Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) Assets (157 in total)

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Still life (After Morandi) (Natura morta (omaggio a Morandi), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, tempera on paper
Still life (After Morandi) (Natura morta (omaggio a Morandi), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, tempera on paper

MEP848520: Still life (After Morandi) (Natura morta (omaggio a Morandi), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, tempera on paper, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

The Envious (Gli invidiosi), by Renato Guttuso, 1958 - 1961, 20th Century, ink and watercolour on paper
The Envious (Gli invidiosi), by Renato Guttuso, 1958 - 1961, 20th Century, ink and watercolour on paper

MEP848526: The Envious (Gli invidiosi), by Renato Guttuso, 1958 - 1961, 20th Century, ink and watercolour on paper, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Still life with blue lamp (Natura morta con lampada blu), by Renato Guttuso, 1940 - 1941, 20th Century, oil on canvas
Still life with blue lamp (Natura morta con lampada blu), by Renato Guttuso, 1940 - 1941, 20th Century, oil on canvas

MEP848533: Still life with blue lamp (Natura morta con lampada blu), by Renato Guttuso, 1940 - 1941, 20th Century, oil on canvas, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Girl in a bar, by Renato Guttuso, 1958, 20th Century, oil on paper, 63 x 41 cm
Girl in a bar, by Renato Guttuso, 1958, 20th Century, oil on paper, 63 x 41 cm

MEP848534: Girl in a bar, by Renato Guttuso, 1958, 20th Century, oil on paper, 63 x 41 cm, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Jars and Bottles on a Table (Barattoli e fiaschi sul tavolo), by Renato Guttuso, 1974, 20th century, oil on canvas, 70 x 90 cm
Jars and Bottles on a Table (Barattoli e fiaschi sul tavolo), by Renato Guttuso, 1974, 20th century, oil on canvas, 70 x 90 cm

MEP848540: Jars and Bottles on a Table (Barattoli e fiaschi sul tavolo), by Renato Guttuso, 1974, 20th century, oil on canvas, 70 x 90 cm, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Study after 'The sleepers' by Courbet, by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, oil on canvas
Study after 'The sleepers' by Courbet, by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, oil on canvas

MEP848542: Study after 'The sleepers' by Courbet, by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, oil on canvas, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Four hanging chickens (Quattro polli appesi), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, oil on canvas
Four hanging chickens (Quattro polli appesi), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, oil on canvas

MEP848543: Four hanging chickens (Quattro polli appesi), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, oil on canvas, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Marketplace (mercato), by Renato Guttuso, 1974, 20th Century, oil on canvas
Marketplace (mercato), by Renato Guttuso, 1974, 20th Century, oil on canvas

MEP848544: Marketplace (mercato), by Renato Guttuso, 1974, 20th Century, oil on canvas, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Small Naked Lying (Piccola nuda sdraiata), by Renato Guttuso, c. 1940, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 46 x 55 cm
Small Naked Lying (Piccola nuda sdraiata), by Renato Guttuso, c. 1940, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 46 x 55 cm

MEP850009: Small Naked Lying (Piccola nuda sdraiata), by Renato Guttuso, c. 1940, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 46 x 55 cm, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Tarot Card, by Renato Guttuso, 1972, 20th Century, Casa Editrice La Trace Modenese, print run 250 copies, 12.5 x 19 cm
Tarot Card, by Renato Guttuso, 1972, 20th Century, Casa Editrice La Trace Modenese, print run 250 copies, 12.5 x 19 cm

MEP850360: Tarot Card, by Renato Guttuso, 1972, 20th Century, Casa Editrice La Trace Modenese, print run 250 copies, 12.5 x 19 cm, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Tarot Card, by Renato Guttuso, 1972, 20th Century, Casa Editrice La Trace Modenese, print run 250 copies, 12.5 x 19 cm
Tarot Card, by Renato Guttuso, 1972, 20th Century, Casa Editrice La Trace Modenese, print run 250 copies, 12.5 x 19 cm

