Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) Assets (931 in total)

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Court of Amenhotep III (photo)
Court of Amenhotep III (photo)

XIR173209: Court of Amenhotep III (photo), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Upper portion of a coffin lid from Thebes, 14th-13th century BC (wood)
Upper portion of a coffin lid from Thebes, 14th-13th century BC (wood)

BON46955: Upper portion of a coffin lid from Thebes, 14th-13th century BC (wood), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Weight in the Form of a Lion, c.1391-1353 BC (leaded tin-bronze)
Weight in the Form of a Lion, c.1391-1353 BC (leaded tin-bronze)

XCL500082: Weight in the Form of a Lion, c.1391-1353 BC (leaded tin-bronze) , Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Unguent Bottle, or Krateriskos, Late 18th Dynasty, c.1336-1295 BC (glass)
Unguent Bottle, or Krateriskos, Late 18th Dynasty, c.1336-1295 BC (glass)

XCL490717: Unguent Bottle, or Krateriskos, Late 18th Dynasty, c.1336-1295 BC (glass), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Flask in the form of a leather bag, New Kingdom, c.1415-1381 BC (Nile silt ware)
Flask in the form of a leather bag, New Kingdom, c.1415-1381 BC (Nile silt ware)

XCL490757: Flask in the form of a leather bag, New Kingdom, c.1415-1381 BC (Nile silt ware), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Head of Sekhmet, Thebes, c.1391-53 BC (granodiorite)
Head of Sekhmet, Thebes, c.1391-53 BC (granodiorite)

XCL490926: Head of Sekhmet, Thebes, c.1391-53 BC (granodiorite), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Fragmentary openwork bead of a seated princess, New Kingdom, Amarna period (faience)
Fragmentary openwork bead of a seated princess, New Kingdom, Amarna period (faience)

HSC325605: Fragmentary openwork bead of a seated princess, New Kingdom, Amarna period (faience), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Face from a sarcophagus cover, purchased in Luxor, New Kingdom (granite)
Face from a sarcophagus cover, purchased in Luxor, New Kingdom (granite)

TBM350417: Face from a sarcophagus cover, purchased in Luxor, New Kingdom (granite), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Necklace with lunar pectoral, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (electrum, feldspar, lapis lazuli & gold beads) (detail of 391005)
Necklace with lunar pectoral, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (electrum, feldspar, lapis lazuli & gold beads) (detail of 391005)

XBP391003: Necklace with lunar pectoral, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (electrum, feldspar, lapis lazuli & gold beads) (detail of 391005), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Unguent jar with a figure of a the king as a lion, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (painted alabaster) (see also 148194)
Unguent jar with a figure of a the king as a lion, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (painted alabaster) (see also 148194)

XBP391016: Unguent jar with a figure of a the king as a lion, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (painted alabaster) (see also 148194), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Openwork plaque or buckle showing the king's triumphal return with prisoners, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (gold) (see also 148199)
Openwork plaque or buckle showing the king's triumphal return with prisoners, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (gold) (see also 148199)

XBP391017: Openwork plaque or buckle showing the king's triumphal return with prisoners, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (gold) (see also 148199), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Figure of the god Ptah, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (gilded & gessoed wood with faience)
Figure of the god Ptah, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (gilded & gessoed wood with faience)

XBP391026: Figure of the god Ptah, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (gilded & gessoed wood with faience), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Headrest with Shu, the Egyptian god of the air, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (ivory)
Headrest with Shu, the Egyptian god of the air, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (ivory)

XBP391029: Headrest with Shu, the Egyptian god of the air, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (ivory), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian civilization, Tutankhamen's sarcophagus, decorated in gold and semi-precious stones
Egyptian civilization, Tutankhamen's sarcophagus, decorated in gold and semi-precious stones

IBE5375559: Egyptian civilization, Tutankhamen's sarcophagus, decorated in gold and semi-precious stones, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Statue d'Amenhotep IV (Amenophis IV ou Akhenaton). 1301 avant JC. 18eme dynastie. Detail de la sculpture. Provenant du Temple d'Amon Ra a Thebes. Luksor (Louxor ou Luqsor). Musee de Louxor.
Statue d'Amenhotep IV (Amenophis IV ou Akhenaton). 1301 avant JC. 18eme dynastie. Detail de la sculpture. Provenant du Temple d'Amon Ra a Thebes. Luksor (Louxor ou Luqsor). Musee de Louxor.

