MPX5072157: As part of Mexican Week in Bond Street, London, the famous Mexican Ambassadors of Mexican song" Maria De Lourdes, with her troupe of Mariachis, Jose Chavez and "Oroy Plata" were due to march up Bond Street playing and singing. Unfortunately they were not aware of the by-laws, apparently they should have had a musicians licence. That was not all - they were also told by the police that they should not be in fancy dress. The troupe in Bond Street walk past the police who said 'no singing or playing". November 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5072239: Fashion 1940's: Nicoll clothes for late summer and early autumn. The main point about these creations is the practical usefulness and everywoman angle to the "New Look". This charming costume, suitable for the young girl or young woman, gives us the "New Look" in camel cloth. Points to be noted are the revers on the pockets, the turn back cuffs, the neat buttoning, and the circular flare to the skirt. Note the new Nicoll clothes upholstery cloth of the canopy on which the model is leaning. / Bridgeman Images