All Artists

Agasse, Jacques-Laurent (1767-1849)

George Luving on horseback
George Luving on horseback

CH11391: George Luving on horseback / Private Collection / Christie's Images / Bridgeman Images

Ager, Charlotte

Times Square
Times Square

AGT3066494: Times Square / Private Collection / © Charlotte Ager. All Rights Reserved 2024 / Bridgeman Images

Agnese, Battista (1514-64)

T686 Africa and South America, from the 'Portolan Atlas of the World', c.1540
T686 Africa and South America, from the 'Portolan Atlas of the World', c.1540

RGS63415: T686 Africa and South America, from the 'Portolan Atlas of the World', c.1540 / Royal Geographical Society, London, UK / © Royal Geographical Society / Bridgeman Images

Agostini, Max (1914-97)

E 226 Fishing at the Vincennes Park Pond, Paris
E 226 Fishing at the Vincennes Park Pond, Paris

BAL68957: E 226 Fishing at the Vincennes Park Pond, Paris / Galerie Martin-Caille Matignon, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images

Ai Weiwei (b.1957)

Bubble, 2008 (enamelled porcelain)
Bubble, 2008 (enamelled porcelain)

CH1199233: Bubble, 2008 (enamelled porcelain) / Private Collection / Christie's Images / Bridgeman Images

Aida, Emiko

Reverie in the rain, 2009 (etching)
Reverie in the rain, 2009 (etching)

AHB3086413: Reverie in the rain, 2009 (etching) / Private Collection / © Emiko Aida. All Rights Reserved 2024 / Bridgeman Images

Aigner, Lucien (1901–99)

Iceman Delivery, Harlem, 1936 (b/w photo)
Iceman Delivery, Harlem, 1936 (b/w photo)

JHL740773: Iceman Delivery, Harlem, 1936 (b/w photo) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Aikman, William (1682-1731)

Portrait of William Kent (1684-1748)
Portrait of William Kent (1684-1748)

JB24472: Portrait of William Kent (1684-1748) / Private Collection / © John Bethell. All rights reserved 2024 / Bridgeman Images

Airy, Anna (1882-1964)

Oak Apples
Oak Apples

BAL25070: Oak Apples / Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK / Bridgeman Images

Aitchison, Craigie (1926-2009)

Still Life, 1975
Still Life, 1975

PFA73287: Still Life, 1975 / Private Collection / Photo © Bonhams, London, UK / Bridgeman Images

Aitchison, George II (1825-1910)

Design for the Arab Hall at Leighton House, London, 1880 (w/c, gouache)
Design for the Arab Hall at Leighton House, London, 1880 (w/c, gouache)

BCC88022: Design for the Arab Hall at Leighton House, London, 1880 (w/c, gouache) / Royal Institute of British Architects, London, UK / Bridgeman Images

Aivazovsky, Ivan Konstantinovich (1817-1900)

The Black Sea, 1881 (oil on canvas)
The Black Sea, 1881 (oil on canvas)

BAL57765: The Black Sea, 1881 (oil on canvas) / Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia / Bridgeman Images

Ajmone, Giuseppe (b.1923)

The Adda river in Valtellina - the Adda river in Sondrio (L'Adda in Valtellina - L'Adda a Sondrio), 1961 (oil on canvas)
The Adda river in Valtellina - the Adda river in Sondrio (L'Adda in Valtellina - L'Adda a Sondrio), 1961 (oil on canvas)

ELC851747: The Adda river in Valtellina - the Adda river in Sondrio (L'Adda in Valtellina - L'Adda a Sondrio), 1961 (oil on canvas) / Banca Popolare di Sondrio, Sondrio, Italy / Mondadori Portfolio/Electa/Paolo e Federico Manusardi / Bridgeman Images

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