IBE5375641: Statue d'Amenhotep IV (Amenophis IV ou Akhenaton). 1301 avant JC. 18eme dynastie. Detail de la sculpture. Provenant du Temple d'Amon Ra a Thebes. Luksor (Louxor ou Luqsor). Musee de Louxor. , Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Thutmose III, pharaoh. 1490-39 BC
Statue of Thutmose III, pharaoh. 1490-39 BC

IBE5375642: Statue of Thutmose III, pharaoh. 1490-39 BC, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Pillars in the great hypostyle hall, temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt
Pillars in the great hypostyle hall, temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt

SBA7128778: Pillars in the great hypostyle hall, temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Pillars in the great hypostyle hall, temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt
Pillars in the great hypostyle hall, temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt

SBA7128783: Pillars in the great hypostyle hall, temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Pillars in the great hypostyle hall, temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt
Pillars in the great hypostyle hall, temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt

SBA7128791: Pillars in the great hypostyle hall, temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The sacred lake, Karnak temple complex, Luxor, Egypt
The sacred lake, Karnak temple complex, Luxor, Egypt

SBA7128792: The sacred lake, Karnak temple complex, Luxor, Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The fallen obelisk of Hatshepsut, Karnak temple complex, Luxor, Egypt
The fallen obelisk of Hatshepsut, Karnak temple complex, Luxor, Egypt

SBA7128794: The fallen obelisk of Hatshepsut, Karnak temple complex, Luxor, Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The obelisk of Hatshepsut, Karnak temple complex, Luxor, Egypt
The obelisk of Hatshepsut, Karnak temple complex, Luxor, Egypt

SBA7128795: The obelisk of Hatshepsut, Karnak temple complex, Luxor, Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Chest of Amenhotep III, Valley of the Kings, New Kingdom (gilded wood & faience)
Chest of Amenhotep III, Valley of the Kings, New Kingdom (gilded wood & faience)

SVA660119: Chest of Amenhotep III, Valley of the Kings, New Kingdom (gilded wood & faience), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Donation stela for a mnevius bull, New Kingdom (limestone)
Donation stela for a mnevius bull, New Kingdom (limestone)

SVA660136: Donation stela for a mnevius bull, New Kingdom (limestone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Shrine dedicated to Hathor by Thutmosis III, from Deir el-Bahri, New Kingdom (painted sandstone)
Shrine dedicated to Hathor by Thutmosis III, from Deir el-Bahri, New Kingdom (painted sandstone)

SVA660321: Shrine dedicated to Hathor by Thutmosis III, from Deir el-Bahri, New Kingdom (painted sandstone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Statues of Amun and Mut, from Karnak Temple, New Kingdom (limestone)
Statues of Amun and Mut, from Karnak Temple, New Kingdom (limestone)

SVA660314: Statues of Amun and Mut, from Karnak Temple, New Kingdom (limestone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The god hawk Horus, symbol of the kingdoms (relief)
The god hawk Horus, symbol of the kingdoms (relief)

LRI4682109: The god hawk Horus, symbol of the kingdoms (relief), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Column of the first courtyard with allee (dromos) cryosphinxes (ram-headed sphinx) (photography)
Column of the first courtyard with allee (dromos) cryosphinxes (ram-headed sphinx) (photography)

LRI4682556: Column of the first courtyard with allee (dromos) cryosphinxes (ram-headed sphinx) (photography), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Open-air museum stone blocks representing Pharaoh Amenhotep I with various deities (photography)
Open-air museum stone blocks representing Pharaoh Amenhotep I with various deities (photography)

LRI4682587: Open-air museum stone blocks representing Pharaoh Amenhotep I with various deities (photography), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Pharaoh Amenhotep III (Amenophis) (sculpture)
Pharaoh Amenhotep III (Amenophis) (sculpture)

