Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) Assets (1242 in total)

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Plate 357. Lying Prone and Firing, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 357. Lying Prone and Firing, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950335: Plate 357. Lying Prone and Firing, 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 510. Contortions on the Ground, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 510. Contortions on the Ground, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950356: Plate 510. Contortions on the Ground, 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 41. Walking, Flirting a Fan, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 41. Walking, Flirting a Fan, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950363: Plate 41. Walking, Flirting a Fan, 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 206. Carrying Water Jar on Head, Turning and Placing it on, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 206. Carrying Water Jar on Head, Turning and Placing it on, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950390: Plate 206. Carrying Water Jar on Head, Turning and Placing it on, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 229. Placing Basket on the Ground and Turning, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 229. Placing Basket on the Ground and Turning, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950394: Plate 229. Placing Basket on the Ground and Turning, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 497. Miscellaneous Phases of the Toilet, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 497. Miscellaneous Phases of the Toilet, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950433: Plate 497. Miscellaneous Phases of the Toilet, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 100.  Turning and Ascending Stairs, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 100.  Turning and Ascending Stairs, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950448: Plate 100. Turning and Ascending Stairs, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 197. Dancing Waltz, Two Models, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 197. Dancing Waltz, Two Models, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950460: Plate 197. Dancing Waltz, Two Models, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 250. Rising from Chair, Stooping and Lifting Hand-kerchief, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 250. Rising from Chair, Stooping and Lifting Hand-kerchief, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950477: Plate 250. Rising from Chair, Stooping and Lifting Hand-kerchief, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 298.Lawn Tennis, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 298.Lawn Tennis, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950481: Plate 298.Lawn Tennis, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 464. Two Models, 16 Chasing 4 with a Broom, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 464. Two Models, 16 Chasing 4 with a Broom, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950496: Plate 464. Two Models, 16 Chasing 4 with a Broom, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 548. Lateral Sclerosis; A,B, Walking, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 548. Lateral Sclerosis; A,B, Walking, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950524: Plate 548. Lateral Sclerosis; A,B, Walking, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 552. Hemiplegia; Walking with Cane, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 552. Hemiplegia; Walking with Cane, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950528: Plate 552. Hemiplegia; Walking with Cane, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 555. Muscular Atrophy of Legs; Adult, A,B, Walking, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 555. Muscular Atrophy of Legs; Adult, A,B, Walking, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950531: Plate 555. Muscular Atrophy of Legs; Adult, A,B, Walking, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 567. Hauling;Dark-Gray Belgian Horse Billy, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 567. Hauling;Dark-Gray Belgian Horse Billy, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950543: Plate 567. Hauling;Dark-Gray Belgian Horse Billy, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 568. Hauling;Dark-Gray Belgian Horse Billy, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 568. Hauling;Dark-Gray Belgian Horse Billy, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950544: Plate 568. Hauling;Dark-Gray Belgian Horse Billy, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 573. Hauling; Man Pulling at Head; Light-Gray Mare, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 573. Hauling; Man Pulling at Head; Light-Gray Mare, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950549: Plate 573. Hauling; Man Pulling at Head; Light-Gray Mare, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 575. Walking; Free; Dark-Gray Belgian Horse Hansel, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 575. Walking; Free; Dark-Gray Belgian Horse Hansel, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950551: Plate 575. Walking; Free; Dark-Gray Belgian Horse Hansel, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 581. Walking; Bareback; Rider,43, Nude; Light-Gray Horse Smith, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 581. Walking; Bareback; Rider,43, Nude; Light-Gray Horse Smith, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950557: Plate 581. Walking; Bareback; Rider,43, Nude; Light-Gray Horse Smith, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 584. Walking; Saddle; Irregular; Brown Mare Beauty, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 584. Walking; Saddle; Irregular; Brown Mare Beauty, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950560: Plate 584. Walking; Saddle; Irregular; Brown Mare Beauty, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 586.Walking; Sulky; Light Gray Mare, Katydid, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 586.Walking; Sulky; Light Gray Mare, Katydid, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950562: Plate 586.Walking; Sulky; Light Gray Mare, Katydid, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 592. Rocking (Pacing): Saddle; Brown Horse Pronto, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 592. Rocking (Pacing): Saddle; Brown Horse Pronto, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950568: Plate 592. Rocking (Pacing): Saddle; Brown Horse Pronto, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 596. Trotting; Free; Light-Gray Horse Eagle, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 596. Trotting; Free; Light-Gray Horse Eagle, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950572: Plate 596. Trotting; Free; Light-Gray Horse Eagle, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 598. Trotting; Saddle Bay Horse Daisy, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 598. Trotting; Saddle Bay Horse Daisy, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950574: Plate 598. Trotting; Saddle Bay Horse Daisy, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 607. Trotting; Sulky; Bay Mare, Lizzie M., 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 607. Trotting; Sulky; Bay Mare, Lizzie M., 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950583: Plate 607. Trotting; Sulky; Bay Mare, Lizzie M., 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 610. Trotting; Sulky; Gray Mare, Katydid, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 610. Trotting; Sulky; Gray Mare, Katydid, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950586: Plate 610. Trotting; Sulky; Gray Mare, Katydid, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 621. Canter; Saddle; Thoroughbred Bay Mare Annie 6, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 621. Canter; Saddle; Thoroughbred Bay Mare Annie 6, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950597: Plate 621. Canter; Saddle; Thoroughbred Bay Mare Annie 6, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 649.A, Hornet, Rocking; B, Eagle, Rolling Barrel, Etc., 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 649.A, Hornet, Rocking; B, Eagle, Rolling Barrel, Etc., 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950625: Plate 649.A, Hornet, Rocking; B, Eagle, Rolling Barrel, Etc., 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 650. Walking with a Bucket in Mouth; Light Gray Horse, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 650. Walking with a Bucket in Mouth; Light Gray Horse, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950626: Plate 650. Walking with a Bucket in Mouth; Light Gray Horse, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 661. Mule; A, B, A Refractory Animal Ruth, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 661. Mule; A, B, A Refractory Animal Ruth, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950637: Plate 661. Mule; A, B, A Refractory Animal Ruth, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 666. Ass; Walking; Saddle; A Girl Riding, Zoo, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 666. Ass; Walking; Saddle; A Girl Riding, Zoo, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950642: Plate 666. Ass; Walking; Saddle; A Girl Riding, Zoo, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 667. Ass; Walking; Saddle; A Boy Riding, Zoo, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 667. Ass; Walking; Saddle; A Boy Riding, Zoo, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950643: Plate 667. Ass; Walking; Saddle; A Boy Riding, Zoo, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 705. Dog; Trotting; Mastiff, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 705. Dog; Trotting; Mastiff, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950658: Plate 705. Dog; Trotting; Mastiff, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 707. Dog; Galloping; Mastiff, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 707. Dog; Galloping; Mastiff, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950660: Plate 707. Dog; Galloping; Mastiff, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 719. Cat; Galloping, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 719. Cat; Galloping, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950672: Plate 719. Cat; Galloping, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 683. Virginia Deer; (No Antlers); Buck; Galloping, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 683. Virginia Deer; (No Antlers); Buck; Galloping, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950677: Plate 683. Virginia Deer; (No Antlers); Buck; Galloping, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

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