XEE4133844: History of the life of Achilles, legendary heros of the Trojan War: Patroclus gets permission from Achilles to save the Greeks by carrying his weapons. He'll be killed by Hector, who takes Achilles's weapons as loot. Chromolithography of 1890., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4899862: Odyssee d'Homere: Chant XII: the ship of Ulysses facing Charybde and Scylla (Odyssey by Homer: boat of Odysseus faced both Charybdis and Scylla) Illustration by Antoine Calbet (1860-1944) for “The odyssee” by the Greek poet Homere (Odyssey by Homer) 1897 Private collection, Calbet, Antoine (1860-1944) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4963767: Representation of Scottish er Alexander Selkirk (Alexandre Selcraig) (1676-1721) sighting William Dampier's sailors on his island - He survived for four years on a deserte island and inspired Daniel Defoe the character of Robinson Crusoe (Alexander Selkirk rescued by William Dampier, 1709) Engraving from “history of shipwrecks” Eyries 1836 / Bridgeman Images
LSE4328020: Sambou, the griot of Niantanso (Mali) (Malinke type: West African language (Guinee, Senegal, Mali and Côte d'Ivoire), poet, musician, historian and storyteller, griot is the depositary of the collective memory of a people. Engravure to illustrate the story of Lieutenant Mage's voyage in Western Sudan between 1863 and 1866, published in “Le tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages”” under the direction of Edouard Charton, 1868, Paris. Selva Collection., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images