Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) Assets (931 in total)

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Pillars decorated with stylised lotus and papyrus plants from the Great Temple of Amun complex, New Kingdom (photo)
Pillars decorated with stylised lotus and papyrus plants from the Great Temple of Amun complex, New Kingdom (photo)

BAL59219: Pillars decorated with stylised lotus and papyrus plants from the Great Temple of Amun complex, New Kingdom (photo), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Pillar decorated with stylised lotus plants, from the Great Temple of Amun complex, New Kingdom (photo) (see also 59219)
Pillar decorated with stylised lotus plants, from the Great Temple of Amun complex, New Kingdom (photo) (see also 59219)

BAL59233: Pillar decorated with stylised lotus plants, from the Great Temple of Amun complex, New Kingdom (photo) (see also 59219), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The Obelisk of Tuthmosis I (1504-1492 BC) in the Great Temple of Amun, Karnak Temple, New Kingdom (photo)
The Obelisk of Tuthmosis I (1504-1492 BC) in the Great Temple of Amun, Karnak Temple, New Kingdom (photo)

HED191307: The Obelisk of Tuthmosis I (1504-1492 BC) in the Great Temple of Amun, Karnak Temple, New Kingdom (photo), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Kneeling statue of Amenhotep II (1427-1392 BC) holding offerings of wine, from Thebes, New Kingdom, c.1450-1425 BC (granite)
Kneeling statue of Amenhotep II (1427-1392 BC) holding offerings of wine, from Thebes, New Kingdom, c.1450-1425 BC (granite)

XAL180662: Kneeling statue of Amenhotep II (1427-1392 BC) holding offerings of wine, from Thebes, New Kingdom, c.1450-1425 BC (granite), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Toui, Priestess of Min, New Kingdom (wood)
Toui, Priestess of Min, New Kingdom (wood)

XIR167539: Toui, Priestess of Min, New Kingdom (wood), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) (c.1364-1347 BC) from the Temple of Amun, Karnak, c.1353-1337 BC (sandstone)
Bust of Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) (c.1364-1347 BC) from the Temple of Amun, Karnak, c.1353-1337 BC (sandstone)

XIR173156: Bust of Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) (c.1364-1347 BC) from the Temple of Amun, Karnak, c.1353-1337 BC (sandstone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Male mask, possibly a sculptor's study, from Tell El-Amarna, c.1353-1295 BC (plaster)
Male mask, possibly a sculptor's study, from Tell El-Amarna, c.1353-1295 BC (plaster)

XIR197135: Male mask, possibly a sculptor's study, from Tell El-Amarna, c.1353-1295 BC (plaster), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Horemheb and Isis, from the Tomb of Horemheb (c.1323-1295 BC) New Kingdom (wall painting)
Horemheb and Isis, from the Tomb of Horemheb (c.1323-1295 BC) New Kingdom (wall painting)

JLF218339: Horemheb and Isis, from the Tomb of Horemheb (c.1323-1295 BC) New Kingdom (wall painting), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Two palettes, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, New Kingdom, c.1353-1327 BC (ivory)
Two palettes, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, New Kingdom, c.1353-1327 BC (ivory)

XIR226152: Two palettes, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, New Kingdom, c.1353-1327 BC (ivory), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Book of the Dead of the scribe Nebqed, detail of the deceased before Osiris, New Kingdom, c.1400 BC (papyrus)
Book of the Dead of the scribe Nebqed, detail of the deceased before Osiris, New Kingdom, c.1400 BC (papyrus)

XIR18960: Book of the Dead of the scribe Nebqed, detail of the deceased before Osiris, New Kingdom, c.1400 BC (papyrus), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Three rings with the wedjat eye (blue faience)
Three rings with the wedjat eye (blue faience)

SCP50792: Three rings with the wedjat eye (blue faience), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Two wadjet-eye rings, New Kingdom (blue & mauve faience)
Two wadjet-eye rings, New Kingdom (blue & mauve faience)