LRI4681947: Pharaoh Amenhotep III (Amenophis) (sculpture), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: colorful hyerogliphs. Tomb of Kherouef (TT192) (18th Dynasty, 1530-1290 BC), Luxor (Thebes), Egypt
Egyptian antiquite: colorful hyerogliphs. Tomb of Kherouef (TT192) (18th Dynasty, 1530-1290 BC), Luxor (Thebes), Egypt

LRI4681341: Egyptian antiquite: colorful hyerogliphs. Tomb of Kherouef (TT192) (18th Dynasty, 1530-1290 BC), Luxor (Thebes), Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: relief of the tomb of Kha em Het (Khaemhat) inspector of the attics and scribe at the court of Amenophis III (TT57) representing bearers of offerings to the goddess Renenoutet (nourishing serpent). 18th dynasty. 1530-1290 BC. Vallee des Nobles. Luxor, West Bank, Egypt
Egyptian antiquite: relief of the tomb of Kha em Het (Khaemhat) inspector of the attics and scribe at the court of Amenophis III (TT57) representing bearers of offerings to the goddess Renenoutet (nourishing serpent). 18th dynasty. 1530-1290 BC. Vallee des Nobles. Luxor, West Bank, Egypt

LRI4681358: Egyptian antiquite: relief of the tomb of Kha em Het (Khaemhat) inspector of the attics and scribe at the court of Amenophis III (TT57) representing bearers of offerings to the goddess Renenoutet (nourishing serpent). 18th dynasty. 1530-1290 BC. Vallee des Nobles. Luxor, West Bank, Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: sculptures near the tomb of Kha em Het (Khaemhat) inspector of attics and scribe at the court of Amenophis III (TT57) representing the scribe and Imhotep. 18th dynasty. 1530-1290 BC. Vallee des Nobles. Luxor, West Bank, Egypt
Egyptian antiquite: sculptures near the tomb of Kha em Het (Khaemhat) inspector of attics and scribe at the court of Amenophis III (TT57) representing the scribe and Imhotep. 18th dynasty. 1530-1290 BC. Vallee des Nobles. Luxor, West Bank, Egypt

LRI4681380: Egyptian antiquite: sculptures near the tomb of Kha em Het (Khaemhat) inspector of attics and scribe at the court of Amenophis III (TT57) representing the scribe and Imhotep. 18th dynasty. 1530-1290 BC. Vallee des Nobles. Luxor, West Bank, Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: stele gravee in the rock of the tomb of Kha em Het (Khaemhat) inspector of attics and scribe at the court of Amenophis III (TT57). 18th dynasty. 1530-1290 BC. Vallee des Nobles. Luxor, West Bank, Egypt
Egyptian antiquite: stele gravee in the rock of the tomb of Kha em Het (Khaemhat) inspector of attics and scribe at the court of Amenophis III (TT57). 18th dynasty. 1530-1290 BC. Vallee des Nobles. Luxor, West Bank, Egypt

LRI4681432: Egyptian antiquite: stele gravee in the rock of the tomb of Kha em Het (Khaemhat) inspector of attics and scribe at the court of Amenophis III (TT57). 18th dynasty. 1530-1290 BC. Vallee des Nobles. Luxor, West Bank, Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: procession of weeping. Painting of the Tomb of Roy (TT255). 18th dynasty. From the West Bank of Luxor, Egypt
Egyptian antiquite: procession of weeping. Painting of the Tomb of Roy (TT255). 18th dynasty. From the West Bank of Luxor, Egypt

LRI4681461: Egyptian antiquite: procession of weeping. Painting of the Tomb of Roy (TT255). 18th dynasty. From the West Bank of Luxor, Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: characters leading betail heads. Painting of the Tomb of Roy (TT255). 18th dynasty. From the West Bank of Luxor, Egypt
Egyptian antiquite: characters leading betail heads. Painting of the Tomb of Roy (TT255). 18th dynasty. From the West Bank of Luxor, Egypt

LRI4681469: Egyptian antiquite: characters leading betail heads. Painting of the Tomb of Roy (TT255). 18th dynasty. From the West Bank of Luxor, Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

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