gessoed wood with alabaster base)
Anubis emblem, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (gilded & gessoed wood with alabaster base)

XBP391022: Anubis emblem, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (gilded & gessoed wood with alabaster base), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Leomorphic unguent vase, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (alabaster) (detail of 391031)
Leomorphic unguent vase, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (alabaster) (detail of 391031)

XBP391032: Leomorphic unguent vase, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (alabaster) (detail of 391031), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Nome Gods Bearing Offerings, c.1391-1353 BC (painted limestone)
Nome Gods Bearing Offerings, c.1391-1353 BC (painted limestone)

XCL499536: Nome Gods Bearing Offerings, c.1391-1353 BC (painted limestone) , Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Face from a Cosmetic Spoon, 1391-1353 BC (ivory)
Face from a Cosmetic Spoon, 1391-1353 BC (ivory)

XCL500098: Face from a Cosmetic Spoon, 1391-1353 BC (ivory) , Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Statuette of a Serving Girl, c.1323-1186 BC (terracotta, originally painted)
Statuette of a Serving Girl, c.1323-1186 BC (terracotta, originally painted)

XCL500147: Statuette of a Serving Girl, c.1323-1186 BC (terracotta, originally painted) , Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Minemheb, c.1391-1353 (granodiorite)
Statue of Minemheb, c.1391-1353 (granodiorite)

XCL500223: Statue of Minemheb, c.1391-1353 (granodiorite) , Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Shawabty of Tashery, New Kingdom, c.1391-1353 BC (painted tamarisk)
Shawabty of Tashery, New Kingdom, c.1391-1353 BC (painted tamarisk)

XCL490732: Shawabty of Tashery, New Kingdom, c.1391-1353 BC (painted tamarisk), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Vessel in the Form of an Ostrich Egg, New Kingdom, c.1540-1296 BC (travertine)
Vessel in the Form of an Ostrich Egg, New Kingdom, c.1540-1296 BC (travertine)

XCL490736: Vessel in the Form of an Ostrich Egg, New Kingdom, c.1540-1296 BC (travertine), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Left profile of the head of a Princess from the family of Akhenaten, New Kingdom (painted limestone) (see also 107940, 116813, 370211)
Left profile of the head of a Princess from the family of Akhenaten, New Kingdom (painted limestone) (see also 107940, 116813, 370211)

XIR370210: Left profile of the head of a Princess from the family of Akhenaten, New Kingdom (painted limestone) (see also 107940, 116813, 370211), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The goddess Hathor suckling the pharaoh Horemheb, New Kingdom, c.1344-1314 BC (red granite)
The goddess Hathor suckling the pharaoh Horemheb, New Kingdom, c.1344-1314 BC (red granite)

XIR309488: The goddess Hathor suckling the pharaoh Horemheb, New Kingdom, c.1344-1314 BC (red granite), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Floral unguent jar, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (alabaster) (see also 59230)
Floral unguent jar, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (alabaster) (see also 59230)

XBP341814: Floral unguent jar, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (alabaster) (see also 59230), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Relief fragment depicting Nefertiti, from Tell el-Amarna, New Kingdom (limestone)
Relief fragment depicting Nefertiti, from Tell el-Amarna, New Kingdom (limestone)

UCL23625: Relief fragment depicting Nefertiti, from Tell el-Amarna, New Kingdom (limestone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Torso of an Egyptian princess, possibly found at Tell el-Amarna, New Kingdom (quartzite)
Torso of an Egyptian princess, possibly found at Tell el-Amarna, New Kingdom (quartzite)

UCL23627: Torso of an Egyptian princess, possibly found at Tell el-Amarna, New Kingdom (quartzite), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Peasant leading a cow to sacrifice, from the Tomb of Menna (wall painting)
Peasant leading a cow to sacrifice, from the Tomb of Menna (wall painting)

XIR162114: Peasant leading a cow to sacrifice, from the Tomb of Menna (wall painting), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Ushabti figurine of Mutry, 16th-15th century BC (wood)
Ushabti figurine of Mutry, 16th-15th century BC (wood)

XAB165718: Ushabti figurine of Mutry, 16th-15th century BC (wood), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Statue of the Scribe Maaniamen, mid 15th century BC, New Kingdom (limestone)
Statue of the Scribe Maaniamen, mid 15th century BC, New Kingdom (limestone)

XAB165719: Statue of the Scribe Maaniamen, mid 15th century BC, New Kingdom (limestone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Head of a king, protected by the Horus falcon, probably from the reign of Amenophis III, New Kingdom, 1390-1353 BC (steatite)
Head of a king, protected by the Horus falcon, probably from the reign of Amenophis III, New Kingdom, 1390-1353 BC (steatite)

TFM63454: Head of a king, protected by the Horus falcon, probably from the reign of Amenophis III, New Kingdom, 1390-1353 BC (steatite), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Pitcher, New Kingdom, c.1479-1353 BC (green serpentine)
Pitcher, New Kingdom, c.1479-1353 BC (green serpentine)

HSC241423: Pitcher, New Kingdom, c.1479-1353 BC (green serpentine), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Mask, New Kingdom (wood)
Mask, New Kingdom (wood)

HSC241443: Mask, New Kingdom (wood), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The Obelisks of Tuthmosis I (1504-1492 BC) and Hatshepsut (1473-1458 BC) at the Great Temple of Amun, New Kingdom (photo)
The Obelisks of Tuthmosis I (1504-1492 BC) and Hatshepsut (1473-1458 BC) at the Great Temple of Amun, New Kingdom (photo)

XIR226528: The Obelisks of Tuthmosis I (1504-1492 BC) and Hatshepsut (1473-1458 BC) at the Great Temple of Amun, New Kingdom (photo), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Interior of the Tomb of Ramose, New Kingdom, c.1360 BC (wall painting)
Interior of the Tomb of Ramose, New Kingdom, c.1360 BC (wall painting)

LEE270612: Interior of the Tomb of Ramose, New Kingdom, c.1360 BC (wall painting), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Shabti figure for Amenemhat, New Kingdom (diorite)
Shabti figure for Amenemhat, New Kingdom (diorite)

HSC249002: Shabti figure for Amenemhat, New Kingdom (diorite), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Statuette of Huwebenef, c.1550–1479 BC (wood)
Statuette of Huwebenef, c.1550–1479 BC (wood)

XOS5667129: Statuette of Huwebenef, c.1550–1479 BC (wood), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

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