MEP850361: Tarot Card, by Renato Guttuso, 1972, 20th Century, Casa Editrice La Trace Modenese, print run 250 copies, 12.5 x 19 cm, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Hope against Hope (Spes contra Spem), by Renato Guttuso, 1982, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 224 x 300 cm
Hope against Hope (Spes contra Spem), by Renato Guttuso, 1982, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 224 x 300 cm

MEP850380: Hope against Hope (Spes contra Spem), by Renato Guttuso, 1982, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 224 x 300 cm, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Matelda in the Garden of Eden. Illustration for the Divine Commedy (Matelda nel Paradiso Terrestre. Illustrazione per la divina commedia), by Renato Guttuso, 1958 - 1961, 20th Century, ink and watercolour on paper
Matelda in the Garden of Eden. Illustration for the Divine Commedy (Matelda nel Paradiso Terrestre. Illustrazione per la divina commedia), by Renato Guttuso, 1958 - 1961, 20th Century, ink and watercolour on paper

MEP848328: Matelda in the Garden of Eden. Illustration for the Divine Commedy (Matelda nel Paradiso Terrestre. Illustrazione per la divina commedia), by Renato Guttuso, 1958 - 1961, 20th Century, ink and watercolour on paper, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Khaki and Basket (Kaki e cesto), by Renato Guttuso, 1968, 20th Century, oil on canvas
Khaki and Basket (Kaki e cesto), by Renato Guttuso, 1968, 20th Century, oil on canvas

MEP848343: Khaki and Basket (Kaki e cesto), by Renato Guttuso, 1968, 20th Century, oil on canvas, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Tribute to Carrà (Omaggio a Carrà), by Renato Guttuso, 1968, 20th Century, oil on canvas
Tribute to Carrà (Omaggio a Carrà), by Renato Guttuso, 1968, 20th Century, oil on canvas

MEP848422: Tribute to Carrà (Omaggio a Carrà), by Renato Guttuso, 1968, 20th Century, oil on canvas, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Candle and pack of Tre Stelle (Candela e pacchetto di Tre Stelle), by Renato Guttuso, 1940, 20th Century, oil on canvas
Candle and pack of Tre Stelle (Candela e pacchetto di Tre Stelle), by Renato Guttuso, 1940, 20th Century, oil on canvas

MEP848425: Candle and pack of Tre Stelle (Candela e pacchetto di Tre Stelle), by Renato Guttuso, 1940, 20th Century, oil on canvas, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Renato Guttuso in his studio, Usmate Velate, Italy, 1980 (photo)
Renato Guttuso in his studio, Usmate Velate, Italy, 1980 (photo)

MEP2373700: Renato Guttuso in his studio, Usmate Velate, Italy, 1980 (photo), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Renato Guttuso with his paintings, 1960 (b/w photo)
Renato Guttuso with his paintings, 1960 (b/w photo)

MEP3616552: Renato Guttuso with his paintings, 1960 (b/w photo), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Renato Guttuso poses beside some of his works of art
Renato Guttuso poses beside some of his works of art

MEP2372481: Renato Guttuso poses beside some of his works of art, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

In the Cafe (oil on canvas)
In the Cafe (oil on canvas)

STF106042: In the Cafe (oil on canvas), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Ragazze di Palermo, 1912 (oil on canvas)
Ragazze di Palermo, 1912 (oil on canvas)

PRZ702456: Ragazze di Palermo, 1912 (oil on canvas), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

The Red Cage; La Gabbia Rosa, c.1940-41 (oil on canvas)
The Red Cage; La Gabbia Rosa, c.1940-41 (oil on canvas)

CH828139: The Red Cage; La Gabbia Rosa, c.1940-41 (oil on canvas), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Self Portrait, 1970s (oil on canvas)
Self Portrait, 1970s (oil on canvas)

