Tarot Card, by Renato Guttuso, 1972, 20th Century, Casa Editrice La Trace Modenese, print run 250 copies, 12.5 x 19 cm, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images
Damned Souls by the Acheron (Le anime dei dannati presso l'Acheronte), 20th Century, ink and watercolour on paper, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images
First Circle of Hell (La prima bolgia dell'inferno), by Renato Guttuso, 20th Century, tempera on paper, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images
Cupid and Dione. Illustration for the Divine Commedy (Illustrazione per la divina commedia), by Renato Guttuso, 1958 - 1961, 20th Century, ink on paper, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images
Crucifixion and Pieta, dedicated to the Master of the Pieta of Avignon, Grünewald, Picasso (oil on canvas), Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images
Tarot Card, by Renato Guttuso, 1972, 20th Century, Casa Editrice La Trace Modenese, print run 250 copies, 12.5 x 19 cm, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images
Tarot Card, by Renato Guttuso, 1972, 20th Century, Casa Editrice La Trace Modenese, print run 250 copies, 12.5 x 19 cm, Guttuso, Renato (1912-87) / Bridgeman Images