Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904)

Creator details

Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904)

Assets (1242 in total)

Jockey on a galloping horse, 1887 (b/w photo)
The Horse in motion, 'Animal Locomotion' series, c.1878 (b/w photo)
Galloping Horse, plate 628 from 'Animal Locomotion', 1887 (b/w photo)
Man and horse jumping a fence, plate 640 from 'Animal Locomotion', 1887 (b/w photo)
Man and Horse jumping, from 'Animals in Motion' by Muybridge, London, published 1907 (b/w photo)
Two men boxing, from the 'Animal Locomotion; series, c.1881 (b/w photo)
Two Men Wrestling, plate 347 from 'Animal Locomotion', 1887 (b/w photo)
Woman descending steps, plate 137 from 'Animal Locomotion', 1887 (b/w photo)
Skeleton of a running  horse (b/w photo)
Camel, plate from 'Animal Locomotion', 1887 (b/w photo)
Image sequence of a man with a hat walking, 'Animal Locomotion' series, c.1887 (b/w photo)
Greyhound running, plate 708 from 'Animal Locomotion', 1887 (b/w photo)

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