FIT282582: Two wadjet-eye rings, New Kingdom (blue & mauve faience), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Spoon with a flattened handle in the form of a swimmer, New Kingdom, c.1400 BC (wood & ivory) (see also 187051)
Spoon with a flattened handle in the form of a swimmer, New Kingdom, c.1400 BC (wood & ivory) (see also 187051)

PWI110870: Spoon with a flattened handle in the form of a swimmer, New Kingdom, c.1400 BC (wood & ivory) (see also 187051), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Cobra Collar, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold)
Cobra Collar, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold)

ANC120782: Cobra Collar, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The scribe Unsou overseeing the workers in the fields, from the Tomb of Unsou, East Thebes, New Kingdom (wall painting)
The scribe Unsou overseeing the workers in the fields, from the Tomb of Unsou, East Thebes, New Kingdom (wall painting)

XIR153794: The scribe Unsou overseeing the workers in the fields, from the Tomb of Unsou, East Thebes, New Kingdom (wall painting), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Tuthmosis III offering nu jars to Amun-Re, New Kingdom (marble)
Tuthmosis III offering nu jars to Amun-Re, New Kingdom (marble)

AIS290204: Tuthmosis III offering nu jars to Amun-Re, New Kingdom (marble), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Statues of Menna and his wife in a boat, from the Tomb of Menna, New Kingdom (wall painting)
Statues of Menna and his wife in a boat, from the Tomb of Menna, New Kingdom (wall painting)

AIS290209: Statues of Menna and his wife in a boat, from the Tomb of Menna, New Kingdom (wall painting), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Luxor, Thebes: Left bank of the Nile, Valley of the Kings. Tomb of Tutankhamun. 18th Dynasty.
Luxor, Thebes: Left bank of the Nile, Valley of the Kings. Tomb of Tutankhamun. 18th Dynasty.

THT4304658: Luxor, Thebes: Left bank of the Nile, Valley of the Kings. Tomb of Tutankhamun. 18th Dynasty., Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Bases of columns, ruins of the palace of Amenhotep III, 14th century BC (photography)
Bases of columns, ruins of the palace of Amenhotep III, 14th century BC (photography)

LRI4682754: Bases of columns, ruins of the palace of Amenhotep III, 14th century BC (photography), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The guests at a funeral banquet, from the Tomb of the Vizier Ramose (low relief)
The guests at a funeral banquet, from the Tomb of the Vizier Ramose (low relief)

LRI4682830: The guests at a funeral banquet, from the Tomb of the Vizier Ramose (low relief), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Offerings bearers and mourners, Tomb of the Vizier Ramose (fresco)
Offerings bearers and mourners, Tomb of the Vizier Ramose (fresco)

LRI4682871: Offerings bearers and mourners, Tomb of the Vizier Ramose (fresco), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

View of the tomb hall of the Vizier Ramose with papyrus-shaped columns (photography)
View of the tomb hall of the Vizier Ramose with papyrus-shaped columns (photography)

LRI4682905: View of the tomb hall of the Vizier Ramose with papyrus-shaped columns (photography), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Userhat, senior official of the bath, with his wife Mutneferet receiving offerings (fresco)
Userhat, senior official of the bath, with his wife Mutneferet receiving offerings (fresco)

LRI4682973: Userhat, senior official of the bath, with his wife Mutneferet receiving offerings (fresco), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: small wooden box with ivory inlay representing the hunting parts of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. 18th dynasty. From the tomb of Tutankhamun (All-Ankh-amun or Tutankhamun) (1345-1327 BC) Valley of the Kings. Thebes Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Egyptian antiquite: small wooden box with ivory inlay representing the hunting parts of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. 18th dynasty. From the tomb of Tutankhamun (All-Ankh-amun or Tutankhamun) (1345-1327 BC) Valley of the Kings. Thebes Cairo, Egyptian Museum

