Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) Assets (1242 in total)

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The Human Figure in Motion: Some phases of a boxing match (b/w photo)
The Human Figure in Motion: Some phases of a boxing match (b/w photo)

LLM6010232: The Human Figure in Motion: Some phases of a boxing match (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Human Figure in Motion: Blacksmiths at work (b/w photo)
The Human Figure in Motion: Blacksmiths at work (b/w photo)

LLM6010235: The Human Figure in Motion: Blacksmiths at work (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Human Figure in Motion: Some phases in a wrestling match (b/w photo)
The Human Figure in Motion: Some phases in a wrestling match (b/w photo)

LLM6010240: The Human Figure in Motion: Some phases in a wrestling match (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Human Figure in Motion: Blacksmiths at work (b/w photo)
The Human Figure in Motion: Blacksmiths at work (b/w photo)

LLM6010243: The Human Figure in Motion: Blacksmiths at work (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 61 (b/w photo)
The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 61 (b/w photo)

LLM6010249: The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 61 (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 70 (b/w photo)
The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 70 (b/w photo)

LLM6010250: The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 70 (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 54 (b/w photo)
The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 54 (b/w photo)

LLM6010251: The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 54 (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 53 (b/w photo)
The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 53 (b/w photo)

LLM6010255: The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 53 (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 79 (b/w photo)
The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 79 (b/w photo)

LLM6010264: The Human Figure in Motion: Selected phases from series 79 (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Subscribers to Animal Locomotion by Eadweard Muybridge: Scientists, Military; Scientists, Physicists, etc (b/w photo)
Subscribers to Animal Locomotion by Eadweard Muybridge: Scientists, Military; Scientists, Physicists, etc (b/w photo)

LLM6010265: Subscribers to Animal Locomotion by Eadweard Muybridge: Scientists, Military; Scientists, Physicists, etc (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Subscribers to Animal Locomotion by Eadweard Muybridge: Artists, Painters, Sculptors, etc (b/w photo)
Subscribers to Animal Locomotion by Eadweard Muybridge: Artists, Painters, Sculptors, etc (b/w photo)

LLM6010279: Subscribers to Animal Locomotion by Eadweard Muybridge: Artists, Painters, Sculptors, etc (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Eadweard Muybridge, portrait and signature (b/w photo)
Eadweard Muybridge, portrait and signature (b/w photo)

LLM6010127: Eadweard Muybridge, portrait and signature (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Human Figure in Motion: Woman, crossing on
The Human Figure in Motion: Woman, crossing on

LLM6010166: The Human Figure in Motion: Woman, crossing on "step-stones" (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Human Figure in Motion: Woman, taking water-jar from another woman (b/w photo)
The Human Figure in Motion: Woman, taking water-jar from another woman (b/w photo)

LLM6010173: The Human Figure in Motion: Woman, taking water-jar from another woman (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

The Human Figure in Motion: Woman, turning around and ascending stairway (b/w photo)
The Human Figure in Motion: Woman, turning around and ascending stairway (b/w photo)

LLM6010181: The Human Figure in Motion: Woman, turning around and ascending stairway (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Two Women Bathing, plate 406 from 'Animal Locomotion', 1887 (b/w photo)
Two Women Bathing, plate 406 from 'Animal Locomotion', 1887 (b/w photo)

STC64769: Two Women Bathing, plate 406 from 'Animal Locomotion', 1887 (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate Number 188. Dancing (fancy), 1887 (collotype)
Plate Number 188. Dancing (fancy), 1887 (collotype)

XOS496734: Plate Number 188. Dancing (fancy), 1887 (collotype), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

One Stride in Eleven Phases, 1881, illustration from 'Animals in Motion' by Eadweard Muybridge, 1907 edition (b/w photo)
One Stride in Eleven Phases, 1881, illustration from 'Animals in Motion' by Eadweard Muybridge, 1907 edition (b/w photo)