XAB168201: Self Portrait, 1970s (oil on canvas), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Girls from Palermo, 1940, (oil on canvas)
Girls from Palermo, 1940, (oil on canvas)

SBL7146786: Girls from Palermo, 1940, (oil on canvas), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Self portrait, 1942-43 (oil on canvas)
Self portrait, 1942-43 (oil on canvas)

SBL7146587: Self portrait, 1942-43 (oil on canvas), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

The evening visit, 1980 (oil on canvas)
The evening visit, 1980 (oil on canvas)

SBL7146633: The evening visit, 1980 (oil on canvas), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Bettina Fuso, by Renato Guttuso, 1932, 20th Century, oil on canvas
Portrait of Bettina Fuso, by Renato Guttuso, 1932, 20th Century, oil on canvas

MEP944050: Portrait of Bettina Fuso, by Renato Guttuso, 1932, 20th Century, oil on canvas, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Hope against Hope (Spes contra Spem), by Renato Guttuso, 1982, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 224 x 300 cm
Hope against Hope (Spes contra Spem), by Renato Guttuso, 1982, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 224 x 300 cm

MEP850372: Hope against Hope (Spes contra Spem), by Renato Guttuso, 1982, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 224 x 300 cm, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

First study for 'Spes contra Spem' (primo studio per 'Spes contra Spem'), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, watercolor
First study for 'Spes contra Spem' (primo studio per 'Spes contra Spem'), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, watercolor

MEP850376: First study for 'Spes contra Spem' (primo studio per 'Spes contra Spem'), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, watercolor, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Hope against Hope (Spes contra Spem), by Renato Guttuso, 1982, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 224 x 300 cm
Hope against Hope (Spes contra Spem), by Renato Guttuso, 1982, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 224 x 300 cm

MEP850379: Hope against Hope (Spes contra Spem), by Renato Guttuso, 1982, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 224 x 300 cm, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Hope against Hope (Spes contra Spem), by Renato Guttuso, 1982, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 224 x 300 cm
Hope against Hope (Spes contra Spem), by Renato Guttuso, 1982, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 224 x 300 cm

MEP850381: Hope against Hope (Spes contra Spem), by Renato Guttuso, 1982, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 224 x 300 cm, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Man Holding in his Arms a Child Looking at the Sea (Uomo con bambino in braccio che guarda il mare), by Renato Guttuso, 1967, 20th Century, oil on canvas
Man Holding in his Arms a Child Looking at the Sea (Uomo con bambino in braccio che guarda il mare), by Renato Guttuso, 1967, 20th Century, oil on canvas

MEP848443: Man Holding in his Arms a Child Looking at the Sea (Uomo con bambino in braccio che guarda il mare), by Renato Guttuso, 1967, 20th Century, oil on canvas, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Head of Blonde Woman (Testa di donna bionda), 1968 (oil on canvas)
Head of Blonde Woman (Testa di donna bionda), 1968 (oil on canvas)

MEP848449: Head of Blonde Woman (Testa di donna bionda), 1968 (oil on canvas), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Minotaur (Il minotauro), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, ink and watercolour on paper
Minotaur (Il minotauro), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, ink and watercolour on paper

MEP848453: Minotaur (Il minotauro), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, ink and watercolour on paper, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Beatrice. Illustration for the Divine Commedy (Beatrice. Illustrazione per la divina commedia), by Renato Guttuso, 1958 - 1961, 20th Century, ink on paper
Beatrice. Illustration for the Divine Commedy (Beatrice. Illustrazione per la divina commedia), by Renato Guttuso, 1958 - 1961, 20th Century, ink on paper

MEP848473: Beatrice. Illustration for the Divine Commedy (Beatrice. Illustrazione per la divina commedia), by Renato Guttuso, 1958 - 1961, 20th Century, ink on paper, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

Still Life (Natura morta), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, oil on canvas
Still Life (Natura morta), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, oil on canvas

MEP848482: Still Life (Natura morta), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, oil on canvas, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images

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