LRI4639700: Egyptian antiquite: small wooden box with ivory inlay representing the hunting parts of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. 18th dynasty. From the tomb of Tutankhamun (All-Ankh-amun or Tutankhamun) (1345-1327 BC) Valley of the Kings. Thebes Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Stele of the Maia couple, the defunct offer presents to the gods. 18th dynasty. (sculpture)
Stele of the Maia couple, the defunct offer presents to the gods. 18th dynasty. (sculpture)

LRI4592865: Stele of the Maia couple, the defunct offer presents to the gods. 18th dynasty. (sculpture), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: hieroglyphs. Tomb of Kherouef (TT192) (18th Dynasty, 1530-1290 BC), Luxor (Thebes), Egypt
Egyptian antiquite: hieroglyphs. Tomb of Kherouef (TT192) (18th Dynasty, 1530-1290 BC), Luxor (Thebes), Egypt

LRI4681363: Egyptian antiquite: hieroglyphs. Tomb of Kherouef (TT192) (18th Dynasty, 1530-1290 BC), Luxor (Thebes), Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: ceiling decorated with geometric motifs, Tomb of Roy (TT255). 18th dynasty. From the West Bank of Luxor, Egypt
Egyptian antiquite: ceiling decorated with geometric motifs, Tomb of Roy (TT255). 18th dynasty. From the West Bank of Luxor, Egypt

LRI4681514: Egyptian antiquite: ceiling decorated with geometric motifs, Tomb of Roy (TT255). 18th dynasty. From the West Bank of Luxor, Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Pharaoh Hatshepsut and the deity Hathor in the form of a cow. (relief)
Queen Pharaoh Hatshepsut and the deity Hathor in the form of a cow. (relief)

LRI4682069: Queen Pharaoh Hatshepsut and the deity Hathor in the form of a cow. (relief), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Uraeus or cobras protecting the pharaohs above the capitals of the columns (relief)
Uraeus or cobras protecting the pharaohs above the capitals of the columns (relief)

LRI4682157: Uraeus or cobras protecting the pharaohs above the capitals of the columns (relief), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Column capitals in the shape of the head of the deity cow Hathor. (sculpture)
Column capitals in the shape of the head of the deity cow Hathor. (sculpture)

LRI4682164: Column capitals in the shape of the head of the deity cow Hathor. (sculpture), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Pharaoh Horemheb (sculpture)
Statue of Pharaoh Horemheb (sculpture)

LRI4681925: Statue of Pharaoh Horemheb (sculpture), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: architrave decorates cartridges and hieroglyphs celebrating Pharaoh Amenhotep III (Amenophis) (1387-1348 BC), Temple of Luxor. East Bank (Thebes), Egypt
Egyptian antiquite: architrave decorates cartridges and hieroglyphs celebrating Pharaoh Amenhotep III (Amenophis) (1387-1348 BC), Temple of Luxor. East Bank (Thebes), Egypt

LRI4681976: Egyptian antiquite: architrave decorates cartridges and hieroglyphs celebrating Pharaoh Amenhotep III (Amenophis) (1387-1348 BC), Temple of Luxor. East Bank (Thebes), Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Queen of Punt, detail, 1478-58 BC
Queen of Punt, detail, 1478-58 BC

IBE5375633: Queen of Punt, detail, 1478-58 BC, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Female head (wood)
Female head (wood)

IBE5375662: Female head (wood), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The Memphis sphinx, 1550-1069 BC circa, (alabaster)
The Memphis sphinx, 1550-1069 BC circa, (alabaster)

SBA7129670: The Memphis sphinx, 1550-1069 BC circa, (alabaster), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The Memphis sphinx, detail, 1550-1069 BC circa, detail
The Memphis sphinx, detail, 1550-1069 BC circa, detail

SBA7129680: The Memphis sphinx, detail, 1550-1069 BC circa, detail, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

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