CHT498348: One Stride in Eleven Phases, 1881, illustration from 'Animals in Motion' by Eadweard Muybridge, 1907 edition (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Tissack, South Dome from Glacier Point, Yosemite Valley #73, c.1872 (mammoth-plate albumen print)
Tissack, South Dome from Glacier Point, Yosemite Valley #73, c.1872 (mammoth-plate albumen print)

PLL3951937: Tissack, South Dome from Glacier Point, Yosemite Valley #73, c.1872 (mammoth-plate albumen print), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Local Chorea while standing, 1884-86 (cyanotype)
Local Chorea while standing, 1884-86 (cyanotype)

SMT4071109: Local Chorea while standing, 1884-86 (cyanotype), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Local Chorea while standing, 1884-86 (cyanotype)
Local Chorea while standing, 1884-86 (cyanotype)

SMT4071110: Local Chorea while standing, 1884-86 (cyanotype), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Image sequence of an Ostrich running, 'Animal Locomotion' series, c.1887 (b/w photo)
Image sequence of an Ostrich running, 'Animal Locomotion' series, c.1887 (b/w photo)

DGC1073942: Image sequence of an Ostrich running, 'Animal Locomotion' series, c.1887 (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

 Image sequence of a running Deer, 'Animal Locomotion' series, c.1881 (b/w photo)
 Image sequence of a running Deer, 'Animal Locomotion' series, c.1881 (b/w photo)

DGC1073967: Image sequence of a running Deer, 'Animal Locomotion' series, c.1881 (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Image sequence of an Ox trotting, 'Animal Locomotion' series, c.1881 (b/w photo)
Image sequence of an Ox trotting, 'Animal Locomotion' series, c.1881 (b/w photo)

DGC1073968: Image sequence of an Ox trotting, 'Animal Locomotion' series, c.1881 (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Child bringing bouquet to a woman, Plate 465 from Animal Locomotion, 1887 (b/w photo)
Child bringing bouquet to a woman, Plate 465 from Animal Locomotion, 1887 (b/w photo)

STC3075774: Child bringing bouquet to a woman, Plate 465 from Animal Locomotion, 1887 (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Child playing with doll, Plate 481 from Animal Locomotion, 1887 (b/w photo)
Child playing with doll, Plate 481 from Animal Locomotion, 1887 (b/w photo)

STC3075777: Child playing with doll, Plate 481 from Animal Locomotion, 1887 (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Horse on Rockers and Horse Rolling a Barrel, Plate 649 from Animal Locomotion, 1887 (b/w photo)
Horse on Rockers and Horse Rolling a Barrel, Plate 649 from Animal Locomotion, 1887 (b/w photo)

STC3075779: Horse on Rockers and Horse Rolling a Barrel, Plate 649 from Animal Locomotion, 1887 (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Galloping Horse with Rider, Plate 635 from Animal Locomotion, 1887 (b/w photo)
Galloping Horse with Rider, Plate 635 from Animal Locomotion, 1887 (b/w photo)

STC3075789: Galloping Horse with Rider, Plate 635 from Animal Locomotion, 1887 (b/w photo), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 7.Walking, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 7.Walking, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3949983: Plate 7.Walking, 1885 (collotype on paper) , Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 62. Running at Full Speed., 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 62. Running at Full Speed., 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3949991: Plate 62. Running at Full Speed., 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 249. Rising from Chair, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 249. Rising from Chair, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950023: Plate 249. Rising from Chair, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 273. Base-ball; Pitching, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 273. Base-ball; Pitching, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950028: Plate 273. Base-ball; Pitching, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 274. Base-ball; Batting, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 274. Base-ball; Batting, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950029: Plate 274. Base-ball; Batting, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 275.Base-ball; Batting (Low Ball), 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 275.Base-ball; Batting (Low Ball), 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950030: Plate 275.Base-ball; Batting (Low Ball), 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 285. Base-ball; Catching and Throwing, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 285. Base-ball; Catching and Throwing, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950040: Plate 285. Base-ball; Catching and Throwing, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 287. Base-ball; Running and Picking Up Ball, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 287. Base-ball; Running and Picking Up Ball, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950042: Plate 287. Base-ball; Running and Picking Up Ball, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

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